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Thanks For Watching Devstream #60!


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ok sooooo blow up the void all that farming and spending plat for keys just wasted right -_-''''. Remove serration all weapons will be on mk1-braton level.... . Yeah im not to thrilled to upcoming changes but ill try to keep positive that with that enemies will also get scaling cause without it doing high level missions would be impossible. 

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Welp, Monday overview ftw! Thanks for showing the Wukong Frame as well guys! Can't wait to see him released!

I was wondering, Rebecca, do you guys hope to ship Valkyr Pre-Corpus with the 17.5 Update this (coming) week if everything goes according to your schedules? She seemed pretty much done.



Maybe I'm slow but is there no Gift of the Lotus for this dev stream?

The special alerts this whole weekend are our Gift of the Lotus, Rebs explained t the very start. Hope this helps!

Edited by NightmareT12
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I feel like we missed a couple powers from the Wukong demo, only saw the "cloud walk" and his ultimate. Or was that just me spacing out?


Oh and an idea a friend had regarding modding: Leaving base stat changes to weapon leveling, and having mods change/add utility to the weapon primarily.

Edited by KamijoTouma
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Regarding (Sun) Wukong,


I've been around the Chinese culture most of my life, and can speak some (40% efficiency or so) Mandarin. I also have a lot of Chinese American and Native Chinese (Taiwan also) friends, and have been all around Asia. I only mentioned the previously stated, because I definitely understand that marketing over there is vastly different from western marketing. It's like comparing kazoos to scuba diving, without a doubt.

That being stated, I figured it would be fun to show some of my Chinese friends the Wukong footage. They and myself agreed; the Chinese DE team really needs to try harder. We are all familiar with Sun Wukong and the Chinese fairytale called Journey to the West, which is where the character comes from.  The way the frame looks is pretty decent. We all definitely liked the Syandana, and I personally would pay for one if it ever appears on the market. The mechanics looked bad and reeked of the typical Chinese developer "It's Chinese, so it has to become a hit!" mentality.

Here's the thing; this is a sci-fi game. It's not a sci fairytale game. This character and especially these mechanics don't fit very well in the Warframe universe. Also, the Chinese market deserves better than 拍马屁 (butt kissing) characters that are only there to pander and be used as what is appeared to be a safe bet.

I personally love that DE is trying to make a big splash in the Chinese market, but the Chinese leadership team basically did the equivalent of adding a Looney Tunes character to a new release of Predator 2.

I'm absolutely not trying to be a critical person of this game.  I love almost everything that has come out over the past year and this is still my fave online game, hands down. This frame and it's mechanics make me super apprehensive about it's reception/debut and I hope this concept has a major rework before release. 


...I want that Syandana!

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Wukong?? Now you got me all hyped!!

Let's see... from the original Sun Wukong, Dragon Ball, Street Fighter, Asura's Wrath, Odyssey to the West, One Piece, and even in LoL... I'm sure he and his powers are portrayed in a lot more games and anime.

Wukong for love, Wukong for life!!

Edited by ndantony
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