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Everything posted by Siala

  1. A spinning laser beam. Giant blade/saw. Even some funny weapons that hypnotize enemies, make them dance and move closer before exploding. [Really wish we had some funny weapons like these.] A grenade that tethers all the enemies in the area pulls them in, lifts up and spins them around like a Merry Go Round, and deals continuous status damage [confusion/dizziness]. Could even be a spike or pole. A giant ball that instead of exploding it shoots and retracts long spikes continuously. A grenade that explodes into a giant web that sticks to nearby walls, and enemies that run into it get stuck or they get pulled in and take poison/status damage. Or a weapon that covers a large area in any type of element. Preferably cold, that could make them slip and fall. Making them take fall and cold damage. [Dark Messiah of Might & Magic] Or one that shoots multiple projectiles that stick to walls and they all connect to each other through a laser that deals damage to enemies that pass through. How about an AOE shrink ray, where if you have a high-status chance or critical chance you make them small and step on them? Or they take more damage when shrunk.[Yes, Duke Nukem] Projectiles that leave a laser trail behind them for 10+ seconds that deals damage to enemies who run in them. Can even bounce off walls for more creative shooting. Just wish we got more diverse ways of killing enemies. Not just normal explosions and projectiles. Would love to see new styles. Add more diversity to the way the weapons act, even some funny elements to them since we already have a Jester and Anime class [Mirage-Yareli].
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