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Posts posted by Talevon

  1. Hey @[DE]Bear, thanks for the update, and glad to hear you guys are looking into the issue.

    I think all anyone's looking for at this point is just a return to the Hotfix 22.13.4 status quo.  There didn't seem to be any real issues with arcane implementation/effects concerning exalted weapons/abilities prior to Update 24.4.0.  As others have said, I don't think having exceptions to certain arcanes is the way to go (e.g this arcane works on literally everything except this frame) because that just introduces confusion about what works and what doesn't, and limits player choice.  I'm of the same opinion that arcanes should work on all exalted weapons/abilities.

    23 minutes ago, SethSoul said:

    I would also like to add Growing power isn't getting proced from exalted as well. Not sure if it was said but just to make sure it's known. 

    EDIT: not sure what to classify Garuda as but nothing works for her as well. Arcane strike and Fury are not procing and Growing power isn't as well. 

    Yeah, Garuda's a bit of a strange case.  According to the wiki, Garuda's Talons are an exalted weapon, but it's not one that's tied to any of Garuda's abilities, and you only get to use it when you don't have another melee weapon equipped, which leads one to believe that it's just a melee weapon and not a true exalted weapon (e.g. Valkyr's Talons via Hysteria).  And yet, it's still affected by the whole arcane problem.

    • Like 3
  2. This bug affects:
    Carrier's Ammo Case precept mod

    If you navigate to Cetus from your Orbiter then go out to the Plains, or navigate directly to the Plains from your Orbiter, Carrier's Ammo Case mod works as intended, but if you walk back in to Cetus and back out onto the Plains, it's broken.  There's something about returning to Cetus that breaks Ammo Case.  When Ammo Case is bugged, Carrier will fail to vacuum and mutate any ammo types that do not correspond to the weapons you're currently carrying, and also will not increase weapon reserve ammo capacity.

    If any other ammo mutation mods or a weapon with innate ammo mutation (e.g. Lenz) are equipped at the same time as Carrier with its Ammo Case mod installed, walking back in to Cetus and back out onto the Plains will cause them to break as well.  If Carrier's Ammo Case mod is not installed, other ammo mutation mods and innate ammo mutation weapons work as intended.

    Ammo mutation mods, innate ammo mutation weapons, and Carrier's Ammo Case work just fine in the rest of the game.  This issue appears to be confined to Cetus/Plains.


    Thanks to PY-R0 below for mentioning the Lenz as I forgot that weapons could have innate ammo mutation - I've tested and confirmed that innate ammo mutation also breaks when Ammo Case is installed on Carrier but works fine without it.

  3. Still no fix for the following bug:

    Ammo mutation mods do not appear to be working if you walk from Cetus out onto the plains - this also affects Carrier's Ammo Case precept which does not appear to be working at all, even increasing weapon ammo count.

    If you go directly to the plains from your orbiter everything works normally, but if you walk in to Cetus and back out, it's broken again.

    Ammo mutation and Carrier's Ammo Case work just fine in the rest of the game.

  4. Still no fix for the following bug:

    Ammo mutation mods do not appear to be working if you walk from Cetus out onto the plains - this also affects Carrier's Ammo Case precept which does not appear to be working at all, even increasing weapon ammo count.

    If you go directly to the plains from your orbiter everything works normally, but if you walk in to Cetus and back out, it's broken again.

    Ammo mutation and Carrier's Ammo Case work just fine in the rest of the game.

  5. Bug that appears to have not been fixed yet:

    Ammo mutation mods do not appear to be working if you walk from Cetus out onto the plains - this also affects Carrier's Ammo Case precept which does not appear to be working at all, even increasing weapon ammo count.

    If you go directly to the plains from your orbiter everything works normally, but if you walk in to Cetus and back out, it's broken again.

    It works fine in the rest of the game, for the record.

  6. 7 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

    All skins will still be completely compatible on Prime Warframes! They will work similar to Deluxe skins in that the Prime model is replaced by the normal model. It will still be a Prime, it just won't look like it!

    Not a single creator or artist displays any Prime details in any of their work - the item sold is completely Prime-detail free in its presentation and creation. It was a 'happy accident' that prime bits were showing through but it's one we have to fix as per the post.

    So are you saying that those of us who purchased a Tennogen skin specifically because it looked good on a Prime frame are now out of luck?  I hope not.

    What's with the upward trend recently where things could be in the game for an extended period of time with no issues and then suddenly it's an "accident" or "mistake" ?

  7. Massively disappointed that you couldn't find a viable solution.  I do like the prime parts on my Tennogen skins.

    That being said, your new viable solution is below:

    5 minutes ago, CrudShuzKong said:

    Easiest way out:

    Make Prime versions of all tennogen skins (or let the original creators make them) and release them seperately, giving them to people who already bought tennogen before this change for free.

    Nobody will be hurt, DE will make money, content creators will make money and most importantly no programming required.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Zenviscerator said:

    I was really disappointed when I saw that "accents" only change the tiny little parts underneath the large gold pieces. Also since I have to change tertiary to a yellow color now it's ruined other cosmetics like targis on most of my frames that I want to use Uru P on.

    Wouldn't be a problem if they just swapped tertiary with accents.

    This.  I'm also kinda disappointed that the colors are ordered in that way (Cycuta Prime is the same way), but swapping those two would probably be just fine for now.  The separation of armor and syandana colors can't come soon enough.

  9. The main problem I have with Excalibur's change is that DE has branded it as a "rework".  This isn't a "rework", this is a straight nerf and DE knows it.  I would appreciate if they would only use the term "rework" when they ACTUALLY rework something, rather than just nerf it.

    Players are going to naturally gravitate toward the most powerful and/or efficient ways of playing the game, and instead of giving the players more variety you just nerf what's popular and fun to use.  THIS IS NOT OKAY, and it's an idea that I believe needs to cease immediately.

    To be more clear: a "rework" should have consisted of reviewing ALL of Excalibur's abilities and determining why it is that everyone seems to build for Exalted Blade and neglect the others.  Hell, I'll even tell you why that is for free: it's not because Exalted Blade was overpowered, it's because his other abilities aren't worth building for.  That's what really needs to be addressed.  In my opinion, Exalted Blade was perfectly fine.  I would, however, like to be able to use Excalibur for more than just that - yesterday's patch has done absolutely nothing to fix that problem.

    Now, with that being said, since the "rework" is here, just go ahead and completely remove the built in Radial Blind on Exalted Blade.  It was already useless before, you successfully made it even worse - it's MORE than useless now and I don't want to cost myself energy by accidentally using it.

    I think Exalted Blade's damage dropoff should start around 10m or so and decrease from that point out to its end 40m distance and final determined damage value.  I believe that would be fair, and then we would at least have consistent damage close to us.  After all, you're wanting to promote shorter range use of Exalted Blade.

    Additionally, in the interest of consistent damage, remove the damage reduction on punch through for Exalted Blade - the damage dropoff over range was already enough.

  10. Regarding Excalibur:
    Some "rework" you did here, DE.  This isn't a "rework", this is a straight nerf and you know it.

    A "rework" would have consisted of reviewing ALL of Excalibur's abilities and determining why it is that everyone seems to build for Exalted Blade and neglect the others.  Hell, I'll even tell you why that is for free: it's not because Exalted Blade was overpowered, it's because his other abilities aren't worth using.  Players are going to naturally gravitate toward the most powerful and/or efficient ways of playing the game, and instead of giving the players more variety you just nerf what's popular and fun to use.  THIS IS NOT OKAY, and it's an idea that I believe needs to cease immediately.

    Now, with that being said, since the "rework" is here, just go ahead and completely remove the built in Radial Blind on Exalted Blade.  It was already useless as it is, you successfully made it even worse - it's MORE than useless now and I don't want to cost myself energy by accidentally using it.  Additionally, remove the damage reduction on punch through for Exalted Blade - the damage dropoff over range was already going far enough.

    Regarding Trinity:
    I completely disagree with the range nerf, and don't believe that was necessary.  That's all I really have to say about that.

    Regarding Valkyr and Mirage:
    I guess these are ok.  Not particularly earth shattering changes here.

    Please go back and review some of the changes you've made today in the near future and determine if you made the right choices (of course, after a little bit of time has passed and everyone has cooled off a bit).

    Your next task is to address the enemy scaling - hop to it, DE.  Drop everything and work on THIS problem.

    And finally,

    3 minutes ago, Demogarose said:

    I play Warframe to be a badass space ninja with superpowers.

    THIS.  Quit nerfing, start buffing.

  11. 1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


    Excalibur's rework made him an indisputable lethal force - a role he will continue to shine in, but now with more reasonable parameters on his Exalted Blade waves.

    Exalted Blade’s damage will now diminish according to distance traveled and enemies punctured, and Exalted Blade’s built-in Radial Blind on spin will now cost ½ the Energy of a regular Radial Blind. Although Exalted Blade is a lot of fun, we feel that it completely overshadows all of Excalibur’s other abilities at little cost. The powerful range on Exalted Blade turned Excalibur into more of a turret than a swordsman. This change means that Exalted Blade is more effective when used in close range and using Radial Blind is now a calculated choice. The ability will simply become more engaging in all encounters.

    My thoughts:

    "Although Exalted Blade is a lot of fun, we feel that it completely overshadows all of Excalibur’s other abilities at little cost."
    You do know that you could also buff his other abilities so that they're actually worth building for... right?

    Regarding Exalted Blade - The damage dropoff over distance isn't such a bad idea, but perhaps set a range that it does full damage to (like 10-15m or something I don't know) then have the damage taper off from that point out to its end range/damage.  Then at least we know we're going to hit full damage up close.  The built in Radial Blind is basically useless anyway, giving it an energy cost will make it even more useless, making spin attacks completely worthless while in Exalted Blade.  Might as well just remove the built in Radial Blind if you're going to go that route because almost nobody's going to use it unless it's accidental.  Also, not sure I agree with Exalted Blade's punch through reducing damage, I think that's going too far.

    Additionally, enemy scaling fix when?

  12. Yeah, I've run into the same issue a couple times now as well.  I wasn't really paying attention to what might have caused it but after it happened twice I came here to see if there was any other people with a potential issue.


    I did try to use navigator at some point during the mission that I experienced the issue in, but I haven't confirmed yet if that's what caused it.

    Edit: After messing around a little bit, I haven't been able to reproduce this with navigator+quiver yet.

  13. Changes:

    • Enabled the following skin usage:
    • Shock Camo now works on the Secura Dual Cestras.


    Doesn't look like this one is working.  No option to use the Shock Camo skin.





    EDIT: I'm used to being able to see the skin on the weapon before purchasing it by going to Arsenal first, since I didn't own the skin yet apparently the option to view it on the Secura Dual Cestras wasn't visible.  After purchasing it the option to apply it is there.

  14. Yeah, confirming sigils still aren't fixed.


    I've noticed that after setting my sigil to the correct position, when I exit the arsenal it looks fine, but after going somewhere (e.g. dojo) it's rotated 180 degrees to be upside down, and remains that way until I fix it in the arsenal again.

  15. Just going to bump this again with a couple screenshots of what I usually see running 3440x1440 with HUD scale maxed out. (finally remembered to take a couple for examples)

    This applies to all types of UI indicators - capture points, player set waypoints, enemy target boxes in archwing missions, objective indicators... just about anything that's supposed to float over an object on the HUD, in both normal missions and archwing.

    Additionally, I don't see capture percentages or counts for syndicate medallions anymore since those have been established to go off the top of the screen when HUD scale is raised significantly.

    As you might imagine, this takes some getting used to in archwing to be able to tell where things are, especially considering the distances we're dealing with in open space... the indicator offset issue just makes it twice as difficult.

    Screenshot #1 - looking directly at an indicator (in this case C on the latest archwing tactical alert), it appears where it's supposed to be.  In this screenshot, A and D indicators are offset since I'm looking above them and not directly at their location, meaning they should actually be higher on my screen than they are.  D, in fact, should be higher and to the right of where it is in this screenshot.  All three are at least relatively close to where they should be on the screen here.


    Screenshot #2 - looking away from the indicator - I looked to the left in this case and it offsets to the right of where it should be on my screen.  The same holds true if I look any direction around where the indicator should be - it will offset the indicator in the opposite direction of where I look.  Obviously A and D have also moved significantly to the right as well, since I'm now looking to the left of all three capture points.


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