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Posts posted by Husla

  1. DE had recently fixed 2x resource boost buff not working in operator mode. So us kuva farmers had it difficult. We'd either had to play with friends or public. [Latter not usually helping due to bad ping or just bad players that don't do anything and leech] When we played on solo, it was a matter of timing your void dash and spamming 5, so you'd go back to warframe to recieve 2x/4x kuva.

    Now, with the fix working to a certain standard. [I'll add video to spoilers] I may have found out why it hasn't worked as DE have thought. In the video, I've linked. You can see the 2x resource buff not showing in warframe mode but present in operator mode.



    So, this is where the problem lays. The 2x resource buff has to be showing and counting down in operator mode. If you were to get another buff and it doesn't show 120sec buff counting down. Then you will not get 2x resource boost. I've had this issue twice so far. 120sec buff has proc'd and the last kuva trail is coming. My charm activates again and I have 30sec of red crits active in operator mode. I go through kuva trail and I only get 1300 kuva on a siphon mission.

    From what I can tell, We now are faced with RNG[buff maybe proc'ing after 28secs] on RNG[1/6th? chance of 120sec buff] on RNG[Hoping you don't get another charm proc of a different kind]

    I applaud DE for trying but I think they should've tried this on a public server under conditions rather than, yes it works once. Fixed.

  2. With Charm finally getting the fix it needed while in operator mode. We know, at max rank. Charm activation is 28%. Now out of these buffs, I would like to know % for each one to proc.

    I wasn't around when Smeeta Kavats were first introduced. [Took a nice break from the game when TWW was meant to be a thing] so, my friends would tell me. Charm would proc more and the Double resource buff would activate alot more than others and then it got nerfed changed. Might be me, but I have been seeing alot less 120sec buff, than I used to recently. Compared to few months ago Feb-July.

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