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Posts posted by lukaself

  1. Z0TNESf.jpg


    I ran a few runs with randoms and got around 7million points...


    I thought we could do better so I recruited a team of Archwing specialists, after a few tries that's what happened when we got above 100millions. We thought it'd be a scoring bug but thing is we did it not once but twice !


    Any way to tell our score in profane numbers? just curious ^^

  2. It can only move you a few steps away... no need to make a fuss about that. If you were standing in place in a mission it's very likely the other player wanted to check if you were afk-leeching.


    You should however work on your temper issues because it looks like from your post that your biggest problem is you having a short fuse and calling people names for inconsequential matters.  I'm sorry if I misunderstand but your exposition isn't very clear I'm afraid.


    That's really lame. I was waiting for Prime Kubrows for all this time and to discover there are no upgraded visuals is extremely disappointing. Even worse a basic prime feature is tied to a exclusive skin (why?) I thought all prime Kubrows would have the glowing eyes, heck even the feral kubrows have it.


    Not to mention there's no way to identify a prime Kubrow to make matters worse.



    Wow, what a bummer I'm just very disappointed by this whole thing.


    Wait, that's not the collar that gives the glowing eyes?

  4. I have fooled around a bit with Atlas and sadly I completely understand the reasons behind this choice.


    Could it be made so we can stand on it at least ? It would make it feel less vaporous, as of now It has no substance at all and it doesn't feel right.


    We can still freerun it, but I see only a few uses of that particular trait.

  5. Oh my.


    I'm the one that pointed out to [DE]Megan that the Prime Access description was confusing and in some places flat out wrong which led to the correction -blackening the kubrow model.-


    Here's the original thread for reference : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/540253-prime-access-missing-accessories/#entry6068770


    My current problem is not that the gene masking kit is not included (well it is but that 's another issue ^^) but the fact that the Prime access whole panel is still to this minute, displaying wrong info :


    Text description still reads : "Only after the Exclusive Gear? The choice is yours with Prime Accessories" when exclusive gear is not included


    Images of the "Well of life" "Link" and "Blessing" don't show the kavasa armor, nor the text tells you that it is included ! ->which leads to people believing the armor is only in the prime accessories.


    The Prime accessories pack is still called the "Exclusive pack" , except you have to read a whole page of text (prime access FAQ) to discover that one exclusive is actually not included.


    My objective was not to raise a huge uproar but only to actually prevent it. This Prime Access page needs to be corrected immediately or taken down. It can not stands in its current form as it is still not actually informing the customer properly about what he gets or not. (that last point is the most serious because it is a legal obligation of any seller )


    I'm  not a mod or anything but I dearly ask for any commenter to stay civil, I read the whole thread and saw some horrors that I would like to lock to the darkest reaches of the Internet.

  6. @Silverback I think you missed the point of this thread.


    We would be glad to buy the accessories pack in real money if only they didn't separate the cosmetics in two different packs (Which is the point and title of this thread and the first time DE ever did that I believe).


    It definitely feels like the Marketing department was running an experiment to see how much they could get away with. My opinion : they've gone too far this time and have began treading into Activision's territory.

  7. @[DE]MeganYou're welcome  ^^


    The text in the prime access tiers should also say where the kavasa armor is included, for the moment it doesn't anywhere.



    2) We will be changing the Prime Accessories Kubrow image to better illustrate that players receive the Armor, not the Gene Masking Kit- thank you for that!
    I'm sorry but the Gene masking kit really should be in the accessories pack ! Splitting the exclusives is setting a bad precedent ! Please don't go the Activision way... TT
  8. My guesss would be that he's as confused as everyone else, concerning the contents of the Prime Access Tiers and Prime Accessories Packs, which texts images and FAQ are all stating different contents for the packs...

    For instance Prime accessories text list the Kavasa armor, the image shows the Kavasa armor with the gene masking kit and The faqs says that only icons should not be included... There is a lot of confusion arising as I'm parsing the forums, this needs to be clarified.

    Edit : There's also the fact that the highest level of Prime Access don't get all the content... like the Kavasa Armor... Shouldn't the most expensive pack get everything ?

    Edit2 : While it is shown in the Prime accessories pack image, people are reporting not getting the Gene masking kit with the Prime accessories pack.

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