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Posts posted by Husla

  1. Maroo doesn't give guaranteed Orta every week. It has a pattern to it. Search the wikia or something for it.

    Comparing anasa which has a 28% chance to obtain from sorties over 1%? chance to find normal sculptures in a mission is laughable.


    Have you tried doing raids? sculptures have a higher chance to spawn in them.

  2. Nobody complained about it being hard, people complained because of the last one they tried to was very poorly rewarded. It was a 20min [lv100? or lv150?] survival with eximus enemies only giving you at first 900 kuva but was then increased to 1300.

    Which is pathetic considered how much you can get normally for completing a siphon.

  3. 4 minutes ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

    if loki is outdone by so many frames, how is it that I can't go LoR bomb carrier as anyone else besides him?

    I rarely see Lokis as bomb carriers anymore. Most use Nova/Volt or Trinity.

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