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July 25Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics July 25th  

2,103 members have voted

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MK-1 Weapons

Update 14 introduced new sets of MK-1 weapons during the prologue quest, and several players are speculating what their impact will be in the market. Some players are excited for the mastery they will provide and others worry that they’ll be a pain to level. How do you feel about the MK-1 weapons being added to the market? Answer in the poll!


Please, continue the discussions in the source threads:


Toxic and Bleed Damage

I posted an example of this topic last month, and it’s still a relevant issue. 


From last month:

“The discussions have generated a lot of opposing opinions about toxic damage and bleed procs. Some players have said they enjoy the challenge, and other players have said that it’s just not fun. Damage that bypasses shields can completely counter shield tank builds and make a large set of mods completely ineffective, but it also helps eliminate cookie-cutter builds (players have to diversify their mod choices).”


I’ve included it as a poll this week so players can vote and see how their fellow players feel about this subject. It has an even greater impact now that toxic and bleed are being used in Dark Sector missions (Acrid and Shuriken being common examples). Keep in mind, large balance changes to Dark Sectors are coming (likely today) which may affect your thoughts on this topic. There are two polls about this subject; the first is a general question about damage that bypasses shields, and the second is a question about whether or not damage should be able to bypass shields in PvP. 


Please, continue the discussion in the source threads:



This topic is simple: How do you feel about your new, vocal, AI companion? Some players have said that the AI is too chatty. Check out the poll to see what the chatter is all about. 


Please, continue the discussion in these source threads:


Silva & Aegis

While reviewing the weapon feedback threads, it was obvious that Silva & Aegis is Community Hot Topic. This is the first time players have been able to equip a shield in Warframe, and several threads have suggested that shields should have some advantages when blocking. Other changes have been suggested as well for Silva & Aegis, so lets try and combine some of them into a poll for more concise feedback. Answer in the poll above to provide your feedback. 


Please, continue the discussions in these source threads:



Stamina is often a Hot Topic, so if players are interested, we could do some polls about Stamina change ideas in future Community Hot Topics


Update 14 on PS4

PS4 Tenno, we know many of you are eager to get your hands on all the U14 goodies. The dev team is hard at work getting the next PS4 build ready to ship, so that you can have your ship! We will continue to provide updates on it’s progress! Answer the poll to say what you are most looking forward to in the next PS4 update. 


Please, continue the discussion in the source threads:


New UI Feedback

While many players are enjoying the new diegetic (in-world) user-interface, some players have mentioned that the new UI requires more clicks to access certain menus and buttons.  The new UI also brought a dramatic change to the solar chart, and it feels very different than the old map and nodes. The UI still has some bugs to work out, but it will continue to improve in future updates.  Answer the poll to voice your opinion of the new UI so far. 


Please, continue the discussion in the source thread:


Test Servers

Players have been asking for a place where a limited group of players could test new content. This is a topic that we often think about as well. We have explored options that best fit the pace of the Warframe development cycle, but so far nothing has been realistic for us to use in the best possible way. You’re not alone in thinking it’s a great idea - it is - we just don’t know if or when it will happen. 


Please, continue the discussion in the source threads:


Dark Sectors

A huge amount of feedback is coming in about the new Dark Sectors conflicts. There are definitely a lot of tweaks and balance issues that will be addressed in future updates/hotfixes. We can explore more Dark Sectors topics as the balance changes get closer to being polished and finalized. 


Please, continue the discussion in the source thread:


Still Hot Topics

In the last Community Hot Topics, we had our first round of polls to get a sample of how the Community feels about a handful of topics. The polls will not dictate any game changes, but they do provide some interestings statistics for both the dev team and the players to consider. The polls provide some hard numbers to support the written feedback we receive on each of these topics. We can revisit all of these topics as players come up with new ideas and the dev team releases more information about their plans for the future (I don’t think we’ll ever run out of topics to discuss). I’ve tried to improve the Hot Topics layout by reducing the clutter in the original post, and I’ve removed the thread screenshots to save a bit of time/space, but let me know if you want me to bring them back!

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Ordis, I like the idea, but he's rather bland. His happiness to have a warframe user again nor his dislike / grudging fondness of your Kurbro just arent intense enough to make an impression.


Contrast with Hall, or GLADOS, or AK 47 all great classic AI characters, because they clearly and distinctly felt things and made no bones about it. 

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Ordis, I like the idea, but he's rather bland. His happiness to have a warframe user again nor his dislike / grudging fondness of your Kurbro just arent intense enough to make an impression.


Contrast with Hall, or GLADOS, or AK 47 all great classic AI characters, because they clearly and distinctly felt things and made no bones about it. 

It's HK-47, and he is my favorite AI character of all time.

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I voted other for a couple things:


My opinion on shield bypassing damage? Other. I don't think it should exist at all. It's bad gameplay to have a damage type that completely negates an entire layer of player protection. That doesn't "encourage build diversity", it just encourages cookie cutter builds for toxin defense instead of shield boost. It also has problems from a lore standpoint. We're supposed to believe that the warframes, what amounts to orokin god machines, are not sealed versus poison gas? And somehow bladed weapons can cut you not only through your shields, but also through your warframe armor? Man what.


How do I feel about Ordischat? Other. I think right now the interval between chats is decent enough, but that he needs a wider variety of things to say and comment on. Perhaps he could comment on Earth when you're over Earth or something similar.


My opinion on the UI? Other. It's mixed. Initially I hated it and I still dislike how usability took a step backward. But as I played with it more and got used to it, it's grown on me. It's very pretty and cool looking, though it could still use something with the same one-click mechanism we had before with the top bar, and it definitely needs to abandon the white on light gray color scheme when it comes to mod drop text in the codex, though otherwise it's fine there.

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Here's a hot topic for you: what about the most recent XP nerf? The XP nerf that came with enemy rescaling and damage 2.0 wasn't enough?


And here's more:

-status mods still being 2.5%/rank months after they were introduced?

-Acrid dealing pitiful damage unworthy of its mastery rank, and weapon effectiveness related to MR in general

-PvP Dark Sectors released before fixing balance issues that have been around since conclaves

-the oft-talked about rewards for MR haven't materialized (don't even mention loadout slots)

Edited by blackgu4rd
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In regards to ordis I don't mind his chatter, the only thing I would like is more variety. I personally like the look of the ui but do agree ATM it's slower to navigate and a little buggy which you guys are working really hard to fix which is appreciated.

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Silva and Aegis's main problem is that the newest feature (the shield) is useless. 


Now blocking with it is alright, at least until you run out of stamina, which is often due to the increased stamina drain the Aegis has while blocking. I feel it would be a good change to give it reduced stamina drain while blocking, because it is a shield and is designed specifically for blocking.


Stamina so far does nothing but hinder mobility/melee, and gives nothing beneficial in return. I feel that either the stamina cost of melee mechanics needs to be reduced, or give all Warframes both a higher stamina pool and higher/faster regeneration.


Test Servers is something I feel we definitely need.

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I understand that some people like Ordis but others do not like Ordis because it seems to become repetitive after you've known him for a long time, I feel that Ordis could use more dialogs to keep him from being annoying or having the option to mute transmissions. Do not get me wrong, I do like him. 

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Having damage that directly bypasses shields is almost always a pain, as it negates you equipping said mod(s). With the prevalence of this form of damage in the game, I have felt that I need to run setups that counter this, either through running frames with healing (passive and active) or more often through building extra health and running melee with life strike.


Bleed procs are the least annoying form of this damage as they don't do a huge amount of damage, and can be fairly easily avoided, though you still have to watch out for the damage adding up, especially on squishy frames


The more rage inducing form of this damage is poison clouds from the infested. Turning a corner and losing half your health due to fartspreys or Toxic ancients gets tiring pretty quickly, especially when you're maxed out redirection is ignored.

The idea I had here was to give toxic clouds stacking damage, meaning that the longer you stand in the gas, the higher the damage per second you will take.

This still lets them accomplish their goal of forcing you to be mobile, and causing areas to be unpleasant, but removes a lot of the annoyance they add. 

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Kubrows remain my biggest annoyance with Update 14, the fact their health (DNA integrity) decays daily rather than their damage (loyalty) sticks in my craw. At 100,000 credits to maintain for 6-day vs nothing for sentinels it makes them little more than mastery fodder which is a shame given the effort put in by the Devs.

Outside of that, once we get past all the bugs update 14 has been a welcome change and in truth the biggest thing I am looking forward to is seeing what further use is made of quests.

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Shield-Bypassing Damage


I think the big note is that, IF shield-bypassing damage is allowed to occur, it should not be able to kill you so easily while your shields are still active; otherwise, while it makes health matter more, it makes shields completely meaningless. I've proposed in the past that Bleed and Poison procs could instead be changed to either 1) have damage mitigated if the target's shields are still active (say, splitting the majority of damage with the shields) or 2) be unable to reduce you below a certain amount of hitpoints on their own (or each could do one or the other, to make them more unique).


It really is quite disconcerting to try and level a frame in a Dark Sector when all of your enemies can oneshot you without touching you.




My major problems with Ordis thus far have been related to glitchy quest dialogue; it took its toll when I'd spam the "Enter Clan Dojo" button for about 15 minutes and hear the tail-end of the Kubrow quest's lines repeated over and over because of bad hosting and an inability to complete the quest.

It would be nice to have an option to turn off his dialogue when you're not on a questline, however. I've had situations where his sudden silence-breaking was more startling than immersive. If I'm allowed to say so, much of his dialogue really isn't all that compelling to hear repeated; amusing the first time, annoying the seventeenth.


Silva & Aegis


Oddly, when I was using the Aegis, I felt more penalized for blocking due to the stamina consumption rate; I'd try blocking an automatic weapon and only stop about half a dozen bullets (on a stamina-modded Hydroid, of all things) before keeling over - even though holding up a shield should take virtually zero effort compared to actively shifting your blade to deflect bullets. It actually feels more rewarding to block projectiles on other melee weapons as a result, since they appear to be equally effective shot-for-shot (or so my current experience dictates) and more efficient overall.

It pairs with the fact that the 2/3 of implemented Blocking-related mods are actually attached to your Warframe rather than your weapon (so I can't build my shield to reflect attacks, I have to drop carefully-calculated mods on one of my casters), and that there are no Stamina Efficiency mods for weapons either. I feel moving Reflection over from the Warframe to the melee selection, coupled with some changes to Aegis to make the benefits of using a shield to block more distinctly overt, could go a long way to patching it up. There's potential yet to make blocking builds efficient and worthwhile!


Some more damage can't hurt either.

Edited by Archwizard
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Kubrows remain my biggest annoyance with Update 14, the fact their health (DNA integrity) decays daily rather than their damage (loyalty) sticks in my craw. At 100,000 credits to maintain for 6-day vs nothing for sentinels it makes them little more than mastery fodder which is a shame given the effort put in by the Devs.


Agreed. Can we have an option to feed them or something to prevent DNA loss for 24 hours? It should only punish abandonment not just be a time based credit sink.

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Mk-1 Weapons

Great for a brand new player to get a cheap set of things before sinking resources into the foundry. For anyone else it's just another pile of junk to grind.


Toxic and Bleed Damage

I think the procs are fine since there needs to be some sort of counter to a shield tank. However, I don't think they should be able to outright kill you. Either have both procs unable to lower your HP below 1, or implement a system where remaining shields = reduced proc time.


Silva & Aegis

Really fun combos from it. Damage feels fine to me personally since the status chance is high. It should have some innate blocking bonus though.


New UI Feedback

The new UI looks nice, but has some major problems that need addressing. First, the UI moving with your mouse causes motion sickness in some players, so it could really use a static option. Second, it needs some configurable shortcuts. Allow us to set the F1-F12 keys as esc menu hotkeys, or put some shortcuts at the top of the menu to remove lots of clicking.



He needs more things to talk about and at less frequency to me, and have him not talk while im in the arsenal or looking through mods, since his transmission box blocks what I'm looking at.


Also, there should have been a Kubrow poll and topic as well, since there is a lot of feedback everywhere about what is good and bad about them.

Edited by MochiDDR
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Stamina is often a Hot Topic, so if players are interested, we could do some polls about Stamina change ideas in future Community Hot Topics


Yes please. Stamina has always been a hot topic for very good reasons.


As for the rest, I'll just give my opinion on the new UI.


While I love the concept behind it and pretty much prefer the idea over the old UI, I feel that each time an overhaul like that takes place, it takes too much time to reinsert some elements that should be common sense by now.


- Lack of intuitive information: Hovering mouse over planets should show resources and info, just like pre-U14; why was this removed?


- Questionable decisions when it comes to color and lighting: Why are some icons being white when there's so much bloom and white colors? White on white is a no-no, and this should not even be an issue in the first place, for having redone the UI so many times. Additionally, there's so much white and bloom in the arsenal that it's hard to customize certain weapons.


- Planets don't have a clear progression anymore: This is a big issue that confuses many players in how to gain the proper navs. Not only this, it reduces the scale of the world we see. This has been discussed thoroughly in notionphil's topic.





Any reasons why there isn't a community hot topics on infested changes or kubrows? Theses two subjects are talked a lot, both here and on Reddit.

Edited by Casardis
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On the subject of MK1-weapons...


While I would have advocated for their inclusion prior to reading the linked thread, I agree that a preferable solution would be to remove them entirely. Undermodded weapons are sufficiently weak enough to serve as "first weapons" for new players. DE doesn't need to introduce deliberately handicapped weapons to that end. (For that matter, the "broken" mods are also a questionable move...)


As much as I'd love the mastery, new weapons would fill the void in a much more satisfying way.


Oooon the other hand, if DE introduced the MK1s and gave us the means of upgrading them while preserving Forma/Catalysts in addition to introducing this as a mechanic for other weapons, I don't think it'd be as problematic. Maybe.

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I always thought that Toxin damage (not procs but the actual hits) bypassing shields was a bug.  I mean, Proto-Shields are supposed to take extra damage from Toxin but actually they take no damage as it goes straight through to health.


PS: I don't seem to be able to vote as it keeps telling me I need to vote in each category even though I have.  I triple checked last time and still got the error.

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Like or don't like isn't a good measure to gauge the new UI, it has good parts, I like the look, I like the somewhat unified appearance, but the sway is giving me motion sickness, my warframe blocks part of the UI permanently and the scale is all over the place.


And the old top bar is gone and is now a nested menu hidden behind a button/esc slowing navigation significantly.

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In regards to the Silva and Aegis:


I think that the shield should offer something more unique than just reduced stamina. I was thinking, either innate damage reflection or the possibility of it doing and procing fire damage on melee attacks when they hit you while blocking.

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can't vote

I like the new UI but as it's been pointed it'd be great to need less clicks (mods separate section for fusing and browsing? I liked the old way where you could do both on the same screen). Solar map would be much better IMO if you went back to the size difference between planets.

Edited by Blekarotva
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