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Everything posted by NinjaZeku

  1. Maybe extend the timer by 5 seconds or so the first time someone switches (to Leave) with less than 5 seconds left. And ye, personally, I always just leave if the whole Squad hasn't decided to stay when the timer hits ~6 seconds, not least to avoid Host Migration happy fun times of joy.
  2. No, simply to allow Overshields. Again, it's not the same as actual, self-regenerating Shields or anything, it's more akin to (bad) Overguard like you said yourself.
  3. Kinda, ye. So why is it just a no-go to allow Overshields on all Frames, if a stronger version is perfectly fine? I mean ... yes. I know. We all know. This topic is about changing that :P
  4. This would be a better argument if you could just instantly, during a mission, switch an ability or whatever from giving (Over)Shield gains to giving Overguard. Alas, you cannot. So your "revelation" there really doesn't work. Unless you're saying everyone should just stop using Shield-giving Frames entirely and only use Overguard-providing ones instead. Please tell me you are not actually saying that. No, it's not. It's simply a flat +1200 Overshield at max (ignoring special cases, like Harrow getting double that). https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Shield#Overshield
  5. Not that it makes a ton of difference, but the explosions have 10% Status Chance at least. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Stug Alas, while it would be super cool to see this weapon (and / or an upgraded variant, Kuva Stug come on) finally become a somewhat competitive choice rather than just being a complete meme, because really, it just has such potential, much of it could be realized with a few simple number tweaks, I've kinda resigned myself at this point to just treating Kompressa as that upgrade / rework :P
  6. No. It would not. In fact, it would make the game feel worse, you'd be discouraged to invest into non-Primes, it'd be more "mandatory" to get Primes, not least vaulted ones, which would likely mean trading, thus in many cases Plat purchases, thus it'd easily be seen as a greed-based move on DE's part rather than any "engaging player-facing improvement" or whatever buzzwords you wanna use. Just no.
  7. I have slight doubts as to whether TC was still waiting for that after 7+ years :P Also, - Energy Orbs do not count as Consumables, that would be only the actual Gear Wheel items - Energy regen effects like from Zenurik or Energy Siphon are deactivated during "drain" type abilities like Prowl - you don't activate Zenurik regen via Void Dash / Sling anymore, you use your first (Operator) ability
  8. But it's not a multiplication. Overshield simply gets added on top. "B exists so let's just ignore A." I don't agree with that logic. When I bring e.g. my Crush spam Mag to a mission to protect my Squad with (Over)Shield generation, and then I can't do anything to help non-Shield Frames in that regard ... feels bad man. You can add so many different layers of (offensive as well as defensive) buffs to Frames, I don't see this one as breaking the camel's back. You can have zero, then go over that. Anyway, to clarify, beyond the name rubbing you the wrong way, do you actually have an issue with this proposal?
  9. What definition are you using that differs from the one I used? "Any Shield beyond your max is Overshield."
  10. I guess, but I still disagree with it :P Any Shield beyond your max is Overshield. So what if your max is 0, why should that stop Overshield from applying?
  11. Don't really agree. Overshield is not the same as regular Shields, it doesn't come back on its own or anything, it's more like Overguard (minus the proc protection) which Shield-less Frames can gain no prob. Maybe the Frames in question could get reduced max amount of OS or something, also I guess same deal for the no-Shields Nightmare modifier while we're at it.
  12. You're not insane, however you are apparently forgetful about how you Helminth-replaced the ability on the Prime :P
  13. Ah, gotcha. I remember something like that happening to me as well, it even "spilled over" onto Bastille, I could sometimes cast a few of those for free after spamming multiple (also free) Tethers in one place. Might be an unintended effect of Zenurik's Inner Might, I see you have that active, and on my end I also usually run Zenurik in random missions.
  14. Words are good. Like, what (do you think) is the bug here? If it's about Minelayer having a limit of 4 for each "mine" then that's entirely intended, no bug at all. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Vauban/Abilities If that's not what you meant, then please clarify. With words. :P
  15. That would be what you get from running an Incursion and defeating either 2 Acolytes, or 1 with a Resource Booster active.
  16. Alas, Google Translate isn't super helpful here, could you describe what items (?) you're talking about, maybe use screenshots or links to the Wiki or something, because "polished amplifiers on Cetus" is not ringing any bells lol.
  17. Please don't necro topics from ~10 years ago to add your own separate question, just make a new topic. Also, no. Hildryn does not use Energy. Also also, even if it did work, the effect is still utterly meh. Never use this Mod.
  18. You mean the Arsenal -> Upgrade screen, right? The name of a Riven tells you what weapon(s) you can equip it on, e.g. a "Grakata Critata" can only be equipped on a Grakata, or variants, which in this case would be Prisma Grakata. So, what is the name of the Riven, and what are you trying to equip it on? Filters are not active in the Upgrade screen.
  19. Ye, this is also an annoying issue on e.g. Trumna, dunno why it can't just use the white / grey of your crosshairs etc.
  20. Alas, since you didn't specifically say, just to make sure, did you - do Call Of The Tempestarii - enter a Zenith Granum Void - get 25 kills in Solo - not have an active Lich Also, the hand you use should be (by physical distance, not map length) far away from Extraction. If you're unlucky and the map curves around so Extraction ends up near your chosen hand, that can mess things up (or so I hear). Anyway, use the earliest hand you encounter to give you the best chances. Also run Pluto Capture for a fast mission that not least gives you your Zenith Crown back when you kill the Treasurer there, heh. Pretty sure that's not needed for Candidates, the Granum Void part already is the "kill speed check" there.
  21. I only have a Latron Prime ATM, but at least there it seems like "only" a visual issue, both in Free-Roam and regular missions, the weapon appeared to be hitscan, however it also adds a projectile visual that's noticable even at shorter ranges if you know what to look for.
  22. How exactly does that manifest on your end? Do you pick a color, then upon leaving the color selection, it doesn't actually keep that color? Or does the color switch back upon leaving the Arsenal maybe? Or is it in missions that you get a different color than you should, even though it shows your choice in the Arsenal still?
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