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Mag Doesnt Need A Rework


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In my opinion Mag / Mag Prime is one of the better frames for late game


Pull - Great at crowd control, just knocks them down


Shield Polarize - With the mod Shield Transference, when you activate it it can add shields to your war frame ( i can reach 1700 shields without using any shield mods.) It also takes away the enemies shields which is very useful against corpus


Bullet Attractor - I would never mod for this, it isn't great. Its nice to have in boss fights i guess just in case you miss a shot. 


Crush - In my opinion the second most useful power (Shield polarize is better). With the mod fracturing crush it reduces the enemies Armour and it has an effect that makes all enemies stay in place for 7 seconds.


She isnt useless, People think she is and i really dont understand why

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Mag Prime has been my main Warframe for two years now, and I agree that she isn't useless, but she does need a rework.


Bullet Attractor is an amazing idea - damage increase as well as prioritizing a target is an invaluable ability, it just needs to be done...better.  I personally want the ability to caste it on objects as well as mobs and cause heavily armored targets to be stuck to the targeted location/mob.


Crush just needs to be replaced with Fracturing Crush, flat out. 

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I would personally prefer a sort of toggle ability that makes enemies near Mag just start flying off their feet and spinning around her and the enemies hit by objects in her little "magnetic field" takes damage and are knocked down.

Crush seriously needs a better casting time, it is horrendous without NT.


Warframe is a mob game, and Bullet attractor being a single target is abit lacking for the sort of ability it is, maybe Bullet Attractor could use another function where First cast would form a shield around Mag that attracts projectiles, second cast, on a target area would direct all projectiles towards the area and pepper enemies caught in it. (would be a cool augment tho)

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shield polarize haters though its like molecular prime way back. i fear they will break her only useful skill its really is unique and i love it for end game content and its not overpower because level 90 corpus techs will destroy you in .4 secs  by making her others useless skill ok  it does not make here any better synagery is hard impossible logic when we have corrupt mods and people like to play a particular way. 


breaking polarize they might as well not call her mag make a new warframe. 

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Mag is completely usless against Infested and Grineer. I don't think all frames should be good at everything and I do feel that mag is fine where she is at right now. Eventually she does need a rework but a lot of other frames should get priority before she is touched.

With Fracturing Crush, she isn't useless against either.  For the Grineer, it reduces armor and with a duration build, keeps them locked down for awhile.  For Infested, it keeps the locked down for awhile.


The 'frame isn't useless against half the factions if you take the time to figure out how to make her work.  .-.


Yes, there are 'frames that 'just do it better' but that's true for any faction.  It's a matter of players preference more than anything else. 


And yes, every 'frame doesn't have to be good against all factions.

Edited by Noamuth
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Bullet Attractor definitely needs changing. Also she needs more consistent performance across enemy types. I'm fine with her having an edge (even a big one) on Corpus compared to other factions, but right now her powers do virtually nothing to Grineer and Infested, while on the other hand she can wipe an entire Corpus sortie map just by pressing 2. It's a bit extreme.

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Mag has some issues, because the appeal of her each skill varies immensely:

-Pull is considered to be a good, cheap CC skill. It throws enemies everywhere, but you get what you pay for.


-Shield Polarize is insanely strong against 1 faction (technically 2 factions if counting Corrupted), and completely unused anywhere else unless you try to slowly charge your overshields with Shield Transference or try to heal a specter's shields or something.


-Bullet Attractor is considered to be too slow and cumbersome for its energy cost.


-Crush is a decent, radial AoE in that it'll knock down enemies that are out of Line of Sight of Pull.


I mean, in similar fashion, Saryn, Rhino, and Excalibur received tweaks or reworks (depending on the frame) because they had at least 1 skill that was really good and at least 1 skill that was really bad or really situational.


-Roar was way too short for what it did, whereas Stomp and Iron Skin are comparatively more useful.

-Venom (old version of Spore) was hardly used because Miasma did it better and Contagion (old version of Toxic Lash) was hardly used because it was a mediocre ability.

-Excalibur lost Super Jump (due to how Parkour has been implemented and subsequently expanded upon), gained tweaks to Slash Dash, and gained Exalted Blade because changes to Radial Blind/Javelin made him fall out of favor.


The fact of the matter is, Bullet Attractor is Mag's weakest skill and Shield Polarize is her strongest by an unbelievably large margin.


I'd personally like to see Bullet Attractor only attract enemy bullets after the BA'd enemy dies while letting friendly bullets freely pass through. After the duration fully expires the explosion occurs. In essence, this would let Bullet Attractor be a damage multiplier on a target,  then essentially convert that target's corpse into a shield until BA's duration expires, at which point it explodes. 


Alternatively, I could live with Bullet Attractor bouncing between enemies after the target dies. This is taking an offensive approach to adding Bullet Attractor effects versus adding a defensive effect as per the one above.


I'd also like to see Bullet Attractor become a one-handed action and/or have a significant reduction in casting time. At times, using it as a funsies ability isn't even possible because your allies will melt the enemy before you even finish casting BA.


tl;dr in bold-underlines.

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Sounds like it could use a... *puts on sunglasses*









I believe that the problem with Mag is that she's a living rampage against anything corpus, but she completely loses out against infested, grineer, and/or highlevel void due to the nature of her abilities.

Maybe giving her second and third skills usability against those two factions would help her out a lot.

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Mag is completely usless against Infested and Grineer. I don't think all frames should be good at everything and I do feel that mag is fine where she is at right now. Eventually she does need a rework but a lot of other frames should get priority before she is touched.


So because she can can only kill level <insert any number here> Corpus, she's fine?

Keep thinking that, because DE will just make more really arbitrary units to balance, and suddenly, even though the ability still scales, less and less enemies will be effected because <reasons>.


There is always lines in the sand of where you can and cannot do things. DE does not have to change frames, they just have to make it so our abilities become less and less effective which is worse then re-balancing abilities.


A single cast of any one ability should not instantly kill every level 1000 unit in the room just because "Corpus", otherwise the word "level" is meaningless. By that logic she should be able to instantly crush any Starship using shields, because "shields". All abilities need some sense of proportions.

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she does need a rework, becouse her kit is one of the most screwed up things in the game, she instakills anything in corpus missions and doesn't do jack besides a weak root/armor reduction if you have the aug on  against anything else. there IS a problem here.


she doesn't need a massive one thought, she just needs fracturing crush to be integrated with the default ability and the armor reduction to scale with power strenght, be able to cast bullet attractor on any surface and shield polarize reworked to no longer deal damage besides disabling the shields of affected enemies but give you a % of the shields removed  and slow down armored enemies and give your shields a damage resistence based on the armor of affected enemies.

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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she does need a rework, becouse her kit is one of the most screwed up things in the game, she instakills anything in corpus missions and doesn't do jack besides a weak root/armor reduction if you have the aug on  against anything else. there IS a problem here.


she doesn't need a massive one thought, she just needs fracturing crush to be integrated with the default ability and the armor reduction to scale with power strenght, be able to cast bullet attractor on any surface and shield polarize reworked to no longer deal damage besides disabling the shields of affected enemies but give you a % of the shields removed  and slow down armored enemies and give your shields a damage resistence based on the armor of affected enemies.


yeah enrf mag again and again and again. everytime people find something good for Mag people cry.

First it was: Pull needs more dmg and less utility... now its crap thanks to players like you....

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Some good points here and there, but the main reason she needs a rework is:




Magnetic powers are some of the coolest concepts out there, but all her abilities feel generic and boring.


Possible ideas can be a freaking railgun ability, or at least make us feel like actual magnetic manipulators!

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If you say Mag is useless vs grineer and infested, you're probably useless vs them as a number of frames.  She can cause all kinds of problems for both factions and do it quite effectively.  Ah man, its crazy when ineffective players have the loudest voices and try to run the show.


I'm not going to deny that she could use some tweaking, but she doesn't need a rework.


The fact that everyone ignores her kit and says that she's useless is largely people seeing her for nothing but her shield nuke because it outshines everything so hard.  Bullet attractor is extremely good and people that can't see it, I hate to be this way, but you're just terribly uncreative and I wouldn't take you on the toughest content without suspicions of hanging onto what the meta cries for and outright leeching.  Bullet Attractor multiplies damage and acts as a non-obnoxious frost globe.  You can use it to drop targets extremely fast.  Its a defensive/assassination tool.  Its more defensive vs the grineer, but its still extremely handy for dropping heavies of either faction.  IT MAKES IT SO EASY.  But because it doesn't outright nuke them, its terrible? Get real/do some work


Crush is eh until fracturing crush comes along.  It completely paralyzes units.  Do you understand what immobile, non attacking infested mean?
IT MEANS THEY DON'T DO ANYTHING.  Compare that to overload,tornadoes, cataclysm, tentacle swarm, effigy, sound quake, reckoning, and divine spears.  50% armor stripped means you do more damage to armored things.  FC doesn't just root them, they can't melee.  That's better than a slow or knockdown.  You can still hit them easily after you use the ultimate, and you as the frame are free to do so.  The fact that people don't see this amazes me and I just feel people can't use the tools well/in complementary fashions.  Its just as silly as using Ember without heat weapons or, I don't know, toxin Chroma.


FC could be integrated with the ability.  I wish pull was pull and not chaos party throw.  Bullet attractor, as bl4ckhunter said, just needs to be point cast. Possibly slow/root.  Shield polarize can lose some effectiveness if it means that power goes elsewhere.  Still, anyone who says she's useless or situationally useless (she's also the only frame that can shield tank in the game..) is barely worth listening to.

Edited by Terrornaut
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I'd personally like to see Bullet Attractor only attract enemy bullets after the BA'd enemy dies while letting friendly bullets freely pass through. After the duration fully expires the explosion occurs. In essence, this would let Bullet Attractor be a damage multiplier on a target,  then essentially convert that target's corpse into a shield until BA's duration expires, at which point it explodes. 


Alternatively, I could live with Bullet Attractor bouncing between enemies after the target dies. This is taking an offensive approach to adding Bullet Attractor effects versus adding a defensive effect as per the one above.


I'd also like to see Bullet Attractor become a one-handed action and/or have a significant reduction in casting time. At times, using it as a funsies ability isn't even possible because your allies will melt the enemy before you even finish casting BA.


tl;dr in bold-underlines.

This I don't want to see solely because BA being built with high power and low duration means its an assassination tool. You can use it to quickly drop targets without it becoming obnoxious like snow-globe does with blocking fire (I really hate that thing lol).  I've always hoped for it to hop targets, and for that explosion to actually do something since they tacked it on...but its one of the best skills in the game for making a target dies, because its essentially a target painter that helps the thing die very, very fast due to both allies and enemies taking it down.

It does need a faster cast speed. I agree with pretty much everything else you said besides the intended change.  Though with Natural Talent, being able to snap that thing on targets insta-fast (which is absolutely necessary for that ability to shine) makes it a wonderous tool if you can manage power effectively.

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I too feel she doesn't need a rework. Maybe a touch up on BA at most. She's my favorite frame because of the kit she has now. Her whole appeal, to me at least, is the fast and active play style she has. My big worry is they'll change her into a passive duration CC frame like Loki or Nova. And that's just boring.

And I like the freedom in her builds, balancing utility, damage, and survivability into different situational setups. She's phenomenal with a full efficiency/range build with no damage on everything but corpus. And obviously a standard damage build handles corpus easily.

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There is frames that need far more attention but as a current starter frame now she needs it a bit sooner since newbies may pick her.


Apologies but I need to copy and paste my last large post for threads like these.




As a Mag user I can probably give harsher feedback to why she needs a rework...


Pull: It pulls all enemies towards a direction, however, not together or in any way that teammates can destroy them quicker.  Have to fully wait for the enemy to stand back up before being able to pull them away from the area again.  The ability ends up being used just so I have time to revive people.  Can't be used while shooting, not like it'll help you if you suddenly yank the targets away from everyone.

•Other remarks.  To anyone who've also seen the many changes to Pull we can all be happy it isn't 1 single enemy anymore, though I still miss yanking teammates to me, Valkyr does that now.  Though a funny thing it use to do was pull the shields off certain Grineer.  Then the first major rework of Pull yanked all enemies to Mag, which got those users killed since there wasn't a knock down originally, a lot.  They then added knockdown to the ability.  Then a "nerf" happen which stops the ability from working through walls,  which was fine because enemies weren't so tough back in that time so a few powered up Pulls would kill most enemies before anyone can kill them.

Augment.  Greedy Pull was fine when it worked for teammates.  No one needed to bring Carrier.  I could understand it made some super farms happen but once they removed it for teammates thing got closer to only helping Mag.  Then suddenly we can't yank stuff through walls!  Oh no!  Seriously this augment made lots of people lazy.  Before this augment everyone relied on Carrier sentinels, before Carrier existed we ran over all our loot.  I rather everyone has a built in 2-5m range vacuum so we can stop this augment and Carrier.


Shield Polarize:  Ya... That ability that everyone expects me to build all the time. Woo...  The magic Power Strength is 200%... With about 180% Power Range...  Woo... Corpus Killing "ONLY" ability...  We don't have many abilities that only target a specific enemy like this one...  Needs something else so we have more reason to use it on any faction.  Oh and those Corpus Sorties...  Guardian Eximus are really ruining the amount of explosions from this ability,  which is fine.  Sorties are not suppose to be a cake walk even if it's Corpus.

Other remarks.  This ability use to be her absolute WORSE ability.  Her earlier form of it only effect 1 single target and had no explosion effect.  During her first major rework/buff they just made it a large area effect...  With the exploding bits most people all seem to love right now...

Augment.  It allows me to toss my redirection in place of overshields.  I heard it use to be better making a small bubble that stop all procs but blast and gas.  They changed it to be normal overshields now instead of that bubble.  I think I remember the reason being because some people's power colors made it hard to see with an actual bubble around her.  Either way I wish this augment helped teammates also.


Bullet Attractor:  Yup...  It's actually a pretty good ability... At least the idea.  The fact that we cannot aim for weakpoints of targets inside it or at least hit another target in the bubble is pretty painful for its use.  Right now I mainly use it for shotguns and glaive weapons.  The real issue is that it only last for that one target for that high of an energy cost.  If it was a toggle and skip from enemy to enemy it would serve soo much better.  Now if they can make the bubble only redirect missed, ground, wall, other enemies in bubble shots.  This would be great.

Other remarks.  This ability pretty much, just about, NEVER CHANGE.  There was a few changes to this ability.  The first change was to stop it from being casted on teammates really early in closed beta,  It was funny killing jerks in Pubs in the past.  Their grand rework for the ability was to add an area blast that's signaled by suddenly the bubble turning red...  The damage of that is too low...  But seriously toss your glaive, glaive prime, cerata in there as it sticks to them nearly the full duration.


Crush:  As mention the augment makes it good for armor reduction, though only 50% of current armor which, lets be honest, is pointless if you have at least 3 teammates with Corrosive Projection auras on...  ZERO power strength is needed for that type of build.  If you're going for CC the current Pull does better if you need to suddenly revive a teammate or stop enemies from hacking a console in interception.  The thing everyone mainly hates from Crush is just the quick recovery back to their feet and shooting you.  Even with the augment they'll be stuck there but still shoot you.  Even worse when a Mag uses this augment in an interception and sticks the enemy on the console so you can't knock away the target.  So the only way to stop an enemy glued there is to kill it, which is not so easy to do when it's a sortie lvl 100 enemy Grineer.  Also there was many many occasions the ability got me killed since targets outside the range just shoot me while I'm trap in the very long animation.

Other remarks.  It use to make meatballs of enemies and they use to take longer to get up.  It was changed to the 3 pulses we all know now, just no meatballs anymore.  So they all get up faster which means more death for you!

Augment.  Well I pretty much went over it already.  It feels this should be built in because you know... The meatball thing.  I'm just annoyed that this only stops them from moving around.  Getting shot up is still bad. Mmkay?




If she gets a rework it shouldn't ruin her current feel for veteran players for sure.  Here's a link to how I would like her to be fixed.


Edited by BBYipho
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With Fracturing Crush, she isn't useless against either.  For the Grineer, it reduces armor and with a duration build, keeps them locked down for awhile.  For Infested, it keeps the locked down for awhile.


The 'frame isn't useless against half the factions if you take the time to figure out how to make her work.  .-.


Yes, there are 'frames that 'just do it better' but that's true for any faction.  It's a matter of players preference more than anything else. 


And yes, every 'frame doesn't have to be good against all factions.


The problem is that you have to mod for fracturing crush, and duration isn't actually good for any other mag skill.


No, it isn't good for bullet attractor, anything you're putting BA on is going to die and it's going to explode and deal a negligible amount of blast damage.  Much like when people tried to argue for modding duration for hydroid to make tentacles better, the ability is actually still objectively better with the power/efficiency mods you use for literally everything else.


Mag is mostly fine, bullet attractor could use a small buff and fracturing crush should either be built into crush by default OR should scale with power strength.



she does need a rework, becouse her kit is one of the most screwed up things in the game, she instakills anything in corpus missions and doesn't do jack besides a weak root/armor reduction if you have the aug on  against anything else. there IS a problem here.


she doesn't need a massive one thought, she just needs fracturing crush to be integrated with the default ability and the armor reduction to scale with power strenght, be able to cast bullet attractor on any surface and shield polarize reworked to no longer deal damage besides disabling the shields of affected enemies but give you a % of the shields removed  and slow down armored enemies and give your shields a damage resistence based on the armor of affected enemies.


being able to cast bullet attractor on any surface would add absolutely no utility and would actually just make the ability harder to target for any use.  What a terrible change.  Have you ever actually played mag?

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Crush seriously needs a better casting time, it is horrendous without NT.

Why the HEK would you use Natural Talent with Crush? You're shortening the cast time but also causing the CC from that cast time to last a lot less. You are actually hindering your own effectiveness by doing so.


Not only that, but between each of the 3 ticks, if an enemy walks in range they get hit by the next tick and CC'd for the rest of the skill's duration, including a knockdown on the final tick if they only get hit by that.


It is literally fine as it is and Natural Talent actually makes it significantly worse.

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