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Everything posted by ant99999

  1. Upon further testing this method I must say, I can't really recommend it all that much. For newer players? May be, but it does place some strict restrictions on your arsenal choices. There will be little to none energy pickups and healing options, so you must bring a tanky frame who doesn't rely on ability spam. Not sure how good those loaner builds are and if you can rely on them. Wisp and Inaros are probably the safest choices. The weapons thankfully matter a lot less. But ideally you need something with a build or buff it with your frame. AoE isn't advised, it may kill wyrmlings accidentally. The ammo doesn't matter though, you'll get more pickups than you can use. An ideal choice is an assault rifle or machine gun, like Ambassador or Soma. That or melee. The decrees must be carefully curated. No status spreading, no Toxin AoE on headshot, those kill wyrmlings, even though those are one of the best in slot for ranged weapons. So to sum this up, this requires careful preparation, being familiar with game systems, and which frame/weapon does what. But admittedly it is very lenient in terms of builds, so with due knowledge newer players can use it. And it also does not require any expensive items, such as focus lens. However, it is very repetitive. To the point of burning out. Just think of it, you run across a circular arena, killing the same 4 types of enemies over and over and over again for up to an hour depending on the gear you got, while being bombarded with some obtrusive visual effects. Way to quickly lose your will to play the game. On top of that it isn't affected by any boosters. I'd say that the best use for this farm is when you're still to new to run SP circuit and every other method is unavailable for some reason (day on Cetus, lenses you have are for other schools, etc.)
  2. Seriously, make them ridiculously powerful and fighting by our side. It's a one time alert anyway. Like, I am talking "John Prodman unsheathes and then sheathes his Prova in a split second and the entire Steel Path map dies" levels of powerful.
  3. Idk about pick up sounds but I had a similar bug with ability sound which played Cataclysm sound like a hundred times over itself and had my ears ring for a good minute. I'm kind of concerned now about what other sounds can this affect.
  4. My headcanon is that Somatic Link still provides you with life support and some advanced medical treatment, cause how else you could be so injured you're forcefully retrieved to the Orbiter one moment, and then a second later you pop out of the warframe fully recovered and healthy.
  5. But they are kind of doing it already? Well it is more Hunhow redemption arc of anything, but Stalker follows along as well. He went from scary assassin with mysterious backstory to having some motives, to questioning his identity, to confusedly working with you, to being occasionally playable. Only a few steps left to becoming a certified tsundere side character.
  6. Ah, so the article is incorrect then, they added the "not sure" parts to the agreeing ones to make a larger number, not very surprising. Still, even though the actual percentage of supporters is closer to 27-28% that makes for an alarming number. But then again, we are only taking into consideration the people actually willing to participate in the survey, which scews the results inevitably. In the end the only conclusion we can definitely draw from this is that the Canadian government is pushing really hard for all this "kill select groups of citizens" affair which is in my opinion the most sickening thing here. Let's just say, as disgusted as I am, it is hardly surprising seeing such a policy. It's just different contries prefer different methods of achieving such a "goal". Speaking of which, another scary thing in this poll is how disproportionally high the numbers are for "mentally ill" and "disabled". That, most of all, speaks of how misinformed people are about both of those cases. People have these wild stereotypes, completely detached from reality, about those groups of people (and beyond of course), and they use those to inform their choices and voting preferences. Ok, that's enough politics for today. I don't even know if that's tolerated on these forums that well.
  7. Yes, Lodun for prseident! I love Lodun, the best side character they've made in the past three to four years. And of course he would've been a better king than Thrax, he has the same emotional instability as Lodun, but in addition Thrax is a complete infantile idiot who is completely detached from his people, and Lodun isn't.
  8. I have this feeling this is one of those cases where the polls a rigged in such a way to push respondents towards a specific opinion, and then attempt to shift the blame towards the people who apparently wanted this all along. I mean I don't know Canadian politics or anything, but something tells me that if I was to just approach some random people on the streets and straight out bluntly ask them if they want to kill homeless, I doubt even 1 in 10 would answer affirmatively, it just sounds so absurd.
  9. Just the previous time the randomizer picked Saryn and sneakily set her to the third config I didn't even know I had, which turned out to be Venom Dose + Roar build. Clearly, Grandfather Nurgle blessed my SP Circuit run with insane melee damage. Was fun. Also Irradiating Disarm Loki, he's very versatile.
  10. Part of me wants to agree with you, cause that's how I myself felt when I saw that Limbo yesterday who didn't contribute at all and somehow managed to blow up an excavator we've left on him at 98%. But then another part of me is kinda icky, because you essentially suggesting anyone having any problems with Circuit to pull out a couple hundred Forma out of their pocket and then spend a good 50 hours levelling stuff up just so they can feel comfortable in one single gamemode. So, no, as tempting as it is to use this arguement, I'd suggest not to.
  11. Well, I tried this today, and it's quite fast indeed, you can pick Lone Story to get to Orowyrm fast, takes maybe 10 minutes. In the actual fight the wyrm tries their best to burn out your retinas and makes it really hard to see enemies, but other than that it didn't take me too long to hit the daily cap. Overall about as repetitive as ESO and probably about the same time to get to the cap. The only saving grace is seeing Dax Arcus dying in large numbers, that fills me up with warmth and cozyness.
  12. If you compare the size of the Orbiter visible in Drifter's Camp to the size of the Railjack in the Dry Dock (which I assume is meant to be its actual size), they would appear to be very close with Orbiter maybe being marginally larger. So there isn't a point in risking our base of operations when we've got a literal gunship of similar proportions purposely built for combat. And remember that one time Ordis was freaking out we will damage Orbiter's hull by shooting our kiddie laser at the walls, so I assume it isn't meant to be super durable. Battleship combat is an entirely different topic, which I don't have an opinion on yet.
  13. I don't really see how an affinity booster will make things feel rushed in Warframe specifically. The only thing it does is increase rate at which your gear levels up. The story quests aren't connected to affinity until Natah, nor is actual player's power, as it comes from mods. Sure, if I was given an XP boost in Guild Wars 2 as a new player, this would feel rushed, cause in that game you access the story and new locations based on your character level, which is a direct function of XP. In Warframe that's not the case, you gain access to quests and locations based on how many and which nodes you've completed, which has nothing to do with affinity. The only exception is Mastery Rank restrictions, but a new player will still take long time to get to intended MR by fully levelling a weapon, and will most likely get there by partially levelling a lot of stuff, cause the initial levels are much faster.
  14. That's indeed an annoyance. But what's worse is it's an inconsistent annoyance. You fall onto some pipings on the Corpus ship? That's completely fine. You fall on pipings on Grineer ship? What, didn't you see that's supposed to be untraversable terrain?! Bad Tenno, punishment is death by a Grineer fire squad. You fly too high on Plains of Eidolon? Well, no big deal, you'll just hit an invisible wall. Fly too high in the Undercroft? You fool, that's Dominus Thrax's airspace, you're tresspassing, get teleported to a random location on the map.
  15. No it can absolutely have a terrible roll. Just yesterday I got a selection of the likes of Spectra Vandal, base Hystrix, Veldt and such, the best of which was Reaper Prime. And the most useful warframe ended up being Valkyr. Was absolutely dreadful. But then again this all is well within the possibilities of both true and weighed random, so that's inconclusive.
  16. I believe it's still very much random selection, plus our biased view of it. The more variations there are, the bigger sample size you need to see if the destribution is truly random. At least that's what I believe as there seems to be no logic to these repetitions. I've gotten both powerful Kuva Brakk and worthless Bronko Prime on repeat, as well as both Tenet Envoy I use constantly and Kuva Hind I never touched beyond rank up. The most repetitions I've gotten so far were Kuva Zarr (around 4 times) and Kuva Brakk (around 7 times), both I use, but quite sparingly, idk if there is any pattern to be found in that.
  17. For Atlas deluxe it seems to mean Appreciating Dolomite Slabs
  18. Hmm, gotta give this a try. I still have some nodes unfinished in Naramon, this may be a good way to finally put an end to focus. Thanks for sharing this. And in regards to Eidolons - their terrible time-gated nature makes it mediocre at best for me, 9 times out of ten, I log in at a wrong Cetus time. Their only benefit is that they ignore focus cap. I found ESO to be a better farm, but it is mindnumbingly repetitive and takes time.
  19. As someone who didn't yet collect all the Duviri fragments, I can only tell you the basics, someone else may elaborate on my take to provide more complete picture. So our Drifter is stuck on the Zariman which floats inside the Void. The Void has a unique property - it manifests ideas (thoughts, dreams, fears, images) into reality. Among all the horrors happening on Zariman Drifter finds some emotional relief in a children's book written by Euleria Entrati. The book teaches children on benefits and shortcomings of various emotions, notably referring to emotions overcoming a person as "dragons". The book follows a number of characters who are all basically assigned a prevalent emotion to set an example. Another posession of the drifter is a toy of a boy. They use this toy to basically delegate their overwhelming emotion to, pretending the toy is experiencing them. The Drifter also pretends the toy to interact with characters in the book, as if it was their king. Remember, that all tge events occur in the Void. The Void "listens" to the thoughts of the Drifter, and responds by manifesting this imaginary kingdom into reality. The toy, made by tge drifter into a king in the story, becomes a real king - Dominus Thrax, and the lead characters of the book - his courtiers. Initially the Drifter had some control of it, but with their fantasy becoming a reality, they quickly lost control to the rise of the emotional tyrant Thrax, now desiring to have control over all emotion in Duviri. So Thrax concieves a plan - to rob Drifter of all their emotions by making them utterly numb, and that includes the infinite cycle of executing them and resetting the world. Thrax doesn't even want Drifter dead, he wants to establish his full dominion over feelings. Edit: oh, and the Orowyrms, those seems to be Euleria's dragon metaphors given flesh by the void. Instead of becoming a dragon figuratively, the cortiers now literally turn into wyrms. The rest of Duviri lore apoears to be inside those fragments.
  20. Ok, I get some of your points. That Revenant isn't a vampire in traditional sense. And I get that you spent lots of efforts making hating Revenant your kind of shtick on the forums. But you're really stretching your arguement at that point. And I've noticed a lot of your points are built on this opposition of "Eidolon" and "Vampire". As in Revenant is an Eidolon frame, but his abilitirs are instead vampire themed. But like, have you ever noticed, how Eidolons are undead fragments of a Sentient who feared sunlight, desired to consume red liquid and was only possible to be killed with a strike to its heart. Its larger fragments rise from essentially cursed water, are able to quickly relocate themselves to other bodies of such water, they are also capable of setting lesser Sentients in a state of trance and feed on their energy to heal themselves. They also cannot be damaged by conventional means and are only vulnerable to their inherent weakness - Void damage. Yeah, I don't know about you, but that all sounds pretty vampire-like to me. Eidolons are vampiric Sentient, Eidolon themed warframe has vampiric abilities. That checks out.
  21. First of all - if you're not using Amber Shards, that doesn't mean they're unpopular. There are just so many frames with painfully slow casting animations. Second - you don't meddle with efficiency. Because of its formula it would either made chanelled abilities not consume energy at all, or if there's a cap, it would make Fleeting Expertise useless. The latter would be true either way for one-off abilities.
  22. That's just acquired taste... or built up tolerance, I don't even know at that point. I've been exposed to Toxocysts for far too long.
  23. Did you just call Dual Toxocyst, the most elegant Infested weapon, ugly? How outrageous!
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