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  1. seriously the colors are WAYYYY off, that red is so saturated lol
  2. can u fix the color channels of the archimedean sumdali, its metallics are colored by the primary color rather than accents
  3. Nobody tell this dude about Saryn pressing 1
  4. Fixed the Zenurik Badge being comically big and positioned above Gauss Prime’s head. revert this back it was better that way
  5. Nothing quite as teeth grinding as playing valk and accidentally bumping into a nully, oops there goes THREE of my abilities that I have to recast it's just not fun to play against
  6. As the title states, Hildryn Prime's additional prime details disappear when wearing her Tennogen skin and equipping her prime helmet, every other helmet seems to function normally. Video showing this: https://i.imgur.com/K7SWVkj.mp4
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