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  1. NinjaZeku's post in Arc coil not working on Diriga was marked as the answer   
    Just because, could you share the full build?
    Not least, Precept priority is a thing, similar to elemental damage Mods, the order matters.
  2. NinjaZeku's post in Someone explain this to me, because these stats don't line up was marked as the answer   
    From what I gather, it's NOT an alteration of the base stats, but simply a flat addition after Mods and whatnot.
  3. NinjaZeku's post in Nyx 4th Color help was marked as the answer   
    Use darker colors (ya rly) and / or something with low saturation, e.g. from the Gamma palette.
    Or just make it pure black.
  4. NinjaZeku's post in Syndicates was marked as the answer   
    Selling Augments is one option for a steady Plat income.
    Get all the things before you switch.
    Ye, running only Steel + Veil is kinda the worst combination :P
    For easy management yet more than 2 maxed Syndicates, you can run a trio of Steel Suda Hexis, or the other 3.
    A bit trickier would be a 4 Syndicates setup, focusing on either Steel + Suda or Veil + Loka,
    letting their respective ally rank up (or, stay ranked up) via the 50% ally gains.
    Mind, pretty much everything except the Syandanas is tradable (yes even the armor sets),
    so you could get stuff you're missing that way, no need to go through all Syndicates yourself.
  5. NinjaZeku's post in Lr1 test bug? was marked as the answer   
    Try it in the Orbiter next time, there's been a bunch of reports of doing the test in a Relay randomly not counting.
  6. NinjaZeku's post in Synthesis Scanner Question was marked as the answer   
    Same menu where you buy more Scanner charges, console next to Simaris.
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