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Update 10.5.0: The Gradivus Dilemma


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Update 10.5.0: The Gradivus Dilemma


Intel shows a growing conflict that will begin on Gradivus in Mars. Expect it to spread. The Grineer are planning an operation against the Corpus lead by Sargas Ruk. Alad V of the Corpus has discovered a cache of Tenno in cryosleep and intends on exploiting them for his secret weapons project. The Grineer are outraged at this contract violation. They are using this as an excuse to invade Corpus space, enslave the local population, and grow their power. The Lotus is your guide but not your conscience. You will have to choose which side to support:
Choose Loyalty, and side with the Grineer to destroy Corpus forces and free your kin. Choose Sacrifice, siding with Corpus to halt the Grineer conquest and enslavement of colonies.
Both sides have reached out to the Lotus with reward offers for each contested location as well as rewards for the conflict as a whole.


Both sides will offer payment for supporting them in a particular contested location in Mars. Selecting a conflict location will present a choice of sides and their respective battle pay. Your battle pay is only given after the location conflict is resolved regardless of which side ultimately wins the location. You will need to commit to a side to earn this Battle Pay by completing 5 missions to prove your support. If you switch sides, you will erode your rating with the opposition and risk getting neither reward. Keep in mind that end-of-mission rewards are unaffected, Battle Pay will be sent to your inbox only when the location conflict ends.



When both sides have exhausted themselves in this conflict you will be rewarded based on two factors: your participation and if you supported the winning side.

TIER ONE REWARDS - Complete 5 missions, regardless of victor.

  • IF you supported Corpus (more missions on their side than against) an elegant Corpus-branded event badge to show off your support for the enigmatic Corpus.
  • IF you supported Grineer (more missions on their side than against) a proud Grineer-branded event badge to show off your support of the mighty Grineer.

TIER TWO REWARDS - Complete 25 missions of any side, with the reward determined by the victor.

  • IF the Corpus win: A deadly Vandal edition of the PROVA. Stun your friends in style. This weapon is super-charged and comes with a weapon slot!
  • IF the GRINEER win: A Wraith edition MACHETTE starving for blood. This weapon is super-charged and comes with a weapon slot!

TIER THREE - Complete 100 missions, with the reward determined by two factors: the victorious side AND if you supported them (you did more missions for them, than against them).

  • IF the Corpus win:
  • And you supported them: The ferocious DETRON hand-cannon. The Detron will be super-charged along with a new weapon slot!
  • You did not support them: A DETRON blueprint, reverse-engineered by the Lotus.


  • IF the Grineer win:
  •  And you supported them: The semi-automatic BRAKK hand-cannon. It comes super-charged and with a weapon slot included!
  • You did not support them: A BRAKK blueprint stolen from a Grineer datacenter.

CLANS LEADERBOARD / TROPHIES - Leaderboard position is based on the sum total of which faction your Clan is supporting.

  • The top three clans in each tier will receive a Faction-specific trophy in Gold, Silver and Bronze form based on their position on the leaderboards for which faction they support.
  • Your clan's score requires a commitment: each member's faction rating will erode the clan's opposing faction's rating. If one member does 100 Corpus missions and another does 100 Grineer missions, they will cancel each other out and your standing will be zero with both. Coordinate.

Go to Mars to participate in “The Gradivus Dilemma”!


Questions? See here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/122841-update-1050-the-gradivus-dilemma/?p=1462802

Update 10.5.0 Notes:


  • Day of the Dead weapon skins pack.
  • Halloween color picker added!
  • Team Totem consumables now available for purchase in 10-pack quantities with reusable Blueprints.


  • Soma Mastery Rank increased from 3 to 6.
  • Made it easier to revive fallen Tenno (facing angle no longer matters).
  • Swapped Skyresh & Stickney mission types to moves survival off the main path in Phobos
  • Oft-requested “separate DOF/Motion Blur” options is now live. These are separate options now.
  • Resized Survival reward popup for easier reading.
  • Added unique names and descriptions for differing Infested Crawlers.
  • Boar Prime energy colour is now tint-able.
  • Weapons affected by sound-dampening mods are a little louder now by request.
  • Camera faces in player direction when starting a Conclave match.
  • Corpus Outpost - Large circular doors now behave like all other doors in the game and do not automatically close.
  • Corrupted “Magnum Force” mod now works with Acrid.
  • Corrupted Mod “Magnum Force” changed from Damage/Recoil to Damage/Accuracy trade-off.
  • Prime gear rewards added to 5m, 10m, and 20+ min tiers in Void Survival missions.
  • Optimizations made to ambient sounds on Grineer Galleon and Grineer Settlement.
  • Standardized conclave requirements at lower levels in mission decks and powersuit ability rebalance for lower conclave levels.
  • Lotus HUD beeps and text typing sounds now mute when user lowers volume of Lotus
  • Turned non-player Soma down.
  • Stun/Knockdown mods value decreased in conclaves.
  • Rage mod value increased to upper tier conclaves (200 to 500)
  • Increased damage resistance for all Warframes in conclave. (10% to 15%)
  • New skybox added to Corpus ship levels.
  • New sound for Frost’s Snowglobe ability.


  • Fixed a crash that could happen if you did a charged melee attack with Dual Ichor on a downed enemy.
  • Fixed some enemy AI navigation issues.
  • Fixed ragdolls affected by weapons and abilities so they function consistently between host and client.
  • Fixed healing ancient from emitting healing pulses while ragdolled (pulses would look like they were coming from the wrong spot).
  • Fixed broken firing animations for Bow weapons.
  • Fixed nightmare Assassination missions giving only the nightmare reward, and not the boss reward.
  • Fixed the Survival mission issue of life support bar appearing at 0% for a few seconds before life support is deactivated.
  • Fixed many possible bad cases happening when doing multiple vault runs (loss of player functionality, potential crash, debuff applied to wrong player, debuff fx applied to non-debuffed player, etc).
  • Fixed various reported map issues across all art sets (navigation, broken geometry, etc.)
  • Fixed Survival rewards that were doubling up on the 5 minute reward.
  • Fixed revive context action from appearing in Conclave duels.
  • Fixed Ash’s Bladestorm ability that would sometimes ignore enemies who are standing right beside the initial target.
  • Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).
  • Fixed Arsenal UI that would not update accuracy values when equipping mods that change accuracy.
  • Fixed Lotus enemy alert notifications from happening too often.
  • Fixed some layout issues in multiple Conclave maps.
  • Fixed issue where destroying a Loki Decoy or Saryn Moult avatar would award players a kill in Conclave duels.
  • Fixed Vauban’s Bounce ability that caused friendly AI to play perpetual falling animation.
  • Fixed some reported issues related to malfunctioning loot containers.

NOTE: Host Migration has been disabled for the event mission type until further notice, it will be hotfixed ASAP.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by [DE]Rebecca, October 25, 2013 - Spam
Hidden by [DE]Rebecca, October 25, 2013 - Spam


Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).

Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).

Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).

Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).

Fixed duration of Nova’s Molecular Prime in Conclave duels (lowered to 5 seconds).

Edited by Rompido
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