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Posts posted by Husla

  1. Anyone who has/still playing this game. Can you tell me how multiplayer works. I've the quest, that allows me to join/invite others. But when can I invite others to do quests with me.

    I am playing with my irl friends, but we are confused as to how it works. We tried to do the Giant Gutton quest but it wouldn't allow us to squad up.

  2. 2 hours ago, trst said:

    People should really read the dev posts.

    Trials are being removed temporarily so they can rebuild them from the ground up.


    Trials have been a bug-ridden mess since they were added and nearly every other patch has included bug fixes for them.

    And fixing all said bugs still wouldn't fix any of the other problems with them. The number of people running Trials would barely (if at all) increase if it was somehow bug-free.

    Warframe itself is full of bugs, PoE is full of bugs. Nothing can be bugfree. Even if the game mode has little audience, it has an active audience who do them everyday. Image raids having its own set of team fixing problems like conclave. I personally never raided until last year. When I did it once, I did it everyday for several months straight. It was mainly with my clan, we would always mess around but it was fun. I doubt I'll ever get that experience from other aspects of them game.

    We've read that thread many times. With DE, it took them well over 3 years to bring back DS and even then it looks bland. I suggest you stop trying to be a whiteknight. Removal of any part of this game is beyond silly.

  3. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)dA_BLoK_iS_hOt said:

    Hey guy unless you started running raids a few months ago, or TRIED them within these past few months, I don't see how you are putting your two cents into the convo. WFRAIDS shows you've run 0 0 0 Raids lol. Are you serious?

    Not suprised, there has been many players like him. Probably has a PhD in Warframe Raids.

  4. 2 hours ago, Chipputer said:

    Banshee isn't being nerfed, though. Her augment is being changed because it's an unfun map deletion power that people only use to farm Hydron.

    People go there to get exp, Banshee killing the enemies still gives you exp. Don't see the problem with it. Nobody goes to hydron because its a fun map, it's the go to map for leveling frames and weapons.

  5. Do they not realise how poor Embers damage output is after level 30 enemies.. You're spamming her 2nd ability to deal enough damage.

    Chroma Vex Armour damage change. They're only doing it because of Teralyst. That's kinda sad.

    Banshee RQ. I never see Banshees until I go to Hydron which is filled with players wanting to either get focus or they're helping a friend level their weapons. I have no issues with either. I go to Hydron to get some exp, if there is a nuker/banshee. I don't care as I'm still getting exp.


    Kinda worried atm.


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  6. at all. Fix said they should teleport closer towards but they don't. They just stand there, if you move to far from them and if you're in radius they do the usually slow movement.

    They can hover, they can fly straight into the sun. But moving forward why are they so damn slow?

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