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Posts posted by lukaself

  1. Thanks Adam,


    It is not yet clear how it will change the meta, but it's good to have well thought annoucements like this to counteract the numerous and depressing endless stream of minor nerfs in the recent months. (*cough*ELECTRICSHIELD*cough*)


    I especially love the Hydroid changes that will allow hiw to be used more extensively, and not just in a farming context.

  2. I second counterflux about Volt's Electric Shield interaction with weapon ranges : How soon ?

    I'm never stubbornly against a rework or even a nerf when it's necessary but that was a loved feature and a harmless one at that.

    (I still remember when the shield's Crit buffs used to stack... I merely smiled when you removed that but I threw expletives at my screen when I read the previous hotfix notes ><')

  3. Im not trying to be constructive here.



    Please go make your own feedback thread about how sugatras look bad then. You have the right to have an opinion about it... but here you're simply off-topic. 



    All other double-sided weapons have two Sugatra attachment points, so it'd only make sense to update the Ninkondi too. They probably just forgot.


    Seems only logical.

  4. -snipped useless rant- don't ever post under the effect of a rage inducing nerf kids !


    The volt shield range bonus was there for so long, it was a loved feature of volt users... I hope you bring it back as good or even better I seriously do, for the sake of my 800hours on Volt/Prime.


    Meanwhile please revert this change, taking without giving anything in return is called stealing, Volt didn't need that kind of treatment (and please don't make it an augment that'd be a plain finger to the face of the few Volt users left)

  5. Sugatras were made for swords and spears. 


    On whose authority ? Warframe doesn't even have spears... Meanwhile, my Ack and Brunt, Proto glaive and Redeemer all have Sugatras and look good, in spite of not being conventional weapons, not even speaking of scindo prime.


    Please be constructive, just saying that it looks lame is not really helping.

  6. cueLF4t.jpg


    It's getting out of hand... it needs to be fixed once and for all.


    No ammo, no energy... started after 5minutes so the void key was lost, best I could do was clap-emote the enemies to death.


    Happened several times this week, in games with good and bad connection.


    At least if  I had  Mirage, I could have 4thofJulied all these pickups and clear my view ^^

  7. As title says : I've been unable to destroy void ball traps with the simulor as they take no damage from regular explosions or singularities colliding or even the vortex.


    It's a shame since I find it a rather weird but powerful weapon. (Weird is a plus imo ^^ Moar original weapons please !)


    Please do tell if you encounter a similar issue.


    (P.S. : yeah and I wouldn't mind if you enabled some mods for customization like Terminal Velocity or firestorm... as a bonus but that's off-topic^^)

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