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Sci_Ant's Comprehensive Chroma Armor Build Guide [In-Depth With Calculations And Results]





UPDATED : 28th June, 2015



Hello Tenno ! Chroma is such an amazing and complex beast and I've spent many hours wondering how to mod him, as I'm sure many of you have.


Since his best powers (Elemental Ward and Vex Armor) have such complex interactions with each other and with defensive mods (Vitality, Redirection, Steel Fiber etc.), I decided to do an in-depth numerical analysis of a large number of permutations using different mods and elemental combos.


First off a little overview :


1. This guide assumes that you know the basics of how Chroma's abilities work. If not then please read the following page >  http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Chroma/Abilities

2. There are several cases that have been studied, taking into consideration effects only from Elemental Ward and Vex Armor.

3. Each case takes into consideration only elements that affect armor and effective health (Electric, Cold, Heat) Yep, no Toxin.

4. Each case involves the activation of both Vex Armor and Elemental Ward (best way to do this is press 3 then press 2 and the animations will flow seamlessly and you can start shooting immediately).

5. All effective health values are considered only for the period that these 2 powers are active.

6. All related values have been color coded as follows : Shield/Electric, Armor/Cold, Health/Heat/Damage, Effective Health/Results. (Cold is actually obtained by using black, white or grey in the game, but is orange here to connect it to Armor.)

7. Formulae for all the calculations have been taken from the following pages :
    > http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Armor
    > http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Warframe_Attributes#Armor
    > http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Chroma_(Warframe)


8. Acronyms :

TF = Transient Fortitude
BR = Blind Rage
FE = Fleeting Expertise
NM = Narrow Minded
PC = Primed Continuity
Const. = Constitution
r = rank
Dmg = Damage
HP = Hit Points


9. Cases 1, 2, 3 and 4 are based on this basic framework, the empty slots being where the mods in question are placed :




> Damage reduction on Chroma does not affect Shields.

> Armor only affects Health directly.

> Even with max Scorn value on Vex Armor your shields will still take the same amount of damage they were taking earlier.

> Thus rendering a Maxed Redirection or Vigor only a utility to reach the maximum value of Scorn (Armor Increase) directly without having to regen shields after 300 loss.

> It takes a loss of 400 Shields to reach the max Scorn value or max Fury value.

> Overshields losses DO NOT contribute to Vex Armor Scorn increase.


> Elemental Ward's buff's for Chroma and allies are % increases and not fixed number increases. This has been tested by user Bouldershoulder and his post outlining the fact with screenshots is here > https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/431756-sci-ants-comprehensive-chroma-armor-build-guide-v2-in-depth-with-calculations-and-results/page-2#entry4793886


> Vex Armor is a direct increase to TOTAL ARMOR and STACKS MULTIPLICATIVELY with Steel Fiber and Cold Elemental Ward (as stated on wiki, and tested from different sources)


Thread with all the Simulacrum testing done by me > https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/476059-sci-ants-chroma-armor-build-guide-correctional-addendum-important/


> Quick Thinking efficiency is affected by the total Armor on Chroma and adds very large amounts of effective health to him if used along with a maxed Primed Flow. The tests to prove this claim and the effective health values with different cases can be found here > https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/479726-quick-thinking-is-affected-by-armor-proof-implications-on-chroma-sci-ants-chroma-guide-addendum/


> Total Armor on Chroma is the same regardless of which ability is activated first between Elemental Ward and Vex Armor. It is actually better to activate Vex Armor first then activate Elemental Ward since the animation plays out more smoothly and both can be activated fast.


> The damage reduction from Chroma's powers stacks multiplicatively with Trinity's damage reduction from Blessing and the final damage reduction can be calculated by the following formula >


Final Damage Reduction = 1 - [(1 - DRchroma/100) * (1 - DRtrin/100)]

For example if Damage Reduction from Chroma's powers and armor is 95 % and Damage Reduction from Trinity's Blessing is 80 % then the Final Damage Reduction =1 - [(1 - 95/100) * (1 - 80/100)] = 1 - (0.05 * 0.2) = 1 - 0.01 = .99 or 99 %


Thanks to Bouldershoulder and Darzk for providing the above formula.



1. Damage Received = Attack Damage ÷ (1 + Net Armor/300)

2. Damage Received % = Dmg Rec/Attack Dmg x 100 = 100 / (1 + Net Armor/300)

3. Damage Reduction % = 100 - Dmg Rec %


4. The 3 above combined can be simply stated as > 

Damage Reduction % = 100 − (100 / (1 + Armor / 300))


5. Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) 


6. Fury % = 100% + (1.75 x Power strength %)


7. Effective health for Quick Thinking = Damage Reduction factor * Quick Thinking Efficiency * Energy Pool


8. Elemental Ward buffs for CHROMA and ALLIES are according to the following formula:


Added Attribute = Base Value of Attribute * Elemental Ward Buff % * Power Strength %


Therefore, for CHROMA ONLY (Base HP and Shields = 100, Base armor = 350) the buffs are calculated as follows:


For Electric/Shields = 100 * (100% /100) * (power strength% /100) = Power Strength % 

For Heat/Health = 100 * (200% /100) * (power strength% /100) = 2 * Power Strength %

For Cold/Armor = 350 * (150% /100) * (power strength% / 100) = 5.25 * Power Strength %


9. Total Armor on Chroma = Vex Armor increase * (Base Armor + Armor Increase from Steel Fiber + Armor Increase from COLD Elemental Ward) 

                                          = (Vex Armor multiplier * Power Strength) * [base Armor + (Base Armor * Steel fiber %) + (Base Armor * 150 % * Power Strength %)]

                                          = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 + (350 * Steel fiber%) + (350 * 1.5 * Power Strength%)]

                                          = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + SF% + (1.5* Pwr Str %))]


where % implies that the value is what you see in the game UI divided by 100.


Therefore, when 400 shields are instantly lost > 


Simplest formula for Chroma Armor (when both COLD Elemental Ward and Vex Armor are active) = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + SF% + (1.5* Pwr Str %))]


Simplest formula for Chroma Armor (when NON COLD i.e., HEAT, ELECTRIC or TOXIN Elemental Ward and Vex Armor are active) = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + SF%)]


And therefore, when 300 shields are instantly lost (due to no shield increase from Mods or NON ELECTRIC Elemental Ward) > 


Simplest formula for Chroma Armor (when both COLD Elemental Ward and Vex Armor are active) = 75% of (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + SF% + (1.5* Pwr Str %))]

= (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + SF% + (1.5* Pwr Str %))]


Simplest formula for Chroma Armor (when NON COLD or ELECTRIC i.e., HEAT or TOXIN Elemental Ward and Vex Armor are active) = 75 % of (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + SF%)]

(2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + SF%)]


NOTE : 2.625 is 75 % of 3.5, since in some cases only 300 and not 400 shields can be lost giving only 75 % Scorn from Vex Armor, while requiring a recharge and loss of shields to a minimum of 100 only then giving 100 % Scorn from Vex Armor.



ARMOR for COLD @ 400 shields loss (100% Scorn) = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 + (350 * Steel fiber%) + (350 * 1.5 * Power Strength%)]

= (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))]


ARMOR for ELECTRIC, HEAT, TOXIN @ 400 shields loss (100% Scorn) = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)]


ARMOR for COLD @ 300 shields loss (75% Scorn) = (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 + (350 * Steel fiber%) + (350 * 1.5 * Power Strength%)]

= (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))]


ARMOR for HEAT, TOXIN @ 300 shields loss (75% Scorn) = (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)]




CASE 0 = 100 % Power Strength

CASE 1, 2, 3 and 4 = 200 % Power Strength

CASE 5, Alt Versions = MAXED (284%) Power Strength

CASE 0 (Base Reference for Calculations)

No Mods at all


Warframe Details :

Armor = 350
Shield = 300
Health = 300


Power Strength : 100 % (No Power Strength mods)
Power Duration : 100 % (No Power Duration mods)


Power Details :

>> POWER 2 (Elemental Ward) :

Duration = 25 sec
Electric :
+ 100 Shields (300 + 100 = 400 total)
10 x dmg to single target in succession
Cold :
+ 525 Armor (350 + 525 = 875 total)
3 x dmg returned to all ranged targets that attack
Heat :

+ 200 Health (300 + 200 = 500 total)
100 Heat DPS in 5 m range


>> POWER 3 (Vex Armor) :

Duration = 25 sec

Scorn (Armor) = + 350 % or 3.5 x at max (at loss of 400 shields)
Fury (Dmg) = + 275% or 2.75 x at max (at loss of 100 health)





1. POWER 2 + 3 active for ELECTRIC element :

On loss of 400 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 3.5 (350 (1 + 0)) = 3.5 * 350 = 1225 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (1225/300)) =>100 - (100 / 5.0833) => 100 - 19.672 % = 80.328 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300))  = 0 + (300 x 5.0833) = 1524.99 HP (HIT POINTS)


Damage Reduction % = 100 − (100 / (1 + Armor / 300))


2. POWER 2 + 3 active for COLD element :

On loss of 300 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 2.625 [350 (1 + 0 + 1.5)] = 2.625 (875) = 2296.875 Armor


Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (2296.875/300)) =>100 - (100 / 8.65625) => 100 - 11.552 % = 88.448 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300))  = 0 + (300 x 8.65625) = 2596.875 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 100 Shields (200 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 3.5 [350 (1 + 0 + 1.5)] = 3.5 (875) =  3062.5 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (3062.5/300)) =>100 - (100 / 11.2083) => 100 - 8.922 % = 91.078 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (300 x 11.2083) = 3562.5 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]

3. POWER 2 + 3 active for HEAT element :

On loss of 300 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 2.625 (350) = 918.75 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (918.75/300)) =>100 - (100 / 4.0625) => 100 - 24.615 % = 75.3846 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 0 + (500 x 4.0625) = 2031.25 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 100 Shields (200 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 3.5 (350) = 1225 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (1225/300)) =>100 - (100 / 5.0833) => 100 - 19.672 % = 80.328 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (500 x 5.0833) = 2741.67 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]



Maxed Steel Fiber + Maxed Redirection


Warframe Details :

Armor = 735
Shield = 740
Health = 300


Power Strength : 200 % (Max TF + r4 BR)
Power Duration : 166.5 % (Max NM + Max PC - Max FE - Max TF)


Power Details :

>> POWER 2 (Elemental Ward) :

Duration = 41.625 sec
Electric :
+ 200 Shields (940 total)
20 x dmg to single target in succession
Cold :
+ 1050 Armor (1785 total)
6 x dmg returned to all ranged targets that attack
Heat :

+ 400 Health (700 total)
200 Heat DPS in 5 m range


>> POWER 3 (Vex Armor) :

Duration = 41.625 sec

Scorn (Armor) = + 700 % or 7 x at max (at loss of 400 shields)
Fury (Dmg) = + 450% or 4.5 x at max (at loss of 100 health)





1. POWER 2 + 3 active for ELECTRIC element :

On loss of 400 Shields (540 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7 * (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 7 (735) = 5145 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (5145/300)) =>100 - (100 / 18.15) => 100 - 5.5096 % = 94.49 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300))  = 540 + (300 x 18.15) = 5985 HP (HIT POINTS)


Damage Reduction % = 100 − (100 / (1 + Armor / 300))

2. POWER 2 + 3 active for COLD element :

On loss of 400 Shields (340 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 7 (350 (1 + 1.1 + 3)) = 7 (1785) = 12495 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (12495/300)) =>100 - (100 / 42.65) => 100 - 2.3446 % = 97.655 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300))  = 340 + (300 x 42.65) = 13135 HP

3. POWER 2 + 3 active for HEAT element :

On loss of 400 Shields (340 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7 (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 7 (735) = 5145 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (5145/300)) =>100 - (100 / 18.15) => 100 - 5.5096 % = 94.49 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300))  = 340 + (700 x 18.15) = 13045 HP

Maxed Steel Fiber + Maxed Vitality


Warframe Details :

Armor = 735

Shield = 300
Health = 740


Power Strength : 200 % (Max TF + r4 BR)
Power Duration : 166.5 % (Max NM + Max PC - Max FE - Max TF)


Power Details :

>> POWER 2 (Elemental Ward) :
Duration = 41.625 sec
Electric :
+ 200 Shields (500 total)

20 x dmg to single target in succession
Cold :
+ 1050 Armor (1785 total)
6 x dmg returned to all ranged targets that attack

Heat :

+ 400 Health (1140 total)

200 Heat DPS in 5 m range


>> POWER 3 (Vex Armor) :
Duration = 41.625 sec

Scorn (Armor) = + 700 % or 7 x at max (at loss of 400 shields)
Fury (Dmg) = + 450% or 4.5 x at max (at loss of 100 health)





1. POWER 2 + 3 active for ELECTRIC element :

On loss of 400 Shields (100 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7 * (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 7 (735) = 5145 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (5145/300)) =>100 - (100 / 18.15) => 100 - 5.5096 % = 94.49 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 100 + (740 x 18.15) = 13531 HP (HIT POINTS)


Damage Reduction % = 100 − (100 / (1 + Armor / 300))

2. POWER 2 + 3 active for COLD element :

On loss of 300 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 5.25 [350 (1 + 1.1 + 3)] = 5.25 (1785) = 9371.25 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (9371.25/300)) =>100 - (100 / 32.2375) => 100 - 3.1019 % = 96.898 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 0 + (740 x 32.2375) = 23855.75 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 400 Shields (340 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 7 (350 (1 + 1.1 + 3)) = 7 (1785) = 12495 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (12495/300)) =>100 - (100 / 42.65) => 100 - 2.3446 % = 97.655 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (740 x 42.65) = 31761 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]

3. POWER 2 + 3 active for HEAT element :

On loss of 300 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 5.25 * (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 5.25 (735) = 3858.75 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (3858.75/300)) =>100 - (100 / 13.8625) => 100 - 7.2137 % = 92.786 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 0 + (1140 x 13.8625) = 15803.25 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 100 Shields (200 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7 * (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 7 (735) = 5145 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (5145/300)) =>100 - (100 / 18.15) => 100 - 5.5096 % = 94.49 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (1140 x 18.15) = 20891 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]

Maxed Redirection + Maxed Vitality


Warframe Details :

Armor = 350
Shield = 740
Health = 740


Power Strength : 200 % (Max TF + r4 BR)
Power Duration : 166.5 % (Max NM + Max PC - Max FE - Max TF)


Power Details :

>> POWER 2 (Elemental Ward) :
Duration = 41.625 sec
Electric :
+ 200 Shields (940 total)

20 x dmg to single target in succession
Cold :
+ 1050 Armor (1400 total)
6 x dmg returned to all ranged targets that attack

Heat :

+ 400 Health (1140 total)
200 Heat DPS in 5 m range


>> POWER 3 (Vex Armor) :
Duration = 41.625 sec

Scorn (Armor) = + 700 % or 7 x at max (at loss of 400 shields)
Fury (Dmg) = + 450% or 4.5 x at max (at loss of 100 health)





1. POWER 2 + 3 active for ELECTRIC element :

On loss of 400 Shields (540 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7 (350) = 2450 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (2450/300)) =>100 - (100 / 9.1667) => 100 - 10.909 % = 89.09 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 540 + (740 x 9.1667) = 7323.33 HP (HIT POINTS)


Damage Reduction % = 100 − (100 / (1 + Armor / 300))

2. POWER 2 + 3 active for COLD element :

On loss of 400 Shields (340 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 7 (350 (1 + 3)) = 7 (1400) = 9800 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (9800/300)) =>100 - (100 / 33.6667) => 100 - 2.970 % = 97.029 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 340 + (740 x 33.6667) = 25253.33 HP

3. POWER 2 + 3 active for HEAT element :

On loss of 400 Shields (340 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7 (350) = 2450 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (2450/300)) =>100 - (100 / 9.1667) => 100 - 10.909 % = 89.09 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 340 + (1140 x 9.1667) = 10790 HP

Maxed Vitality + Maxed Vigor 


Warframe Details :

Armor = 350
Shield = 420
Health = 860


Power Strength : 200 % (Max TF + r4 BR)
Power Duration : 166.5 % (Max NM + Max PC - Max FE - Max TF)


Power Details :

>> POWER 2 (Elemental Ward) :
Duration = 41.625 sec
Electric :
+ 200 Shields (620 total)

20 x dmg to single target in succession
Cold :
+ 1050 Armor (1400 total)
6 x dmg returned to all ranged targets that attack

Heat :

+ 400 Health (1260 total)
200 Heat DPS in 5 m range


>> POWER 3 (Vex Armor) :
Duration = 41.625 sec

Scorn (Armor) = + 700 % or 7 x at max (at loss of 400 shields)
Fury (Dmg) = + 450% or 4.5 x at max (at loss of 100 health)





1. POWER 2 + 3 active for ELECTRIC element :

On loss of 400 Shields (220 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7 (350) = 2450 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (2450/300)) =>100 - (100 / 9.1667) => 100 - 10.909 % = 89.09 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 220 + (860 x 9.1667) = 8103.33 HP (HIT POINTS)


Damage Reduction % = 100 − (100 / (1 + Armor / 300))


2. POWER 2 + 3 active for COLD element :

On loss of 400 Shields (20 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 7 (350 (1 + 3)) = 7 (1400) = 9800 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (9800/300)) => (100 / 33.6667) =>100 - 100 - 2.970 % = 97.029 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 20 + (860 x 33.6667) = 28973.33 HP

3. POWER 2 + 3 active for HEAT element :

On loss of 400 Shields (20 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7 (350) = 2450 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (2450/300)) => (100 / 9.1667) =>100 - 100 - 10.909 % = 89.09 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 20 + (1260 x 9.1667) = 11570 HP

No Steel Fiber/Vitality/Redirection - MAXED Strength + MAXED Duration + MAXED Efficiency Mods


Warframe Details :

Armor = 350
Shield = 300
Health = 300


Power Strength : 284 % (Max TF + Max BR + Max Intensify)
Power Duration : 194.5 % (Max NM + Max PC + Max Const.- Max FE - Max TF)


Power Details :

>> POWER 2 (Elemental Ward) :
Duration = 48.625 sec

Electric :
+ 284 Shields (584 total)

28.4 x dmg to single target in succession

Cold :
+ 1491 Armor (1841 total)
8.52 x dmg returned to all ranged targets that attack
Heat :

+ 568 Health (868 total)
284 Heat DPS in 5 m range

>> POWER 3 (Vex Armor) :
Duration = 48.625 sec

Scorn (Armor) =+ 994 % or 9.94 x at max (at loss of 400 shields)
Fury (Dmg) = + 597% or 5.97 x at max (at loss of 100 health)





1. POWER 2 + 3 active for ELECTRIC element :

On loss of 400 Shields (184 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350) = 3479 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (3479/300)) =>100 - (100 / 12.5967) => 100 - 7.9386 % = 92.061 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 184 + (300 x 12.5967) = 3963 HP (HIT POINTS)


Damage Reduction % = 100 − (100 / (1 + Armor / 300))

2. POWER 2 + 3 active for COLD element :

On loss of 300 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 7.455 (350 (1 + 4.26)) = 13724.655 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (13724.655/300)) =>100 - (100 / 46.74885) => 100 - 2.1391 % = 97.861 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 0 + (300 x 46.74885) = 14024.655 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 100 Shields (200 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 4.26)) = 18299.54 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (18299.54/300)) =>100 - (100 / 61.9985) => 100 - 1.6129 % = 98.387 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (300 x 61.9985) = 18799.54 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]

3. POWER 2 + 3 active for HEAT element :

On loss of 300 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7.455 (350) = 2609.25 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (2609.25/300)) =>100 - (100 / 9.6975) => 100 - 10.3119 % = 89.688 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 0 + (868 x 9.6975) = 8417.43 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 100 Shields (200 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350) = 3479 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (3479/300)) =>100 - (100 / 12.5967) => 100 - 7.9386 % = 92.061 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (868 x 12.5967) = 11133.91 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]


CASE 5 - Alternate Version 1
No Vitality/Redirection - MAXED Strength + MAXED Duration + Maxed Steel Fiber (replacing Streamline)


Warframe Details :

Armor = 735

Shield = 300
Health = 300


Power Strength : 284 % (Max TF + Max BR + Max Intensify)
Power Duration : 194.5 % (Max NM + Max PC + Max Const. - Max FE - Max TF)


Power Details :

>> POWER 2 (Elemental Ward) :
Duration = 48.625 sec

Electric :
+ 284 Shields (584 total)

28.4 x dmg to single target in succession

Cold :
+ 1491 Armor (2226 total)
8.52 x dmg returned to all ranged targets that attack
Heat :

+ 568 Health (868 total)
284 Heat DPS in 5 m range

>> POWER 3 (Vex Armor) :
Duration = 48.625 sec

Scorn (Armor) =+ 994 % or 9.94 x at max (at loss of 400 shields)
Fury (Dmg) = + 597% or 5.97 x at max (at loss of 100 health)





1. POWER 2 + 3 active for ELECTRIC element :

On loss of 400 Shields (184 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 7305.9 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (7305.9/300)) =>100 - (100 / 25.353) => 100 - 3.9443 % = 96.056 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 184 + (300 x 25.353) = 7789.9 HP (HIT POINTS)


Damage Reduction % = 100 − (100 / (1 + Armor / 300))

2. POWER 2 + 3 active for COLD element :

On loss of 300 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 7.455 (350 (1 + 1.1 + 4.26)) = 7.455 (2226) = 16594.83 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (16594.83/300)) =>100 - (100 / 56.3161) => 100 - 1.7756 % = 98.224 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 0 + (300 x 56.3161) = 16894.83 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 100 Shields (200 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 1.1 + 4.26)) = 9.94 (2226) = 22126.44 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (22126.44/300)) =>100 - (100 / 74.7548) => 100 - 1.3377 % = 98.662 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (300 x 74.7548) = 22626.44 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]

3. POWER 2 + 3 active for HEAT element :

On loss of 300 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7.455 (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 5479.425 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (5479.425/300)) =>100 - (100 / 19.26475) => 100 - 5.1908 % = 94.809 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 0 + (868 x 19.26475) = 16721.803 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 100 Shields (200 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 7305.9 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (7305.9/300)) =>100 - (100 / 25.353) => 100 - 3.9443 % = 96.056 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (868 x 25.353) = 22206.404 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]


CASE 5 - Alternate Version 2
No Steel Fiber/Redirection - MAXED Strength + MAXED Duration + Maxed Vitality (replacing Streamline)


Warframe Details :

Armor = 350
Shield = 300
Health = 740


Power Strength : 284 % (Max TF + Max BR + Max Intensify)
Power Duration : 194.5 % (Max NM + Max PC + Max Const. - Max FE - Max TF)


Power Details :

>> POWER 2 (Elemental Ward) :
Duration = 48.625 sec

Electric :
+ 284 Shields (584 total)

28.4 x dmg to single target in succession

Cold :
+ 1491 Armor (1841 total)
8.52 x dmg returned to all ranged targets that attack
Heat :

+ 568 Health (1308 total)
284 Heat DPS in 5 m range

>> POWER 3 (Vex Armor) :
Duration = 48.625 sec

Scorn (Armor) =+ 994 % or 9.94 x at max (at loss of 400 shields)
Fury (Dmg) = + 597% or 5.97 x at max (at loss of 100 health)





1. POWER 2 + 3 active for ELECTRIC element :

On loss of 400 Shields (184 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350) = 3479 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (3479/300)) =>100 - (100 / 12.5967) => 100 - 7.9386 % = 92.061 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 184 + (740 x 12.5967) = 9505.53 (HIT POINTS)

2. POWER 2 + 3 active for COLD element :

On loss of 300 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 7.455 (350 (1 + 4.26)) = 13724.655 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (13724.655/300)) =>100 - (100 / 46.74885) => 100 - 2.1391 % = 97.861 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 0 + (740 x 46.74885) = 34594.149 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 100 Shields (200 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 4.26)) = 18299.54 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (18299.54/300)) => (100 / 61.9985) =>100 - 100 - 1.6129 % = 98.387 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (740 x 61.9985) = 46078.865 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]

3. POWER 2 + 3 active for HEAT element :

On loss of 300 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7.455 (350) = 2609.25 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (2609.25/300)) =>100 - (100 / 9.6975) => 100 - 10.3119 % = 89.688 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 0 + (1308 x 9.6975) = 12684.33 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 100 Shields (200 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350) = 3479 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (3479/300)) =>100 - (100 / 12.5967) => 100 - 7.9386 % = 92.061 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (1308 x 12.5967) = 16676.44 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]


CASE 5 - Alternate Version 3
No Redirection - MAXED Strength + HIGH Duration + Maxed Steel FiberMaxed Vitality (replacing Streamline and Constitution)


Warframe Details :

Armor = 735

Shield = 300
Health = 740


Power Strength : 284 % (Max TF + Max BR + Max Intensify)
Power Duration : 166.5 % (Max NM + Max PC - Max FE - Max TF)


Power Details :

>> POWER 2 (Elemental Ward) :
Duration = 41.625 sec

Electric :
+ 284 Shields (584 total)

28.4 x dmg to single target in succession

Cold :
+ 1491 Armor (2226 total)
8.52 x dmg returned to all ranged targets that attack
Heat :

+ 568 Health (1308 total)
284 Heat DPS in 5 m range

>> POWER 3 (Vex Armor) :
Duration = 41.625 sec

Scorn (Armor) =+ 994 % or 9.94 x at max (at loss of 400 shields)
Fury (Dmg) = + 597% or 5.97 x at max (at loss of 100 health)





1. POWER 2 + 3 active for ELECTRIC element :

On loss of 400 Shields (184 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 7305.9 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (7305.9/300)) =>100 - (100 / 25.353) => 100 - 3.9443 % = 96.056 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (740 x 61.9985) = 46078.865 HP


> Total Armor = (2.625 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 7.455 (350 (1 + 1.1 + 4.26)) = 7.455 (2226) = 16594.83 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (16594.83/300)) =>100 - (100 / 56.3161) => 100 - 1.7756 % = 98.224 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 0 + (740 x 56.3161) = 41673.914 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 100 Shields (200 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 1.1 + 4.26)) = 9.94 (2226) = 22126.44 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (22126.44/300)) =>100 - (100 / 74.7548) => 100 - 1.3377 % = 98.662 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (740 x 74.7548) = 55518.552 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]

3. POWER 2 + 3 active for HEAT element :

On loss of 300 Shields (0 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 7.455 (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 5479.425 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (5479.425/300)) =>100 - (100 / 19.26475) => 100 - 5.1908 % = 94.809 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 0 + (1308 x 19.26475) = 25198.293 HP


[Only first time loss of shields is accounted for, not loss of shields regenerated later]
[Hence, Scorn reaches only 75 % of it's potential]


On loss of 100 Shields (200 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 7305.9 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (7305.9/300)) =>100 - (100 / 25.353) => 100 - 3.9443 % = 96.056 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (1308 x 25.353) = 33361.724 HP


[Assumed shield regen from 0 to 300 after they are lost the first time and loss of 100 again]
[Hence, Scorn reaches it's full potential]


CASE 5 - Alternate Version 4

No Steel Fiber/Redirection - MAXED Strength + HIGH Duration + Maxed Vitality + Maxed Vigor (replacing Streamline and Constitution)


Warframe Details :

Armor = 350
Shield = 420
Health = 860


Power Strength : 284 % (Max TF + Max BR + Max Intensify)
Power Duration : 166.5 % (Max NM + Max PC - Max FE - Max TF)


Power Details :

>> POWER 2 (Elemental Ward) :
Duration = 41.625 sec

Electric :
+ 284 Shields (420 + 284 = 704 total)
28.4 x dmg to single target in succession
Cold :
+ 1491 Armor (350 + 1491 = 1841 total)
8.52 x dmg returned to all ranged targets that attack
Heat :

+ 568 Health (860 + 568 = 1428 total)
284 Heat DPS in 5 m range


>> POWER 3 (Vex Armor) :
Duration = 41.625 sec

Scorn (Armor) =+ 994 % or 9.94 x at max (at loss of 400 shields)
Fury (Dmg) = + 597% or 5.97 x at max (at loss of 100 health)





1. POWER 2 + 3 active for ELECTRIC element :

On loss of 400 Shields (304 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350) = 3479 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (3479/300)) =>100 - (100 / 12.5967) => 100 - 7.9386 % = 92.061 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 304 + (860 x 12.5967) = 11137.133 HP (HIT POINTS)

2. POWER 2 + 3 active for COLD element :

On loss of 400 Shields (20 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 4.26)) = 18299.54 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (18299.54/300)) =>100 - (100 / 61.9985) => 100 - 1.6129 % = 98.387 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 20 + (860 x 61.9985) = 53338.68 HP

3. POWER 2 + 3 active for HEAT element :

On loss of 400 Shields (20 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350) = 3479 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (3479/300)) =>100 - (100 / 12.5967) => 100 - 7.9386 % = 92.061 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 20 + (1428 x 12.5967) = 18008.04 HP


CASE 5 - Alternate Version 5

MAXED Strength + MEDIUM Duration + Maxed Steel FiberMaxed Vitality + Maxed Vigor (replacing Streamline, Constitution and Primed Cont.)


Warframe Details :

Armor = 735

Shield = 420
Health = 860


Power Strength : 284 % (Max TF + Max BR + Max Intensify)
Power Duration : 111.5 % (Max NM - Max FE - Max TF)


Power Details :

>> POWER 2 (Elemental Ward) :
Duration = 27.875 sec

Electric :
+ 284 Shields (420 + 284 = 704 total)

28.4 x dmg to single target in succession

Cold :
+ 1491 Armor (2226 total)
8.52 x dmg returned to all ranged targets that attack
Heat :

+ 568 Health (860 + 568 = 1428 total)
284 Heat DPS in 5 m range

>> POWER 3 (Vex Armor) :
Duration = 27.875 sec

Scorn (Armor) =+ 994 % or 9.94 x at max (at loss of 400 shields)
Fury (Dmg) = + 597% or 5.97 x at max (at loss of 100 health)





1. POWER 2 + 3 active for ELECTRIC element :

On loss of 400 Shields (304 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 7305.9 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (7305.9/300)) =>100 - (100 / 25.353) => 100 - 3.9443 % = 96.056 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 304 + (860 x 25.353) = 22107.58 HP (HIT POINTS)

2. POWER 2 + 3 active for COLD element :

On loss of 400 Shields (20 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 1.1 + 4.26)) = 9.94 (2226) = 22126.44 Armor

Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (22126.44/300)) =>100 - (100 / 74.7548) => 100 - 1.3377 % = 98.662 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 20 + (860 x 74.7548) = 64309.128 HP

3. POWER 2 + 3 active for HEAT element :

On loss of 400 Shields (20 remaining)

> Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber %)] = 9.94 (350 (1 + 1.1)) = 7305.9 Armor
Dmg Reduction % =>100 - 100 / (1 + (7305.9/300)) =>100 - (100 / 25.353) => 100 - 3.9443 % = 96.056 %


Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 20 + (1428 x 25.353) = 36224.084 HP



With Quick Thinking Primed Flow


>> https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/479726-quick-thinking-is-affected-by-armor-proof-implications-on-chroma-sci-ants-chroma-guide-addendum/



CONCLUSIONS (aka tl;dr) :


1. Best combo in terms of Effective Health


COLD + Max Steel Fiber + Max Vitality + 200 % Power Strength (or more)
> Effective Health = 23855.75 HP up to 31761 HP (96.898 % up to 97.655 % Dmg Reduction)


MAXED BUILD (from CASE 5 - Alternate Version 5)

COLD + Max Steel Fiber Max Vitality Maxed Vigor + 284 % Power Strength
> Effective Health = 64309.128 HP (98.662 % Dmg Reduction)


NOTE : Atleast 100 Shields need to regenerate from 0 and be lost again (after being lost from 300 to 0 the first time) to reach the maximum effective health as shown.


2. Best combo in terms of Armor / Damage Reduction >


COLD + Max Steel Fiber + Max Vitality + 200 % Power Strength (or more)
> Armor attained  = 9371.25 up to 12495 Armor (23855.75 up to 31761 HP) ( 96.898 % up to 97.655 %)


MAXED BUILD (from CASE 5 - Alternate Version 3)

COLD + Max Steel Fiber + Max Vitality + 284 % Power Strength
> Armor attained  = 16594.83 up to 22126.44 Armor (41673.914 HP up to 55518.552 HP) (98.224 % up to 98.662 % Dmg Reduction)


NOTE : Atleast 100 Shields need to regenerate from 0 and be lost again (after being lost from 300 to 0 the first time) to reach the maximum effective health as shown.


3. Best combo without Steel Fiber and both Shields and Health boosted to a minimum of 400 for each >


COLD + Maxed Vitality + Maxed Vigor + 200 % Power Strength (or more)
> Effective Health = 28973.33 HP (97.029 % Dmg Reduction)


MAXED BUILD (from CASE 5 - Alternate Version 4)

COLD + Maxed Vitality + Maxed Vigor + 284 % Power Strength

> Effective Health = 53338.68 HP (98.387 % Dmg Reduction)


4. Best combo using ELECTRIC >


ELECTRIC + Max Steel Fiber + Max Vitality + 200 % Power Strength (or more)
> Effective Health = 13531 HP (94.49 % Dmg Reduction)


MAXED BUILD (from CASE 5 - Alternate Version 5)

ELECTRIC + Max Steel Fiber + Max VitalityMaxed Vigor + 284 % Power Strength
> Effective Health = 22107.58 HP (96.056 % Dmg Reduction)


QUICK THINKING BUILD (from BONUS CASE 1 - Alternate Version)

ELECTRIC + Max Steel Fiber + 155 % Power Strength
> Effective Health = 26190.838 HP (93.0027 % Dmg Reduction)


5. Best combo using HEAT >


HEAT + Max Steel Fiber + Max Vitality + 200 % Power Strength (or more)
> Effective Health = 15803.25 HP up to 20891 HP (92.786 % up to 94.49 % Dmg Reduction)


MAXED BUILD (from CASE 5 - Alternate Version 5)

HEAT + Max Steel Fiber + Max Vitality Maxed Vigor + 284 % Power Strength
> Effective Health = 36224.084 HP (96.056 % Dmg Reduction)


QUICK THINKING BUILD (from BONUS CASE 1 - Alternate Version)

HEAT + Max Steel Fiber + 155 % Power Strength
> Effective Health = 30766.123 HP (93.0027 % Dmg Reduction)


6. Best combo using Quick Thinking and Primed Flow >

BALANCED BUILD (from Bonus Case 1)

COLD + Quick Thinking + Primed Flow + 200% Power Strength

> Effective Health = 46634.4 HP up to 61569.6 HP (96.078 % up to 97.029 % Dmg Reduction)


MAXED BUILD (from Bonus Case 2)

COLD + Quick Thinking + Primed Flow + 284% Power Strength

> Effective Health = 85494.29 HP up to 113582.795 HP (97.861 % up to 98.387 % Dmg Reduction)


NOTE : Atleast 100 Shields need to regenerate from 0 and be lost again (after being lost from 300 to 0 the first time) to reach the maximum effective health as shown.






Order of importance for elements for tanking builds :



Order of importance for mods :

Steel Fiber / Vitality > Vigor > Redirection




1. When using COLD adding Vitality and Vigor gives slightly less Effective Health (around 2000 EHP less) than using Vitality and Steel Fiber, but gives 420 shields that can be lost to give instant max Scorn buff without having to worry about using a Sentinel with Guardian Mod to regenerate 300 shields instantly on loss. The difference is marginal, so you can choose to go for slightly more EHP with Steel Fiber or more independence from companion/reliability regarding Scorn buff with Vigor.


IMPORTANT NOTE: The catch is that when Vex Armor is off you will have 71 % dmg reduction with Steel Fiber on and 53.8% dmg reduction without it. 


2. When using HEAT, ELECTRIC or TOXIN use Steel Fiber for DOUBLE the Effective Health than without.


3. Power Strength is a direct boost to any of these Elements and COLD Ward scales off it the best due to stacking armor multipliers.


4. When using COLD adding Vitality gives more Effective Health than when using HEAT, ELECTRIC or TOXIN. Meaning that Vitality scales better with COLD.


5. Chroma with COLD is good against ranged enemies, with HEAT being better against Infested. ELECTRIC has the lowest Effective Health in any Case, but is good for CC and damage. TOXIN will have similar Effective Health as ELECTRIC, with the disadvantage of not having instant Scorn buff but is useful for blocking builds and against Corpus.


6. Using Rage with any of these builds gives back energy from the loss of health, which can be continuously regenerated using a Winds of Purity Furis, channeling melee with Life Strike or via a Rejuvenation Aura. Rage works best with large health pools so it will work best with HEAT and Vitality together.


7. With regard to Quick Thinking and Primed Flow:


a. When using Quick Thinking and Primed Flow the EHP is effectively DOUBLED while using COLD, increases by a small amount when using ELECTRIC and decreases by a small amount while using HEAT, when compared to a build with the same POWER STRENGTH but using Vitality and Steel Fiber instead of QT and Primed Flow.


b. When using COLD it is more effective to use more Power Strength to get more EHP from Quick Thinking and Primed Flow than to use Steel Fiber.


c. When using ELECTRIC or HEAT it is more effective to use Steel Fiber to get more EHP from Quick Thinking and Primed Flow.


d. Arcane Guardian does not increase the EHP by a considerable amount.


Personally I'm going to use the build in Bonus Case 1 while using Cold and Bonus Case 1 - Alternate Version while using Electric and Heat that can be seen as follows:


Bonus Case 1



Bonus Case 1 - Alternate Version






Oh man that took the whole damn night! (and so many more nights since, lol) :P





SPECIAL THANKS TO : Darzk, Bouldershoulder, LazyKnight and 9nines for their help and contribution!


My other guides >

Ash's Rising Storm Augment - A Study

[Guide] Parkour 2.0 Tips And Tricks / Tutorial Videos Collection

Edited by Sci_Ant
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I was under the impression that the Scorn buff only effects base armor, and does not contribute to the armor gained from SF or Cold Ward.


This means that, for example, having 700% armor from the Scorn buff makes your armor value 350*7 + 350*1.1 = 2835, not the 5145 you state.


This has since been disproven later in this thread; Vex Armor's Scorn buff DOES multiply all armor by the buff, including the armor gained from SF and Cold Ward. As such, you end up with more than 22,000 armor with Cold Ward, SF, and max strength.


Edit: Fury, at 200% Power Strength, is a maximum of 450% damage, not 550%. It's a +175% damage buff effected by power strength, not a 2.75x multiplier.


Edit: From further in the thread, regarding Vex Armor multiplying the armor gains from Cold Ward and SF:

My calculations from Boulder's Charger testing videos:

A level 70 Charger will deal 434 damage to shields, and 6 damage to health, when using a max power strength build with SF and both Cold Ward and 994% VA Scorn buff active.


Using the second assumption; 350*(100%+110%+(150%*284%)) * 350%*284% = 22,126.44 armor; with that amount of armor the 434 shield damage with the empirically calculated 22%/45%/33% I/P/S distribution should be reduced to 6 armored health damage, which is exactly what occurs.


Boulders results with testing from a Fusion Moa:

208 shield damage is reduced to 13 health damage with SF, CW, and VA but with default power strength. This gives roughly 4410 armor, which is 350*(100%+110%+150%)*350% = 4410 which is the same formula without the addition of power strength.



It's proven to my satisfaction; although I do believe DE may change how the mechanic works in the future (and will likely not inform us when they do) so constant retesting and multiple sources might not be a bad idea.

Edited by Darzk
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I was under the impression that the Scorn buff only effects base armor, and does not contribute to the armor gained from SF or Cold Ward.


This means that, for example, having 700% armor from the Scorn buff makes your armor value 350*7 + 350*1.1 = 2835, not the 5145 you state.


Why do you keep using differing amounts of power strength for the different cases?


Edit: Fury, at 200% Power Strength, is a maximum of 450% damage, not 550%. It's a +175% damage buff effected by power strength, not a 2.75x multiplier.


While this has not been confirmed and now that you bring it up, I realise it is just my assumption, considering that shields and health increase from Elemental Ward affects Scorn from Vex Armor.


Also, I have used only Max TF and r4 BR for Case 1 to 3 and clearly stated the Power Strength as 200 % in those 3 cases.

In Case 4, I have stated that I am using more strength mods and durations mods instead of defensive mods, thereby taking the Power Strength to 248 %.


I don't understand how Fury is 4.5 times at 200 % power strength, when it states on the wiki that the maximum it can reach is 7.81 times for 284 % strength meaning it was 2.84 x 2.75 = 7.81. I have used the same number and got 2.75 x 2 = 5.5 .

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While this has not been confirmed and now that you bring it up, I realise it is just my assumption

To be honest I'm not entirely sure either way; it could be the way you'd posted. I haven't done any testing or anything. I was kinda hoping you had before being confident enough to do all the math :P.


 it states on the wiki that the maximum it can reach is 7.81 times for 284 % strength

The wiki is wrong. Shocker. I assume you actually play Chroma - haven't you noticed your buff isn't as high as it should be according to the wiki? To easily test, hit yourself with an explosive weapon while VA is active to quickly max out the buff.

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To be honest I'm not entirely sure either way; it could be the way you'd posted. I haven't done any testing or anything. I was kinda hoping you had before being confident enough to do all the math :P.


The wiki is wrong. Shocker. I assume you actually play Chroma - haven't you noticed your buff isn't as high as it should be according to the wiki? To easily test, hit yourself with an explosive weapon while VA is active to quickly max out the buff.


We can't really know about that for now :/ 


About the Fury %, I went in and checked for myself and you are right it is 4.5 x on 200 % strength and 5.34 x on 248 % strength, which is even weirder cos that means that for 200 % strength it is multiplying 2 x 2.25 and for 248 X strength it is multiplying 2.48 x 2.15. So it seems even more confusing now :P.


Thanks for assuming that I didn't play chroma before you said. :P I've only never bothered to test the Fury values and since this guide is mainly based on Scorn values, it doesn't matter much here. I will correct the Fury values anyway, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

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About the Fury %, I went in and checked for myself and you are right it is 4.5 x on 200 % strength and 5.34 x on 248 % strength, which is even weirder cos that means that for 200 % strength it is multiplying 2 x 2.25 and for 248 X strength it is multiplying 2.48 x 2.15. So it seems even more confusing now :P.

Think of it as a +175% damage buff, rather than a 2.75x damage modifier, and the damage values with power strength work out.

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Think of it as a +175% damage buff, rather than a 2.75x damage modifier, and the damage values with power strength work out.


Got it now, thanks. It's  Fury  = (1.75 x power strength modifier ) + 1


Thus > (1.75 x 2 ) + 1 = 4.5 times

and   > (1.75 x 2.48) + 1 = 5.34 times


Seems legit. :)

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You are confused because the Armor formulas on the wiki are incorrect.


I've done testing of chroma's armor using the formulas for net armor and damage received and here's what I've learned:


Infested charger 16 lvl doing slash damage, which means 100% damage to shields and 50% damage to health.

X - calculated received damage,

Default armor                                          = 350.


Damage to shields                                  = 146,

damage to health                                    = 34,

damage to health with 350% vex armor = 14.


I presumed this is pure damage without slash% modifier and substituted the numbers into the formula Damage received = Attack damage / (1 + Armor/300):

X = 146 / (1 + 350/300), which gave me X = 67,3846154, which is twice the damage I actually received (67,3846154 * 0.5 (slash resistance) = 33,6923077 rounded to 34).


               Then I calculated the same with slash% modifier using the Net Armor formula from the wiki (NetArmor = Armor * (1 - armor type modifier)):

               X = 146 / (1 + 350*(1-(-0.5)/300) = 146 / (1 + 525/300), which gave me X = 53.09090909.

               This is nowhere near the actual result, so the formula for Net Armor is redundant and

               should not be used at all, and the damage type multiplier should be applied to the result

               of the formula for damage received, i.e. last.


Then I substituted the bonus 350% from Vex Armor into the formula:


X = (146 / (1 + 350*3,5/300))*0,5 = (146 / 5,08(3)) * 0,5 = 14,360655737704918032786885245902 (rounded to 14)


These calculated values coincide with observed values.



Now the interesting part

I strapped on a maxed Steel Fiber with 110% armor boost (which gives 735 armor) and did the same testing with the same Charger 16 lvl.


X - calculated received damage,

Armor*(1+SteelFiber)                              = 735.


Damage to shields                                  = 146,

damage to health                                    =  22,

damage to health with 350% vex armor = 8.


Without Vex Armor:

X = (146 / (1 + 735/300))*0,5 = 21,159420289855072463768115942029 (I don't know the logic behind their rounding, but it's close to 22 of the observed damage)


With Vex Armor:

X = (146 / (1 + 735*3,5/300))*0,5 =  7,6240208877284595300261096605744 (again, rounded to 8)



Vex Armor multiplier shown in the Arsenal->Abilities (as well as that which is shown in the buffs UI section) is applied multiplicatively to the default armor: Armor value under Vex Armor = DefaultArmor * (1+SteelFiber) * VexArmor.




(The second part is a bit of a mess, don't take it too seriously)


With further testing (and with a correction from Sci_Ant) it is now assumed that cold Elemental Ward is added to the armor modified by Steel Fiber, i.e. to determine the total armor with Steel Fiber, cold Elemental Ward, and Vex Armor it's necessary to multiply 350 base armor by (1 + SteelFiber%), add cold ElementalWard, and multiply by VexArmor%. Which gives (with maxed steel fiber, and default 150 Ward, and 350% vArmor) (350*(1+1,1)+150)*3,5 = 3097,5 armor


With further testing I have determined that cold Elemental Ward acts in the same way as Steel Fiber, i.e. to determine the total armor with Steel Fiber, cold Elemental Ward, and Vex Armor it's necessary to multiply 350 base armor by (1 + SteelFiber% + cold ElementalWard%) and multiply by VexArmor%. Which gives (with maxed steel fiber, and default 150% Ward, and 350% vArmor) 350*(1+1,1+1,5)*3,5 = 4410 armor

Some more numbers:

Charger 16 lvl

Armor = 350


cold Ward, damage = 18

cold Ward + Vex Armor, damage = 6


Old calculations

X= (146 / (1 + 350*(1+1,5)/300))*0,5 = 18,638297872340425531914893617021

X= (146 / (1 + 350*(1+1,5)*3,5/300))*0,5 = 6,5130111524163568773234200743494


Aaaaand the numbers are off by far, if calculated according to the corrected formulas

X= (146 / (1 + (350+150)/300))*0,5 = 27,375

X= (146 / (1 + (350+150)*3.5/300))*0,5 = 10,682926829268292682926829268293


Charger 16 lvl

Armor*(1+SteelFiber) = 735


cold Ward, damage = 14

cold Ward + Vex Armor, damage = 4


Old calculations

X= (146 / (1 + (350*(1+1,1+1,5)/300))*0,5 = 14,038461538461538461538461538462

X= (146 / (1 + (350*(1+1,1+1,5)*3,5/300))*0,5 = 4,6496815286624203821656050955414


Wrong again

X= (146 / (1 + (350*(1+1,1)+150)/300))*0,5 = 18,48101265822784810126582278481

X= (146 / (1 + (350*(1+1,1)+150)*3,5/300))*0,5 = 6,4459161147902869757174392935982


I think there is a lot of intermediate roundings in the game formulas, so the numbers are very close, but not exact.



Cold Elemental Ward acts in the same way as Steel Fiber does, so their values just have to be summed. TotalArmor = Armor*(1+SteelFiber+ElementalWard)*VexArmor

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So Sci ant,Ive been trying to figure out my build's tank level atm and I have 275% fury with 350% scorn.Here is my build,alil older pic...Only thing not maxed now is the primed cont and its 9/10 now.


I run Ice element with guardians from raid. Rank 2 guardian atm so Arcane Guardian ON DAMAGED: 5%/10%/15%/20% chance for +15%/30%/45%/60% ARMOR for 5/10/15/20 seconds





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You are confused because the Armor formulas on the wiki are incorrect.


I presumed this is pure damage without slash% modifier and substituted the numbers into the formula Damage received = Attack damage / (1 + Armor/300):

X = 146 / (1 + 350/300), which gave me X = 67,3846154, which is twice the damage I actually received 

The formula is correct, but you're missing a step. Elemental damage modifiers to a particular type of armor also modify the armor by that amount. So Chroma with no buffs or mods, has 350*150% armor against slash damage = 525 armor. 


However, you've got a bigger issue; I'm pretty sure Chargers don't deal pure Slash damage. The calculation

X = (146 / (1 + 350*3,5/300))*0,5 = (146 / 5,08(3)) * 0,5 = 14,360655737704918032786885245902 (rounded to 14)

These calculated values coincide with observed values.

Is missing the elemental contribution to armor and the 25% added damage to slash from the flesh modifier... pretty sure its just luck that the number happened to work out right.


I'll do some testing later tonight if I can to verify your conclusions.

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So I was correcting some numbers and my OP, and I don't know what has happened but when I clicked save, it turned into garbled HTML code.  FML. I'll be sitting and correcting it again I guess. FML.



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The formula is correct, but you're missing a step. Elemental damage modifiers to a particular type of armor also modify the armor by that amount. So Chroma with no buffs or mods, has 350*150% armor against slash damage = 525 armor. 


However, you've got a bigger issue; I'm pretty sure Chargers don't deal pure Slash damage. The calculation

Is missing the elemental contribution to armor and the 25% added damage to slash from the flesh modifier... pretty sure its just luck that the number happened to work out right.

I have explained on a particular example how that formula does not work.

Also, seeing how kubrows do only slash damage, I presume that chargers do the same, as they are also dog-like. They tear with claws, which are presumably pretty sharp (recall the lines describing Phorid), and swinging strikes with claws are absolutely ineffective for puncture, and too light for impact. So, slash.

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I have explained on a particular example how that formula does not work.

Also, seeing how kubrows do only slash damage, I presume that chargers do the same, as they are also dog-like. They tear with claws, which are presumably pretty sharp (recall the lines describing Phorid), and swinging strikes with claws are absolutely ineffective for puncture, and too light for impact. So, slash.


I'm sorry, but claiming all the damage formulas that have worked perfectly up to now are all wrong because of a single test subject, with a ridiculous assumption like that, is not gonna fly. 


I kinda remember them being impact damage type tho. Just for the hell of it;

If a charger dealt 100% impact damage, it would be dealing a base 97, which would deal 73 against Tenno flesh before armor... with 350 armor, that's 33.7 damage. You observed 34. With 1225 armor, that would be 14.3 damage - you observed 14.




With SF; 735 armor is 21.16 damage, observed 22. With SF and 3.5x Vex; 735*350% = 2572.5 armor which is 7.6 damage, observed 8.


I guess I agree that VA modifies base armor and the effects from SF. Good to know. I think you just got lucky getting the same results with the wrong formulae.


Not totally sure what you're saying about cold ward tho; it adds +150% armor? I thought it was just a flat +150 armor. There also may be some damage reduction from the reflection going on.

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You are confused because the Armor formulas on the wiki are incorrect.


I've done testing of chroma's armor using the formulas for net armor and damage received and here's what I've learned:

Infested charger 16 lvl doing slash damage, which means 100% damage to shields and 50% damage to health.

X - calculated received damage,

Default armor                                          = 350.


Damage to shields                                  = 146,

damage to health                                    = 34,

damage to health with 350% vex armor = 14.


I presumed this is pure damage without slash% modifier and substituted the numbers into the formula Damage received = Attack damage / (1 + Armor/300):

X = 146 / (1 + 350/300), which gave me X = 67,3846154, which is twice the damage I actually received (67,3846154 * 0.5 (slash resistance) = 33,6923077 rounded to 34).


               Then I calculated the same with slash% modifier using the Net Armor formula from the wiki (NetArmor = Armor * (1 - armor type modifier)):

               X = 146 / (1 + 350*(1-(-0.5)/300) = 146 / (1 + 525/300), which gave me X = 53.09090909.

               This is nowhere near the actual result, so the formula for Net Armor is redundant and

               should not be used at all, and the damage type multiplier should be applied to the result

               of the formula for damage received, i.e. last.


Then I substituted the bonus 350% from Vex Armor into the formula:


X = (146 / (1 + 350*3,5/300))*0,5 = (146 / 5,08(3)) * 0,5 = 14,360655737704918032786885245902 (rounded to 14)


These calculated values coincide with observed values.



Now the interesting part

I strapped on a maxed Steel Fiber with 110% armor boost (which gives 735 armor) and did the same testing with the same Charger 16 lvl.


X - calculated received damage,

Armor*(1+SteelFiber)                              = 735.


Damage to shields                                  = 146,

damage to health                                    =  22,

damage to health with 350% vex armor = 8.


Without Vex Armor:

X = (146 / (1 + 735/300))*0,5 = 21,159420289855072463768115942029 (I don't know the logic behind their rounding, but it's close to 22 of the observed damage)


With Vex Armor:

X = (146 / (1 + 735*3,5/300))*0,5 =  7,6240208877284595300261096605744 (again, rounded to 8)



Vex Armor multiplier shown in the Arsenal->Abilities (as well as that which is shown in the buffs UI section) is applied multiplicatively to the default armor: Armor value under Vex Armor = DefaultArmor * (1+SteelFiber) * VexArmor.



With further testing I have determined that cold Elemental Ward acts in the same way as Steel Fiber, i.e. to determine the total armor with Steel Fiber, cold Elemental Ward, and Vex Armor it's necessary to multiply 350 base armor by (1 + SteelFiber% + cold ElementalWard%) and multiply by VexArmor%. Which gives (with maxed steel fiber, and default 150% Ward, and 350% vArmor) 350*(1+1,1+1,5)*3,5 = 4410 armor


Some more numbers:

Charger 16 lvl

Armor = 350


cold Ward, damage = 18

cold Ward + Vex Armor, damage = 6


X= (146 / (1 + 350*(1+1,5)/300))*0,5 = 18,638297872340425531914893617021

X= (146 / (1 + 350*(1+1,5)*3,5/300))*0,5 = 6,5130111524163568773234200743494


Charger 16 lvl

Armor*(1+SteelFiber) = 735


cold Ward, damage = 14

cold Ward + Vex Armor, damage = 4


X= (146 / (1 + 350*(1+1,1+1,5)/300))*0,5 = 14,038461538461538461538461538462

X= (146 / (1 + 350*(1+1,1+1,5)*3,5/300))*0,5 = 4,6496815286624203821656050955414


I think there is a lot of intermediate roundings in the game formulas, so the numbers are very close, but not exact.



Cold Elemental Ward acts in the same way as Steel Fiber does, so their values just have to be summed. TotalArmor = Armor*(1+SteelFiber+ElementalWard)*VexArmor


Hi man and thanks for taking this mathematical boulder on your shoulder. ;)

I went through your calculations and the first part is completely correct and that is exactly what I have done too.


As you've said >  Armor value under Vex Armor = DefaultArmor * (1+SteelFiber) * VexArmor.


That is the exact formula I've used to calculate the armor values.

For eg : Take CASE 1, Electric element >


I wrote > Loss of 400 Shields (540 remaining) => 7 (from Vex Armor) x 735 Armor = 5145 Armor



About the last part of your calculations, I can't corroborate whether your calculations correspond with your observations, but I think theres is a small mistake made when you take Elemental Ward Cold armor increase as a % rather than a direct added number.


Just like how Heat adds 200 health, and Electric adds 100 shields additively, therefore it can be safely assumed that the wiki is right when it says the same for Cold adding 150 'Armor Points' and not a percentage of the base armor.


Therefore, we can't use the formula as you said > TotalArmor = Armor*(1+SteelFiber+ElementalWard)*VexArmor


It should actually be > Total Armor =  (Armor * (1+SteelFiber) + Elemental Ward) * Vex Armor


Such that for eg : Total Armor (with only Steel fiber max and no strength mods) = (350 * (1 + 1.1) + 150 ) * 3.5 = (735 + 150) * 3.5 = (885) * 3.5 = 3097.5 Armor


and not 4410 Armor as you calculated.



So Sci ant,Ive been trying to figure out my build's tank level atm and I have 275% fury with 350% scorn.Here is my build,alil older pic...Only thing not maxed now is the primed cont and its 9/10 now.


I run Ice element with guardians from raid. Rank 2 guardian atm so Arcane Guardian ON DAMAGED: 5%/10%/15%/20% chance for +15%/30%/45%/60% ARMOR for 5/10/15/20 seconds






Hi 9's. Thanks for taking an interest in my guide. :)


So according to my method of calculations, I'm going to explain step by step what your tank value is so that you can calculate it by yourself in case you ever change your build >>


1. Since you have 100 % power strength, we don't need to multiply any value to the Cold Elemental Ward Armor increase, thereby giving you 350 x 1.5 = 525 armor points, when you activate it.


2.  When it is active you will get 735 + 525 = 1260 Armor points


3. If you activate both Elemental Ward and Vex Armor together, then you will get a total of 1260 x 3.5 = 4410 Armor points only when 400 shields are lost, leaving 20 shields (considering maxed Vigor).


4. Now the damage reduction % => 100 - (100 / (1+ (Armor points / 300)))


 = 100 - (100 / (1 + (4410/300)))

 = 100 - (100 / 15.7)

 = 100 - 6.3694 %

 = 93.631 %


5. Effective Health = Remaining Shields + ((Health) * (1 + Net Armor/300)) 


 = 20 + (860 * (1 + (4410/300)))

 = 20 + (860 * 15.7)

 = 20 + 13502

 = 13522 HP (This is your effective health before quick thinking is factored in)


6.  Now, from Quick Thinking you will have and effective health  = Energy pool * 2.4 * (1 + (Net Armor/300)) 

(this formula was discussed here > https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/431802-armor-applied-to-quick-thinking-help/

and here > https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/386430-quick-thinking-hparmor-ehp-formula/)


 = 637 * 2.4 * (1 + (4410/300))

 = 1528.8 * 15.7

 = 24002.16 HP


7. TOTAL Effective HP = Remaining Shields + Effective health from armor + Effective Health from QT 

 = 13522 + 24002.16

 = 37524.16 HP (without Arcane Guardian active)


8. Now if you get lucky enough to have Arcane Guardian activate right when both Elemental Ward and Vex Armor is active and reached it's max potential then we have to consider for a Rank 2 Arcane Guardian > 15 % chance for 45 % Armor increase for 15 seconds.



> This armor increase will most probably be for the Base Armor and not the increased amount so we will take that into consideration. 

> Base Armor for Chroma = 350

> Armor increase from Arcane Guardian = 350 * 0.45 = 157.5 Armor

> Total Armor value = Armor increase from Arcane Guardian + Armor with Max Steel Fiber = 157.5 + 735 = 892.5 Armor

> New Armor value with Cold Elemental Ward = 892.5 + 525 = 1417.5 Armor

> New Armor value with Vex Armor at Max Scorn = 1417.5 * 3.5 = 4961.25 Armor Points

> New Damage reduction = 100 - (100 / (1+ (Armor points / 300))) = 100 - (100/ (1 + 4961.25/300)) = 100 - (100 / 17.5375) = 100 - 5.702 = 94.298 %

> New Effective Health = (Health + Health from QT) * (1+ (Armor points / 300) + Remaining Sheilds

 = (860 + 1528.8) (17.5375) + 340


= 41913.58 HP (This is your maximum attainable Effective HP with your build + Arcane Guardian)

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I don't think Heat beats Cold in "utility" considering the slow-down effect you get from Cold Armour?


It was a personal preference, but now that you bring it up, it seems Cold is better overall. I have duly updated the OP Conclusions section.

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Just like how Heat adds 200 health, and Electric adds 100 shields additively, therefore it can be safely assumed that the wiki is right when it says the same for Cold adding 150 'Armor Points' and not a percentage of the base armor.

I tested heat Ward near warframes with different base health (100 for frost and rhino, and 150 for Saryn). 75(whatever) boost gave 75 hp to both Rhino and Frost, and 112 HP to Saryn, which is 75% of 150 base hp.




About the last part of your calculations, I can't corroborate whether your calculations correspond with your observations, but I think theres is a small mistake made when you take Elemental Ward Cold armor increase as a % rather than a direct added number.

I myself am not exactly sure in the part of calculations with cold Ward. I tried to deduce where this bonus might be applied, and what I have written in calculations turned out to be the closest to the observed values (the others being off by far. And, well, I just checked and noticed that Vex Armor states "Armor increase (%)", while Elemental Ward says "Armor 150", so this seems to be the cause of the deviation, I'll have to correct my calculations



I updated my calculations according to the proposed formula Total Armor =  (Armor * (1+SteelFiber) + Elemental Ward) * Vex Armor


Cold Ward (150)

X= (146 / (1 + (350+150)/300))*0,5 = 27,375

X= (146 / (1 + (350+150)*3.5/300))*0,5 = 10,682926829268292682926829268293


Cold Ward (150) and Steel Fiber (110%)

X= (146 / (1 + (350*(1+1,1)+150)/300))*0,5 = 18,48101265822784810126582278481

X= (146 / (1 + (350*(1+1,1)+150)*3,5/300))*0,5 = 6,4459161147902869757174392935982


As you can see, numbers do not match.

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I tested heat Ward near warframes with different base health (100 for frost and rhino, and 150 for Saryn). 75(whatever) boost gave 75 hp to both Rhino and Frost, and 112 HP to Saryn, which is 75% of 150 base hp.

If that is the case then it seems as if the Elemental Ward buff acts as a % modifier rather than an additive one but since all Chroma's have the same base stats, it will be considered a fixed numerical value when compared to fixed base stats rather than a %.

This seems to apply only for Chroma himself, whereas it is a % of base stats for allies.

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While this has not been confirmed and now that you bring it up, I realise it is just my assumption, considering that shields and health increase from Elemental Ward affects Scorn from Vex Armor.


it should work similar to warcry which scales off of base armor so its safe to assume vex would work in a similar manner which would mean your armor calculations are off by roughly 1-2k armor. It should usually be assumed that most abilities will scale off of the base of any given value and not the modified value after redir/vital/steel as if that was the case the values could get pretty obnoxious as a result which DE wouldnt want and honestly I wouldnt either.


Also isnt the 400 shields to get the bufff only when using base vex? or does pwr str not increase the needed shields to reach buff max? I havent really tested or looked into that as I always run Max Redir/Vital anyway

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Here is the reason why I assumed that cold Elemental Ward gives a percent based bonus, So, I might be actually correct in my initial calculations.


Cold Ward



And here is a pic for hot Ward. All the values coincide percent-wise and are also shown in percents.


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Thanks for the guide mate. I am still working out how to mod Chroma and where to start spending my forma. So I have a question: From the conversation and test done so far, does Vex Armor only used base armor? Or does it work off of things like Steel Fiber? 

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