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Posts posted by Recovery8

  1. The maps are the main problem.  Design the maps around the movement system, not the other way around.  


    Just because you can't hit those frames doesn't mean other players can't.  Your ineptitude shouldn't influence the game's balance.  

    By god they're right, all you said was "git gud' in prettier words. Coptering was a bug that stayed because the community liked it. It's dumb, end of story. It doesn't add anything tactical to the game, all it does is make people go annoyingly fast and end matches with no skill whatsoever.

  2. Coptering is stupid, end of story. If you can copter and then front flip and end up all the way to the end of the map why even have the other movement? It becomes pointless. Take it out.


    The movement system as a whole is flawed by it, you can't hit anyone and when it comes to frames like Frost, Rhino, Saryn, and the other tanky frames they lose their one catch. It's jarring that Rhino Prime can cap the cephalon in the same amount of time a Volt can, all they need to do is copter and iron skin.

  3. the op wants to use his weapon of choice he feels comfortable with and what is so hard to comprehend in that? not everyone wants to jump on the rickety bandwagon, some as myself chooses our own path.

     I love my Cernos bow more than any other weapon in this game and I outright use it through every mission, but now that will be put down because of this one enemy which just renders it obsolete.


     no one is telling you how to play or who to follow or what to use so don't try to impose that on anyone else.


     weapons are there for everyone to find their preference same as frames, for some its just bows for others its rifles,  and when you blatantly cut out the use of a class or in this case two classes of weapons might aswell take them out the game because they are of no use against these enemies no matter how hard you try.

    I fully agree with this, I'm sorry to OP if I came off as saying "get gud". I only meant using all of your arsenal at a time. The nulifiers do need work, that's no question. +1

  4. Not everyone is a plat hoarder and only spend it on "essential" stuff. I bought all the helmets and skins for the sake of having them, for frames i don't even play much. Not everyone plays the same way as you do, you have a minmaxer mentality and don't buy stuff that doesn't affect your "numbers".


    PS. Im sitting here, looking at my frame crafting gear items.

    I'll be honest, I hate the people in this game that minmax, it's PVE and it seems very, very pointless. Minmaxers ruin all games though, it's just the nature of online games. Games aren't built around that idea of Minmax but they'll still play them like it is.

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