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Posts posted by Toom1275

  1. allow god mod.

    and cause much QQing about how unfair it was (with rage).


    people asked for it to be "fixed".

    DE "fixed" it.


    another case of careful what you ask for.

    and another reason why nerf whiners should be ignored and have their threads locked

  2. My test was taking Valkyr, who benefitted enormously from the old combo, to that first Exterminate mission in Venus. I didn't know how bad the change was going to be, so I figured I'd go with soft enemies. That, and for sort-of-roleplay reasons, I'm trying to keep Valkyr on Corpus-murdering missions.

    After standing in a group of crewmans for a minute or two until I had finally taken enough health damage for QT to activate, I got to see what it did.

    Then spend the rest of the entire mission at 2 health, and with even these featherweights able to take down Valkyr's pitiful shield, I kept bleeding energy.

  3. While I almost agree that Quick Thinking + Rage was overpowered, what happened to it in the latest was a pretty dumb change to it, that could so easily have been done much better.



    Old system:


    Upon lethal hit, Quick Thinking would suck dry players' energy pool and convert energy into health.

    With Rage, taking damage would fill energy pool.

    With both, There'd be a cycle of energy<>health at about a 96% return rate, if I remember from when I calculated it out, until FINALLY one resource or the other was depleted, unless player picked up any health / energy orbs.


    functional immortality, which given how broken some situations in the game can get, wasn't really a bad thing.



    New system:



    Once shields are down, take health damage, and Rage fills your energy like usual.

    Until you're at ~2 health

    Then, Quick Thinking takes over, deactivating Rage, and instead depleting your energy to keep you alive.

    Result, if you manage to survive long enough to get to cover:

    Still at ~2 health until you're lucky enough to find some health orbs, while you now bleed what energy you have left whenever your shields are down.

    This crap is not acceptable




    Fix for the "fix"

    Quick Thinking depletes to maintain shields instead. Once energy is gone, shields collapse as normal.

    QT only works if you have >0 shields, to lessen interference from Rage.

    Possibly lower the energy conversion effieiency a bit since shields are a renewable resource.

    Possibly require shields to regenerate to FULL capacity, giving more reason use to shield-booster mods like Fast Deflection and Fortitude.



    Taking damage to shields like normal

    Shields about to drop, QT kicks in to keep them up

    Energy gone, shields drop, now take health damage

    Rage refills energy, but shields are down, so it doesn't help.

    Must find cover for enough time for shields to come back online

    Once shields back, good to go.


    -Tying QT to shields, rather than health, helps prevent the situation where you're at minimum health and living off of orb drops or gear to survive that current Qt causes.

    -Rewards taking cover by keeping energy loss to a minumum, rather than punishing for being unable to get it by keeping your health to a minimum.

    -Still does NOT grant demigod status.

    -Rage effects are still minimized. You can't just stand in the middle of the room and tank bullets. All that energy Rage gives you is useless while your shields are still down.

  4. Being able to hit things with Hysteria is better now than it was before with the new melee system, but things aren't quite good yet.


    Last things it needs are an attack speed buff and a range buff. While target lock makes it a little easier to hit targets, there's still the problem when the target is just a few inches too far, or moves to the side and dodges. I see enemies nearby me glow when I have the power on, so something should theoretically be happening to them. Perhaps have Hysteria debuff their movement speed so that they'll sit nice and still for Valkyr's claws like good little sandbags.

  5. new quick thinking is not only not needed, but badly done. went to test it out, and spent half the mission at 2 health.


    Why are you delaying fixing REAL bugs to break what's good?

  6. Since the stagger mods were rebuilt to be proc chance mods, I think the stagger chance of weapons was changed to be proc chance, at the expense of not having innate stagger anymore. As far as I know, the Impact damage type has its proc as stagger, so the best way to get stagger on a weapon now is to buff impact and proc chance. This doesn't come close to fixing the problem, though.

  7. I think that once infested reach a certain level, they were supposed to gain armor to make them even tougher.



    Aside from that, Leapers used to have armor UNTIL they jumped at you, when the armor would drop. The colored health bars makes this more visible.


    It's still weird that they have any armor in the first place, though.

  8. I've noticed that I get this problem when I have multi-threading turned on. When I turn it off, my mouse only lags at dioramas, but not in-mission. I've had this problem since before U11. I've had the not-a-choice between low FPS with mutli-threading off, to severe mouse lag making the game unplayable with it on.

  9. Seeing prices jump from 10 to 50 plat and back again with every other post, trolls demanding 1k plat for things all over the place, people who have a lot to sell and make a wall of text in the chat; makes it hard to find what you're looking for. It'd just be nice if the system would take care of all that; Have the big seller list all their wares onto the exchange (maybe keep the 13 trades a day limit to be how many items/day can be posted to exchange) Lower prices would most likely do better than higher ones, since all offers are visible, and the ridiculous demands would either only be bought if it was the last option left and someone was desperate, or else be recycled when nobody wants to cough up that much.

  10. My main annoyance was the Flux being slash damage. My primary use for it was on Grineer Galleon defense missions, to use with Saryn's Venom ability, as its precise beam made targeting those blisters cake, and its damage helped it hold its place for the rest of the mission. Now, It's ONLY useful for poking blisters, and would do 0/crap damage to the grineer normally. While I can sort-of supplement with corrosive damage, I'm still losing out on a few hundred damage.

  11. My current experience with the trading is that it's hard to catch what is being offered in the trading thread, compare prices, or get a buyer for your items.



    Trading systems I've seen that seem to work better are an exchange-type trading system, like in the Star Trek Online MMO, or Steam's sticker-thing. Users post their loot onto the exchange and put in a price they want to sell it for, and the item is removed from the inventory and posted on the exchange. Buyers can then shop by item, sort by price, and find what they want. Unsold items get dumped back on the seller after a time. This system also can help keep prices reasonable if supply is high, as most sellers try to undercut each other to make sure their item is the one that is sold.



  12. Really like the new gear hotkeys, but one thing is missing.


    They don't seem to work (or, at least, haven't for me) when I'm in hacking a console.

    Only reason I'd bothered to re-equip my cipher is because I'd hoped that I could just bind that gear slot, and punch a key when I started a hacking to clear it quickly.


    Alas, my hotkey input seems ignored, and I have to hit the "use cipher" button on the screen instead. May as well just solve the thing anyway.

  13. It was also annoying doing the event missions. They were supposed to be Extermination missions, which I though would have all enemies pre-spawned and dispersed throughout the level, but I repeatedly had infested coming in from behind, from completely-cleared rooms. Even had them sometimes spawning behind the warp gate, where I can't go back to the first part of the level. Luckily, the Corpus mobs took care of the ones there.

  14. I was doing a Derelict mission and managed to down the target in the target's escape room, but he got me at the same time. Game thought that since he was in the room, that he could escape, even though he was knocked out on the floor >.>

  15. If I'm hearing your idea right, it's like this:


    When the glass breaks, the room doors seal like normal, but the shutters also automatically activate. (It's a bit odd that when the ship notices a broken window, that it'll seal the room, but not the window)


    But the automatic shutter-sealing doesn't fix the whole problem straight-away. You're now in a sealed vacuum-chamber, and still taking damage. The ship doesn't care about this, but you do. The console is needed to still be used in order to get the system to refill the air and unseal the doors.


    Perhaps there could be a faint whistling-wind effect played near the closed shutters to suggest the shutter-seal isn't perfect, hence the doors normally staying closed.

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