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Posts posted by Sir.X

  1. No, I am not kidding. This is a serious issue and a waste of my time.


    I'm sure anyone knows how annoying it is to use up their high ranking void keys and to only get Forma blueprints, rare cores, or even a orokin cell.


    ​Not everyone has the time and the resources to continuously farm the keys, then have them become wasted when the tables are so diluted.


    My only suggestion for DE is to make it so that forma and cores drop from Lvl 1- 2 void keys ONLY. Maybe even Lvl 1 keys if the tables are that diluted.


    Yes I understand that some people have plenty of time to farm and farm all day long for the parts, but whenever most of the game becomes farming for keys and ending up getting more cores and cells than the parts, you end up ruining the whole point of having fun, and becomes more of a farming game than anything.

    If anyone has any suggestions/complaints please let me know because the opinions count.




  2. I use her all the time when I know I'm trying to farm for a mod and I don't need to worry about dying. With her high armor, you can use that with rage and damage mods and basically she's Excalibur's exalted blade with initial life strike and invincibility too.

  3. Thank you all for your support.

    I've always wanted some sort of shotgun that shoots a type of slug round. I would REALLY love to see this in the game, because to me it fits these things:

    Crit based shottty

    Corpus themed

    High damage to multiple enemies/single targets

    Very ammo efficent 

    Assuming the fact you put every crit and multiplier on, on a hit it will deal around 240 damage, and with all damage mods, around 2.5k.....


  4. Basically almost any melee with a high crit and status chance will do. However the mods really do push it into end game, because some melees have syndicate mods, and some melees will cause a rampage with beserker and crit.

  5. Excalibur can look pretty cool with the right colours and so does Loki Prime

    However in terms of potential Excalibur will win because volt requires at least a team to be great and Loki does has the right mods and abilities to solo certian missions.

    But because of the recent Excal buff you can solo literally anything with life strike and the right melee mods.

    I think Excal with proto armor and black and purple looks awesome, then immortal skin with pendragon looks cool too. 

  6. 1. Is the Orbiter where Space mom is? Because to me it makes perfect sense that Ordis would keep the Orbiter safe hidden in the Void...........






    2. Wheres my sonic shotgun? No i'm serious if that new synoid gun is it Im gonna sh*t sweet potatoes.


    3. I haven't seen most of Tenno weapons being turned into prime, mainly the ones that come from the Tenno Labs. I would love to see maybe some concepts of a Tiberon Prime or maybe the Sybaris prime.


    4. Will the new Regor drop the Anima/Animus frame? Other than that I cant wait for sharkwing.

    Its my baby and I need to enjoy the moment flying around like a blooper and a bullet bill.


    5. Do i get to become spider man in Parkour 2.0? I really do want to see how the walls will beceome the way to move.


    6. New space mapping? I hope that means people will stop fking farming draco and the same maps over and over again for rare mods and xp.




    8. NEFFY


    9. Will the new Valkrye skin be available today? RIGHT MEOW.


    10. Let me guess, new tactical alert for a special stance for the Rapier?



  7. It doesn't make sense that a beginner frame is more tankier than a frame that literally is meant to be a tank in the first place. I basically have some suggestions for his rework, because honestly i have frames that are alot more fun than he used to be.


    1.Rhino Charge

    Instead of just making him charge head on into a group of enemies, why not just make it so he runs at the enemy at high speeds and punches them in the face, which can ragdoll it and enemies surrounding it.


    2. Iron skin

    This ability falls off so fast in high levels its more used as an o'sht moment and not a actual ability. So what he can do is grow his armor, basically doubling his armor by a number and while ranking up, will add on resistance to stuns, knockdowns, and toxin clouds.


    3.  Roar

    Not only should this give you and your allies a damage buff, but it should make the enemies in the radius of Roar turn all their attention on you, which can be nice for defending or taking enemies off of your allies.


    4.  Stomp

    Duration shoudln't be an issue, as should the ability should be buffed. However to me it makes more sense for Stomp to ripple through the range like a shockwave, so enemies who aren't affected by the initial cast wont be able to rush in past floating bodies.


    I also suggest that his base armor be increased to around the 300's, hes already slow enough and his shields should be slightly lowered.


    I'm accepting any feedback or more suggestions, so feel free to ask.


  8. There are basically 2 types of shotguns:


    1.A shotgun that is able to deal high damage to a single target, within a medium-long range and a low rate of fire+ammo.


    2.A shotgun that is able to take out multiple targets with its medium damage, but they have a high fire rate+ huge ammo capacity.


    This should be a basis for almost every shotgun, however we won't count shotguns like the Kohm, Drakgoon, etc because they are considered futuristic.


    As for Sniper rifles....:

    1. A sniper rifle that has high enough damage to possible kill 2 targets with one bullet, however these types have a small mag capacity with a very slow rate of fire.


    2. Anything thats not above is considered a DMR( Designated Marksman rifle), where they have med-high damage, but with a larger mag capacity and can take out multiple targets with its decent ROF Eg: Latron prime(?)


    I have never really cared about crit chance, status chance, etc. because it doesn't matter how fast it shoots or how many times it hits, if the damage is crap it ain't worth it.

    (No, the soma is an exception because of its "high" crit chance, but that's it)



    1. Shotguns should be made mainly for Impact and slash, due to its multiple pellets hitting the person, they should most likely be staggered and start bleeding a lot. Crit and status chance are up to the devs to place, but I wouldn't really use a shotgun only because of its crit/status.


    2.  Sniper rifles should be made where most of the damage is puncture and impact with very little slash, where the damage is decent that's where a crit build should take place along with status. Anything that deals lower damage should be a DMR, where its ROF kicks in to take out targets faster, where we have yet to see anything like that other than the Latron Prime maybe.


    If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to tell me, I accept all feedback.




  9. Its kinda difficult to get a image of it, basically what happens is that in the void, if you stand close to the pillar in the large room with a pool in the middle and a giant circular window, as soon as you activate Turbulence, it glitches out and the animation forms a giant blue laser-like beam that beams from a certain angle. It immediately reduces fps to like 5, so I'm guessing it glitches out on certain terrains. 


    Also, Chroma's Vex + Ward animations will continuously repeat if used in that order, or until you use a weapon.

  10. 1. Wheres my sharkwing, my sonic shotgun, and my yin yang frame?

    2. My shotty and vectis is collecting dust, any news on buffs?

    3. No new prime info?

    4. De pls, info on Golem and Sentients?

    5. Daikyu is very fun. I would love more "reverse" weapons like this.

  11. As soon as you said high damage burst gun I immediately thought of the Sybaris and the Tiberon. The Tiberon is high damage, but because the Sybaris has a higher crit chance and status chance, its better to go towards crit builds with it, thus making it better.

    The Grinlock is a completely different story, its only good because of its augment mod, other than that the Sybaris wins at everything.


  12. Core2 Duo@2.5

    4GB Ram

    Gt620 1gb

    500Gb HDD

    50 mbs internet

    Basically what happens is that I can start the game on 60fps, and not even after 2 minutes of running a mission solo, with a group, or even in conclave, my fps drops immediately to around 15. After about 3 minutes the fps will return to 60, but it continuously does this the entire time I run the game. There are no viruses, the HDD is defragged, and such. I have literallly tried everything I can think of. Does anyone else know whats causing this?


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