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Posts posted by lukaself

  1. I'll just add that previously you could paint the delicate lines on the hilt... that formed a lotus symbol, you can't anymore,. Hilt is single color only and so is gone the lotus themed weapon... As I can see, the ones that bought the cosmetic sheath can still do it...



  2. Don't worry Kontrollo, I'm still following this topic because I find it intriguing. I only removed the first posts, because everything I said, Firetempest explained it better and it wasn't relevant anymore. And I just felt like everything I said was wildly misinterpreted.

    It took a lot of time to read all of your contributions and fact check everything I said just for it to be dismissed with a "you didn't read', so for now I'll just watch, but stop contributing.

    The thrown melee weapons are actually so broken, it would have been a wonder if we could have found a consensus at all.

    Sorry for the interruption, please go on.

  3. It's not only a small problem though, you can't choose a color for the line art on the Lotus flower on the upper part of the sheath, whatever I tried, it's only a blurry mess.


    I'm genuinely surprised I didn't find a hotfix this morning devs are usually more reactive than this... maybe they're overworked with PAX and all - I wouldn't mind a simple revert for the time being. 

  4. Glad to be of some help.


    @EpicWolf : Yeah I edited my posts after I made sure it was the case. I loved the small lines on the hilt and on the upper part of the sheath. To be clear the bleed is not of any color I chose, attachment and weapon energy color are both bright green and the bleed is yellowish...


    I hate yellow >-<'


    edit : added a screenshot.



  5. The Ymir is a Nikana skin not Drakana, but there's definitely a problem with the colors especially on the handle and hilt where energy color bleeds (and it definitely shouldn't) also, the fine art on the hilt (small decorative lines) are totally drowned into it.


    I expect (hope for?) a hotfix or revert very soon, cause it's only obvious something's wrong.


    It's not limited to the new skin, the regular Drakana is also affected.

  6. Hum it's not just this... the finer art on the lower part of the hilt have been lost completely... I llke the new look of the added metallic parts but this tint bug is ruining the subtlety of the design, and sorry to say this but whatever energy color I use, the bleed make it looks like puke. I just got the Drikana this week, and it felt awesome. 


    I hope it gets fixed soon, but please meanwhile... just revert it to how it was.

  7. (Edit : Nevermind - issue is not mod-related after all)


    It looks like some levels and enemies, have gun ragdoll physics, some don't : I just tested it in Void defense I : No ragdoll physics with Gammacor or Panthera but Melee attacks still ragdolled and dismembered bodies.

    Then I tested on Mercury - Appolodorus : Full ragdoll, guns and melee.


    Killing a live enemy still triggers dismemberment but only at the moment of its death not after. 


    Sorry about the gore post but I'm that kind of customer - the one whose portrait is right next to the shotgun in video game shops. 


    Please fix it - I'll behave ^^

  8. (Edit : Nevermind the previous post- issue is not mod-related after all)


    It looks like some levels and enemies, have gun ragdoll physics, some don't : I just tested it in Void defense I : No ragdoll physics with Gammacor or Panthera but Melee attacks still ragdolled and dismembered bodies.

    Then I tested on Mercury - Appolodorus : Full ragdoll, guns and melee.


    Killing a live enemy still triggers dismemberment but only at the moment of its death not after. 


    Sorry about the gore post but I'm that kind of customer - the one whose portrait is right next to the shotgun in video game shops. 


    Please fix it - I'll behave ^^


    Unreliability of ragdoll physics can be a huge problem for Nekros players who depends on their ability to dismember enemies.


    Issue is discussed in this threadhttps://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/389462-my-dissection-keeps-getting-ruined-ragdoll-malfunction/?hl=panthera

  9. I'd like to know too if the Physx particles will be an option... the new particle system does not interact with the level geometry at all, they just disappear through the walls and floor... I fell like the game has been downgraded. I like some of the new effects but I don't like options being taken away from me.


    Just give us an option to have the physx particle effects back, while you "try out" things. I really don't like being a test subject either.(Weirdest thing is that my kubrow and the grineer slam attacks seem to use the physx particle interactions so I don't see why I should have cheaper effects)


    I'm sure you'll come with wonderful things later but for now it's very lackluster.

  10. @Zay That's a very efficient way to capture a target, if a bit nArrow-minded. That's not the point though : Limbo is one of the most versatile frames :  I don't like the game removing some of my options.

  11. The new particle system really don't look good, they're bland and flat, they go through the walls, they really don't have any presence at all... can we have the Physx particles back on warframe powers please? What's bothered me is that enemies seem to still have it... Oo


    In short, they feel like a ugly downgrade.

  12. There was no info about this on the update notes... I'll just assume that's a bug then... I realized it only when I was in front of the capture target... powerless, since Limbo can't hold against it - not enough Health. 


    If it's a nerf, I'd like a longer advance notice before dying next time DE Thank you. I'm now officialy useless against cature targets... even in team.

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