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Posts posted by Toom1275

  1. And take off that silly-looking dive and auto-roll combo if you jump while aiming. It's caused problems when trying to shoot with charged weapons. The only time I've ever intentionally done that move is wither when I wanted to get to extraction in the slowest and most ridiculous way possible, or just playing around in the clan dojo.

  2. I was a bit disappointed when I saw the punchy-punchy-punchy ground finisher for the Obex.


    I had envisioned something a bit more inline with the nature of the Obex - as weaponized forcefields.


    It goes something like this:



    Tenno straddles downed victim (same as normal)


    Places fist emitters on chest of victim, almost like it was using a defibrillator


    Fists start to glow as charge builds


    Charge is released in a torso-rending blast with flash and shockwave.


    Force five a bit of propulsion to the Tenno doing a backflip away from blast.


    If the finisher damage was lethal, gib the enemy's torso.




  3. Probably the bug in general that enemies' actions have too high of a priority. See also:

    Ancients being able to slap you when you're invisible / dodging

    Grineer heavies still able to ground attack when they themselves are knocked down (resulting in heavy gunners launching themselves across the room sometimes)

  4. Just the whole concept of basing permanent effects on the game on the players in the way this event was a colossolly bad idea. Like, 4Chan in online contest bad. Not only did it hurt the players who worked to to prevent the map from being ruined (by supporting Corpus), It also hurt players who couldn't even participate in the event. Mars is screwed up for EVERYONE now.


    The fact still stands that Warframe is now deficient in at least one mission setup now because of all this. And it got replaced bye the faction the game needs far LESS of, even.

  5. Ever since the update BEFORE the one with the event, Multi-threading has introduced a game-breaking amount of input lag for mouse movement. When it's on, there's a quarter-to-half second of delay between me moving my mouse to my view moving. This has persisted even to update 10.6, though it seems to be slightly, if any, better than it was, though not as good as it used to be. When I turn multi-threading back off, the lag goes away.

  6. Two issues with this option for mods



    Issue 1:


    This should NOT be the default option on the installation page. Sort by Name is by far more useful for finding the mods to put on weapons.



    Issue 2:


    An option of sort by polarity is sorely needed in the general mods section. Since mod fusion efficiency depends on polarity, grouping the mod being fused with other like-polarity fusion-fodder would make the process much easier.



  7. How long will the Grineer be infesting Mars until this mistake gets reverted? Silvanus seems to have been the ONLY Corpus extermination on the outpost tileset, and the only good place for testing my anti-Corpus sniper builds. Because of the event, that node is not only COMPLETELY WORTHLESS now, but there  are ZERO alternative missions I can use. The sooner this map fail is fixed, the better.


    Furthermore, Olympus used to be a good place to grind, but not anymore, thanks to it now being the absolute worst kind of the endless defense missions now.


    Shame on the grineer-supporting trolls for not understanding or caring about the damage they caused to everyone.

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