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Posts posted by Husla

  1. 17 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Your misconception is that you think Baro is meant for newer players.
    DE introduced Baro as something to do for Vets. If newer players want to buy from Baro, then that's totally fine. But he is made for vets. He is made for people with excessive amounts of prime stuff and therefore alot of ducats.
    So the pricing is fine.

    That being said, it would be nice if BARO wasn't made purely for fashionframe nowadays.

  2. Kuva flood only nets you 2500~ kuva with a resource booster. More if you use smeeta kavat and proc'd 120sec buff at the right time.

    Your second post contradicts your 3rd statement of wanting ayatans to replace kuva.

    You need kuva to reroll rivens, why ask for rivens. if you don't have kuva?

    I don't know what you mean be flawlessly obtaining 10k kuva.

    "back breaking" but you said, using a limbo and its fine..

  3. Problem here is you're trying to rush. It takes an hour for the arcane to be crafted. In that time, you kill 6 eidolons. Now you can craft two more arcanes. Which will take you another two hours in that time, you'll have killed another 6 eidolons.

    if you're only able to do one night cycle per night, then id suggest you wait till you have enough before crafting all 10.

  4. There is a problem where 50/50 chance of the kuva trail, just stopping in place and the kuva braid wont get destroyed after shooting it with the operator amp. In my case the Shwaak Prism. This is a huge nuisance for people using Smeeta Kavat. It delays obtaining kuva for far too long to which you can lose out on the buff.


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