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Posts posted by Reconsile

  1. 6 hours ago, Shalath said:

    Not convinced this will still work as enemies don't spawn in captures if you capture the target anymore on PC. Some worked around it by leaving the capture target in bleedout to keep the spawns coming and DE then patched that. -AxHx-Vile's experience matches my own.

    One day, in the far flung future, my grandkids can tell me what Vauban Prime is like...

    ???? He isn't talking about capture targets though.

  2. 18 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

    You are correct. Only DE has the numbers.
    And the fact, that we still have no separated Accessory Pack shows, that the numbers from the current model are more desirable.

    Let's be honest: The OP's idea isn't outstanding. Everyone can come up with that. DE themself came up with that idea when they started making these packs. That's for sure. And they didn't want to go that way.
    So clearly they don't want to change it.
    And just because some people in that thread say they won't buy the full pack for just one idea, doesn't mean that nobody does it.
    As I already said, it's not even plat you have to buy yourself. Trading just one or two items will get you the whole pack. It's that easy.

    And people in this thread sound like DE's strategy is something new in our world.
    There are often things, you can only get in a set and not on their own.
    Be it trading-cards, or some toys or other stuff...

    Except for the fact that trading cards are literally real world loot boxes, and the toys you mention are typically limited edition, never to be made again once sold out, so it is bundled. And even when it isnt, typically toys sets are sold as sets as buying only one part retracts from the full enjoyment of the toy. You don't typically buy a toy race car track and not get at least one car to use it with. With deluxe skins in warframe, there is no such retraction of enjoyment from buying them separately, and most fashionframes use various individual pieces from different sets.

    Deluxe skins used to be limtied edition, and it is why no one at first complained about it being bundled. Deluxes used to be called PREMIUM skins. And i was one of the suckers that bought the bundle because it was limited edition, only to have DE release it permanently. So, if it is going to be permanent, why not give players the option of what they want to buy instead of all or nothing

    Lastly, just because you can buy the bundles 100% free doesn't excuse the fact that such market freedom doesn't exist. The excuse that 'it doesn't matter since you can get it free anyway' can be used for any market changes DE may implore. It can even be used to rationalize DE increasing plat prices. The simply fact is, while you can get everything in game for free (baring tennogen for pc), most people have lives, most people have jobs, and thus don't have the time to waste in trade chat or farming for plat. The system as it stands only punishes players that buy the skin separately, then later down the road realize they also want the items, and players that only want the accessories. The money itself isnt the issue when i can buy 4k plat for 50$. It is, once again, forcing players who either don't play the specific warframe, or like them, to purchase content they DON'T want, or just not purchase at all.

    One big point I would like to make though, DE already has your money. Lets put it this way: When i go to purchase platinum, I typically wait for a 50-75% discount. which, are decently rare mind you. Because of its rarity, I will typically want to purchase the highest package I can afford. Why? Because not only is it cost effective, but I also have no idea when I will get another discount again. I stock up on platinum in the likely event new content is released, and I want to spend my platinum on it. DE already has my 50$, how I chose to spend the platinum means very little to them once I have acquired it. By keeping deluxe accessories bundled, it costs me more platinum, thus decreasing the time to my next platinum purchase. If DE was really concerned by getting me as a consumer to buy more platinum, then it can be done by creating actual content I WANT to buy. I get it, DE is still a business. However I do not believe that their ability to make money should be at the expensive of limiting what the player can buy.

    If we assume that only 50% of the 27 million registered players bought 15$ of plat a month (15$ a month is pretty average to subscription based games), that is 202.5 million dollars gross, monthly, with the company itself being valued at roughly 120 million dollars. If we also assume that all 170 employees at DE make 12.5k monthly (150k yearly), that means only 2.125 million is spent to pay employees monthly, leaving 200million still left for rental costs, developmental, etc. According to Toronto Metro, DE reported 4 million in profit after stacks for the year 2013, and 7 million profit during the 6months that led up to April 30th. While only DE has the numbers, I think it is safe to assume more than 50% of the players are spending money on the game.

    It should also be noted that DE has reached 38 million registered players since March 13, 2018. 11 million new players since the 27 million reveal in decemeber 2016. This quite huge when you compare the profit DE made in 2013 with only 332k registered players, then the growth to 7.8million registered players in 2014. It should be pretty easy to estimate the kind of money DE is making.


    But, this is moot topic anyway.


  3. It is a flawed business-strategy that just forces customers to either buy the bundle (even if they don't want the warframe skin) or just not buy at all. if DE allows their playerbase to have both the option of buying the bundle or individual items, it will only increase the amount of sales per player. There are many players like me that will refuse to buy the bundle due to unwanted items and cost attached, and thus, DE loses out on our money.


    *edit  While yes, more purchases per player does not mean more money overall, for a company that is being 'praised' as one of the few that actually listens to their players AND keep in good relations, it is a great black spot on their image to neglect such market freedom. Once again, this 'strategy' does nothing but force the player to either buy the bundle, or not at all, at the cost of what, grabbing more money to player? While I do not have substantial evidence to back up my next statement, there is a dangerous mindset that is growing in Warframe that players excuse the large amounts of money they spend on Warframe as 'Oh im just supporting the developers,  i dont mind spending MORE money because it is basically like donating it so Warframe can continue to grow!" My only evidence of this is what my ex clan/alliance mates have claimed, as well as many in region chat.

    I am willing to bet you DE knows this, and it is the reason why the market is still as restrictive as it was 2-3 years ago.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

    In case you forgot about it, here is the two-days old thread in which you ask the same thing:

    Are you hoping that if you create a new thread every two days DE will change their minds faster?

    (Also: this change is not going to happen, in my opinion, but what do I know).

    If you read the thread, people directed him to make his statement in the feedback>feedback categories>general and not community>general.

    As for the deluxe bundle, there really isnt a reason why DE can't have both the bundle that is more cost effective, and the skin and weapons separate, albeit slightly more expensive than if they were bundled. You can already buy the warframe skin itself separate, however weapon cosmetics are locked behind the bundle. This wouldn't actually be an issue if DE programmed the ability to discount owned items from bundles like so many other games do.

    As OP explained, he bought chroma deluxe seperate, and a year later wanted the sword, but had to buy the chroma deluxe bundle for full price just to obtain the sword, despite owning the skin. Lets talk about armour bundles? Alot are roughly 100p bundled, or 130p if bought individually. However if i buy the chest piece, which is 50p, then later I decide i want the whole set, I have the pay the full 100p ontop of the 50p i had already spent. Or, i can just continue buying the peices individually so i only have to spend a total of 130p and not 150p. Deluxe skins do not get this treatment. If you do not buy the bundle, there is no other way to obtain the items given from the bundle other than the warframe skin. This means that if i buy the chroma skin (which is 165p) then decide a year later i want the sword skin (for w/e reason, maybe a new tennogen looks good with it) my literal only option is to shill out and extra 225p just for the sword, making the total 390p spent. To further nail down this point, lets talk about nidus deluxe bundle. I don't own nidus, however the helminth skin looks great. If i want JUST the helminth skin, my only option is to pay for the bundle, despite not owning nidus. 

    DE either has such a QoL update on a very low priority, or they simply don't care enough to allow players proper shopping freedom.

  5. Hey there! [Ghost in the Warframe] is currently recruiting! With nearly all clan tech complete 65/70 there isn't much you will be missing with us. I have a basic discord server setup with usable alert and invasion bots. I, myself have 1100 hours on pc and 300 on ps4. Whenever you are online feel free to either shoot me a pm or join the server and I can set you right up!


  6. Hey, [Ghost in the Warframe] is currently recruiting. Our clan tech is nearly complete 65/70, and we are looking to further increase our numbers and I would love to have the both of you. I, myself have 1100 hours on pc, and 300 for ps4. I do have a basic discord server setup that alert and invasion bots, with currently the myself and 2 others. Whenever you guys are online, feel free to either reply back or check out the discord, and I can set you two up!


  7. Something I want to add is the idea that Exalted weapons are not always 'exalted' because of the owner who wielded it, but because of its legendary status. Taking the King Arthur legend, I present Lancelot. Arthur's greatest companion and the greatest swordsman of the age, but he is no 'king' himself. One of his swords is "Arondight" from 'Matters of Britain'. While information is scare, there are references of the sword in modern media claiming powers never being able to lose its edge, or it being the counterpart of Excalibur, or it being crafted from Excalibur when it lost its light.

    *Side note. While looking up the King Arthur legend, the weapon Excalibur was already legendary to begin with. It is the blade given to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake, a powerful enchantress that not only the fairy-godmother of Lancelot, but also resurrected him. I also learned that there some legends that Lancelot himself wield Excalibur despite not being the 'King of Knights'

  8. 14 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    I... guess? I thought we were discussing the weapon and properties of the weapon itself.

    Wiki is wrong then, I can assure you.  30 hits is the max you'll ever take to reach max range, which is why mods like Stretch and Overextended should never be used on Wukong.

    Again though, since you aren't commenting on this point, Excal's weapon is uniquely labelled as Exalted. There is a reason for this, that reason being that Exalted is directly referring to the ties with King Arthur.

    It is not the frame nor the ability that is Exalted, but the mythical sword and king themselves who were Exalted. Excalibur itself matching the definition of elevated, powerful etc. Excalibur was an exalted blade wielded by an exalted king.

    That has carried over, and is referenced to by the naming of his 4th ability.

    The only other weapon I can see having genuine "exalted" roots is the Iron Staff, as it was wielded by incredibly poweful beings, anchored the milky way, can duplicate and was able to grow and shrink itself as per the will of it's owner.

    This is probably just going to be me moving goalposts, but whatever. Titania as a Queen is arguably exalted, but did she have dual machine guns that can also be considered exalted?

    Food for thought :tongue:

    I mean, if we are talking about the properties of the weapon, Radial blind on Excalibur is part of his stance making a direct effect of the blade, without requiring ability input. Which i think is not all that different than Artemis bow using secondary fire button to fire its specialty arrows, and secondary fire is weapon specific.

    And maybe I missed it and thought of it in my head, but I do recognize the reason and reference behind Exalted Blade being labeled as such, over the other summoned weapons. I do understand that with near certainty 'exalted' was to be exclusive to Excalibur when the game first started. However with inclusion of new summoned weapons, I think it is safe to say that they can at least be argued to be 'exalted' based on its definition and the references the warframes come from. DE has certainly made that change, regardless of whether it was player pressure or not. If we are to talk about 'true' exalted weapons, then yes Excalibur and Iron Staff are exalted given real world legends. Whereas the other weapons are purely game specific creation.

  9. 10 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Could you provide any evidence to support this? I'd like to know what there is in the lore that claims the weapons are legendary, because DE have done a pretty terrible job tbh.

    The arrows are part of her #1 ability, beyond that it's literally Cernos prime with beefier stats.

    I didn't mention Mesa on purpose.

    Hysteria grants invulnerability, the claws themselves are what's being debated. And besides that, it's again, just beefy stats and lifesteal. Something that can be acheived with other weapons.

    This is not accurate at all.

    The staff has a base range, and increases by 20% per hit up to 200% max at 10 hits.

    With bare minimum range of 34% it takes 30 hits to reach max.

    Even at max it is still a "short" weapon.

    Exactly why I prefer "Unique weapon" as the identifier. :wink:

    Wukong, perhaps. He was certainly a king, and as a Buddha he can certainly be considered noble. Separate roles, but whatever. 

    Ivara may be based on a legendary Norse figure, but I struggle to see that as the same thing. Ivar was not exactly noble, were they?

    Valkyr being based on Valkyries, again, same thing. Whilst that may be a "noble" role, they aren't "noble" in a royal sense.

    Again, if we're just considering people that were "very very very good" then yeah, the Tenno were Exalted, and thus everything they use can be exalted.

    So clearly there's something that sets Excalibur apart from the others, right? Otherwise it wouldn't be called Exalted Blade.

    I'm just explaining what that difference is, and why I don't believe it to be applicable to other frames.

    Ivara's arrows on her one are shot out of her Artemis bow. It is no different than Excaliburs 1 2 and 3 which are done using his exalted blade

    It is debatable whether Hysteria's immunity is weapon effect or warframe effect, but considering that the claws itself is a manifestation of her rage into weapons...

    The stats for Wukongs staff i took directly from wiki.

    Maybe I getting the definition of 'exalted' wrong, but one does not need to be 'noble' to be exalted. The oxford definition is "(of a person or their rank or status) at a high or powerful level." as an adjective, and when used as a verb (used with object) "to raise in rank, honor, power, character, quality, etc.; elevate:"

    I should also mention Titania, since I forgot her: 


    Titania is portrayed as Queen of the Fairies in William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream, in which she is wife to Oberon, King of the Fairies. It is worth noting that while Oberon existed long before Shakespeare's play, Titania was created specifically for it.

    As for exalted weapons lore, I confess that I had confused it with my own headcannon, which derives from brief wiki descriptions (such as 'wukong's legendary iron staff') their prefix of 'exalted' with the weapon, and their exclusivity. There is nothing but brief hints at them being 'legendary'. While they are unique, i believe the category 'unique' is only general header, where as Exalted is a more specific category. For example:



    Unique Weapons  ---------> Synidcates -------> Synoid

                  I                                          I-----------> Secura


                  I----------------------> Exalted -----------> Iron Staff

                  I                                     I---------------> Dex Pixia


                  I                            Dera/Wraith------------> Vandal                                      

                  I                                          I---------------> Latron




  10. 1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

    Yes, and this falls flat just as easily when you consider the fact that by this logic, everything is Exalted. Exalted Mk1-Bo. Exalted Frost. Exalted Ripline. Exalted blah blah. If they're all Exalted, then there's no point in using the adjective because it loses it's meaning.

    (Plus the Tenno are hardly exalted by the Orokin anymore, are we?)

    Therefore, "Exalted" directly refers to the station that King Arthur held, Excalibur is his blade. Nothing else, and therefore can't be applied to non Excal frames imo.

    I'd love to know what the Iron Staff's special effect is. Is it "being worse than a normal melee weapon due to it having the range of a twig"?

    What about Ivara's bow? "Fires slightly more arrows than the Cernos Prime"?

    Valkyr's claws, innate lifesteal?

    These are great and all, but there are normal weapons that can be considered just as 'special'.

    Lesion gets a huge DPS boost on status proc. Hirudo self heals as well. Arca Triton does... stuff that I dont care about. Syndicate weapons all have unique efects, knockdown resist, blinds, parkour buff, vortexs, overshields, aoe procs etc.

    How are these weapons not special, or "legendary" or "superior"?

    Will do, that's kinda the message of the thread.

    People can call it whatever they want, it's not hard to understand what they mean.

    Except it doesn't the weapons are legendary from lore perspective, not ingame. If you want to compare ingame strengths, I can also question about how literal void power from your operator gets blocked by a boi with an over door. Or about how lvl 200 enemies can 1shot a warframe despite the frames pedestaled as godslayers. Enemy strength of the grineer and corpus don't cannonly scale that high in the lore.

    Ivara's bow is has innate 700% multishot and the ability to use 4 unique utility arrows that no other weapon has. Also every arrow has 200% crit damage and 20% status on them.

    Mesa has slingers have unlimited ammo and auto aim, which no other weapon has. Also each shot has 300% crit damage, 25% crit chance, 10% status, and like before 100% accuracy.

    Valkyr's claws gives her immunity to everything and innate lifesteal. Also has  50% crit chance, 200% crit damage and 5% lifesteal

    Wukong's staff grows larger with more range as your counter goes up. Simply getting rank 3 melee counter with stretch and reach gives your staff 218% range which only takes 45 hits, which isnt hard given you can aoe hit with melee weapons. Also has 200% crit damage, 25% crit chance and 10% status which I will admit is decent compare to other weapons.

    I do however see your point about syndicate weapons, or specialty weapons like hirudo, and my only rebuttal is that warframe weapons are purely unique to the frame itself, and the weapons cannot be obtained independent of the frame, unlike syndicate weaponry.

    As for the 'exalted' issue again, while I can understand how one can discount Mesa, what is the explaination of Wukong or Ivara or Valkyr? 




    "Ivara is a name derived from the Old Norse word Ívarr, which means "tree warrior".

    • In Norse legend, the similarly named Ivar the Boneless was a legendary warrior heralded as a deadly archer."

    Ivara is not only a reference to the norse legend, her bow named 'Artemis bow' is a direct reference to the Goddess Artemis herself, the goddess of the hunt. 






    "Wukong is named after Sun Wukong, (also known as the Monkey King), one of the main characters in the highly influential classic Chinese story Journey to the West. The majority of the Warframe's power set is based upon the Monkey King's lore.

    • The variable-size staff that Wukong summons upon using Primal Fury (and to a lesser extent, Iron Jab) is based off the Ruyi Jingu Bang, the Monkey King's signature weapon capable of changing its size at whim. It was one of several treasures bestowed upon the Monkey King after he defeated the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas."







    "Valkyr" is derived from Valkyrie. According to Norse Mythology, the Valkyries were a host of divine creatures in service of the gods that brought the "chosen" among the fallen up to Asgard (where the gods resided). It was generally believed that dying in battle with your honor intact was a sure way of being chosen.

    • This is further reinforced by her Kara Helmet and her Gersemi Skin, both of their names having ties to Norse Myth.



    Here you have three frames that are direct references to either legendary warriors or gods.


    I do want to make it clear, I am enjoying our debate, and my intention is not to insult you make you seem inferior. I am honestly interested in your perspective over exalted weapons. I know that how I word my sentences may come off as arrogant

  11. 6 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    And yet I can and will.

    You're not following the advice, Sunshine. If someone uses a term you don't agree with, ignore it.

    The Devs only refer to it as such because the community do, it still doesn't make it valid as far as I'm concerned. 

    Exalted refers to a person with a high station, it refers to nobility and authority. As an example, King Arthur was exalted. This makes his sword 'Excalibur' the blade of an exalted. 

    Ivara, Mesa... these are not Queens. They are not references to noble characters. Exalted doesn't fit.

    Not sure why I've had to explain that, once again, ignore it. Who the hell really cares?

    While I don't doubt exalted weaponry was supposed to be soley used to described Excalibur's weapon, your exception of Mesa or Ivara to the definition of exalted falls flat when you remember that the tenno in lore were 'high guardians' and regarded as both gods and demons by all. Not sure how much higher you can get on the authority or nobility list when you are the personal bodyguards of the emperors.

    Also following your own comparision of Excalibur being the exalted weapon of the noble king Arthur, you forget the metaphor that Excalibur was the first frame. He is the literal 'blade' of the Orokin, a race that considered themselves gods and above all others. The warframes are the exalted weaponry of these gods.

    Even if you somehow chose to ignore that, there is also a reason why they are called 'exalted weapons' and not 'exalted warframes'. All of the exalted weapons have a special effect on them, all of the weapons are 'legendary' compared to others. The high-ranking, the superior, the prestigious, the whatever synonym that you want to use to describe such caliber of weapons versus all other.

    Of course, call it what you want. Like my earlier post about 'accessory' vs 'utility', neither are wrong, just one is more correct. Im here just to simply debate the validity of exalted weapons.

  12. Well, that is just thing, I am not entirely sure what I 100% want from it, other than a Warframe spin off the 'Ghost in the Machine' spin, the body-mind dualism. In Warframe itself, we see this connection between operator (mind) and warframe (body). In the umbra quest itself is a metaphor of the human mind and body are separate entities, and that the 'ghost in the machine' is umbra acting of its own accord despite what its operator is commanding.

    I am simply lost as to what specifics to design. The only idea that comes to me is about the relationship between operator and warframe, perhaps one half is the head of a warframe (either side view or front view) and other half is operator (either side view or front view). Most liklely operator hood on since there are different face customizations.

    I would like the emblem to be clear, that every part stands out so when you are playing the game, the emblem doesnt look 'cluttered' when zoomed out.

    *edit I guess I should add in that I am not excepting a 100$ quality emblem, nor would I even be willing to pay for one as such. Depending on the quality behind the work, upwards of max 50$. However I believe hovering around 20-30$ quality is reasonable.

  13. **posting this here as someone has advised me that I might strike better luck in 'Fan Art' section. Original thread:

    I am a warlord of a small clan, and I am currently working on its expansion. My first emblem was of my own design, and came out decently. However with no actual experience in graphic design, it took me 3 full days to scrap up. The emblem itself is also dated now, as the previous clan name was 'The Lone Light', and I have changed it to match my Ps4 clan 'Ghost in the Warframe'. A fitting homage to a popular phrase in philosophy 'Ghost in the machine', given current Warframe lore. Below you will find an image of my current emblem below. *

    What I am looking for is someone to create a new emblem that matches the 'ghost in the machine' concept but with a Warframe theme. The emblem does not need to be anything overly complicated, and I am open to any artistic liberties that you may choose for your work. For a little bit of info on what 'ghost in the machine' is, please check out this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_the_machine

    If you post your work in the thread, I would advise you to watermark it for your own protection unless you plan on donating the image. While I do not consider myself as a dishonest person, others may be, and theft is a very real thing in the world.

    Regarding payment for your work, I want to make it clear that I will only give payment to finished products that I have reviewed and approved. Any concept arts or alterations will not be paid for. If you would like to mock up something, that is cool and by all means do so, but it is on your own penny. As for methods of payment, we can discuss this in private.

    If you would like to talk one-on-one we can take any questions and concerns to the messages., otherwise posting on this thread should work just as fine.

    Please see this guide for important notes and rules regarding Emblem creation in Warframe if needed: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/218983077-Clan-and-Alliance-Emblem-Creation-Guide




  14. 13 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    Yup, ignoring it is really the best option. 

    99.9% of the community refer to moddable ability weapons as "Exalted", I refuse to since it's not a valid adjective for anything but Excal's. As such I refer to them as "Unique" weapons.

    Am I going to argue and correct people? No, if people want to refer to them as Exalted weapons then whatever, I know what they mean and that's what matters.

    Except it is valid. The devs themselves call weapons summoned by warframes 'exalted'. Just check out ivara's profile video which is provided on the official warframe website. De even calls them exalted weapons in the patch notes. Refuse it all you want, but you can't argue against what the creators of the game call it

  15. The definition of 'accessory' is "a thing that can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive. [noun]" or "contributing to or aiding an activity or process in a minor way; subsidiary or supplementary. [adj]."

    Whereas 'utility' is "the state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial. [noun]" or "useful, especially through being able to perform several functions [adj]"

    While he isn't incorrect in using 'accessory', 'utility' is MORE correct. For example, you wouldn't call a vehicle as an 'accessory truck' to describe their multitude of functions, you would call it a 'utility truck'. You call it 'accessory knife', you call it 'utility knife'

  16. Thing is, we do use people for our warframes. There has been a long standing theory that humans or at least a humanoid species is used as a base for warframes. Lets look at defense missions. We defend a "Warframe Cryopod" despite the cryopod not containing a warframe. Instead there is a person that is dressed as a Lotus operative. Given that DE confirmed warframes are made by taking a person, infecting them with a special infested strain called 'helminth' then encasing  them in armour... well not hard to see where I am going with this.

    As for umbra, we didnt frankenstein, we made an exact copy of it using its scans. or more accurately, synthesized, similar to how we make synthesis scans for Simaris so he can have EXACT replicas for his sanctuary. This is also why umbra is already level 30 + memories intact. Whereas the warframes we build are unranked. We built them off blueprints that the enemy has scavenged

  17. Wouldn't make sense for a pilot to know that level of knowledge about warframe construction, even if you could frankenstein a warframe together. Why would you test your product on the very researchers and developers that create warframes, on the hope that they don't die or become irreversibly paralyzed? Even we if assume that Stalker's pilot is a person with that level of warframe knowledge, there is still the problem about frankenstein-ing warframes. The very reason why revive systems work from lore point is because of a mythical power called 'oro'. It is a powerful force that allows 'things' exposed to the void to survive death, but NOT become immune. There are instances where creatures with oro have died ie Rell, Mirage and Limbo. To our knowledge, nothing has yets been able to come back to life in one form or another once the Oro has dissapated.

  18. I honestly always thought the acolytes were just more low guardians that were awakened. I have a theory about the difference between 'low guardians' and 'high guardians'. High guardians are the tenno themselves, plain and simple. They command the warframes with as much ease as the dragonborn does speaking the thuum.

    The low guardians are people (whether orokin, tenno or other) that piloted experimental suits (possibly explaining the different abilities). We know from Titania quest that non-tenno can pilot withe suits, but it is very taxing, and not easy to accomplish. Knowing this difference, it would make sense why the low guardians didn't betray the orokin like the tenno did, because it was only the tenno that Lotus had bought allegiance with, only the high guardians. However, similar to Titania quest where the women eventually lost her own self aware consciousness, it is possible that over time, as the pilot of Stalker aged, the pilots 'spirit' fused with the suit. Taking a look back at Harrow quest, it is possible to fuse a tenno's oro to the warframe itself, defying death in a way. The product of this is a warframe that embodies a spirit of vengence.

    There is no way Stalker was the only low guardian, and thus we have acolytes .

  19. I am a warlord of a small clan, and I am currently working on its expansion. My first emblem was of my own design, and came out decently. However with no actual experience in graphic design, it took me 3 full days to scrap up. The emblem itself is also dated now, as the previous clan name was 'The Lone Light', and I have changed it to match my Ps4 clan 'Ghost in the Warframe'. A fitting homage to a popular phrase in philosophy 'Ghost in the machine', given current Warframe lore. Below you will find an image of my current emblem below.

    What I am looking for is someone to create a new emblem that matches the 'ghost in the machine' concept but with a Warframe theme. The emblem does not need to be anything overly complicated, and I am open to any artistic liberties that you may choose for your work. For a little bit of info on what 'ghost in the machine' is, please check out this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_the_machine

    If you post your work in the thread, I would advise you to watermark it for your own protection unless you plan on donating the image. While I do not consider myself as a dishonest person, others may be, and theft is a very real thing in the world.

    Regarding payment for your work, I want to make it clear that I will only give payment to finished products that I have reviewed and approved. Any concept arts or alterations will not be paid for. If you would like to mock up something, that is cool and by all means do so, but it is on your own penny. As for methods of payment, we can discuss this in private.

    If you would like to talk one-on-one we can take any questions and concerns to the messages., otherwise posting on this thread should work just as fine.

    Please see this guide for important notes and rules regarding Emblem creation in Warframe if needed: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/218983077-Clan-and-Alliance-Emblem-Creation-Guide




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