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Everything posted by Toa_Ignika

  1. That's not a bug, both the Mutalist and the Proboscis Cernos are different weapons, these are not Cernos variant like the Prime or the Rakta.
  2. Caliban already has Sentient Wrath for the dmamage buff and Fusion Strike, so adding Battalyst for even more dmg buffs seems to be a bit redundant. Would having more than Conculysts be nice ? Yeah kinda ? But as an augment heck no, if we really want more Sentient choices it should be base kit. Also my main issue with that is that adding more Sentient for the sake of having more Sentient feels a bit unecessary. If the added Sentient would be tied to Caliban's kit for more synergy, yeah that would be great. But so far Caliban is a fairly basic straightforward weapon platform Frame who doesn't have some insane kit synergy like we can see on other Frame, he has a basic weakening the mobs in 2 way so his summons can do some work. Note that invisibility is one of the strongest and easiest survival tool, so if Caliban does get that with Mimic Sentients then what's the point in having the Conculyst ? If we got to the route of different types of Sentient, Conculyst could stay as the defensive unit, Battalyst could become an offensive unit so Caliban can dps with his abilities, and Mimic should be an energy regen unit because that's what Caliban needs the most in his kit (outside of a full change in his 1, Inaros Sandstorm is a perfect exemple on what Razor Gyre could be).
  3. Something that I'll probably never use because I don't feel it's necessary, but would change his gameplay rotation a bit : reducing the amount of Conculyst summoned by Lethal Progeny to 1 while increasing the ability duration, strength and energy cost. People seems to think that Caliban absolutely needs to cast his Lethal Progeny 3 times right away and complains a lot about that, when it's not how it should be used. Instead you're supposed to space the cast to always have some Conculyst on the field for the constant shield regen, and imo not having a UI to know the timer of each Conculyst is wthe most annoying part of the ability. So that augment would "fix" what's annoying on Lethal Progeny for most players while not being a completely new function augment that absolutely needs to be slotted.
  4. Riven are dependant on the weapon they are for, like if your weapon has 5% Crit Chance that's a stat you wont look for with your Riven because it wont help (in that case you(d want flat crit chance like Puncture proc, Arcane Avenger, etc). Usually you want stats thare can either easily replace one or multiple mods on your build, or enhance stats to some threshold. For the Azima you need so many stats to make the weapon feels good, you need Fire Rate and Punchthrough for both mode, you need Magazine Capacity for the alt-fire, Multishot is always a must have on almost every single weapons. Crit Chance is also not bad for your Riven as it'll make the crit more consistent. You really dont want negative Magazine Capacity because it lowers the duration of the alt-fire, negative zoom/ recoil and maybe impact should be the only negative that are harmless. Note that if you use Qorvex wyou get free Punchthrough which free a mod and a stat for your riven.
  5. If you're not aware they said that they are doing something with the next update (it was either on the devstream or the devshorts), so we'll see how effective their solution will be.
  6. It's 2024, 300% strength is really easy to reach : Blind Rage(99%) + Molt Augmented (60%) + 3 Tauforged Crimson Shards (45%), let's not forget about Madurai that can provide 40%, the efficiency you lost ? Not really a problem, we have so many ways to regenerate energy, and if ever you could always slot Streamline to negate a part of the drain. Also that would still leave you with 1 Arcane slot,2 Shards and 6 or 7 mods for your build, which is more than enough for any balance build. Will Eclipse be too strong as a defensive ability after Dante's Unbound ? Dunno, and tbh I dont really care, it's going to be the only reliable DR ability we'll have so by itself it's good.
  7. If you're ready to invest in a meh weapon, you can use the Steflos, the projectile kinda looks like a Sun (or a flower) and with the new Rad mods you can have both Rad, Viral and Heat.
  8. What you're looking for is a Helminth Ability called Parasitic Armor. Or you could always try to stack both the Dragon Key and the futur new Corrupted mod we'll get with the next update.
  9. As far as we know, yes it is not a bug, maybe one day DE will change the Archon mods interaction with Voruna to consider it as multiples procs, but so far it is just a single "super proc".
  10. Basically the game consider that you do proc 10 stacks at once, it's not made as 1 proc 10 times which why you only get 1 more proc with the Archon mods.
  11. It used to be flat value (80 Iron Skin) and not % based, and that was widely known as a really bad augment before that change. Why ? because 80 flat value per enemies when Rhino could reach millions of Iron Skin value was not visible at all. The difference with Styanax augment is that Reinforcing Stomp work per enemy while Intrepid Stand works per hits.
  12. For consistency sakes, DE removed the taxi from Incursions and the regular Steel Path missions, they also disabled the Circuit Steel Path if you do not meet the requierements. So why Void Fissure Steel Path are exempt from that ? To me that's an overlook that has to be put in line with the rest of Steel Path. And if you don't think there is any issue with that, why did they fixed the Profit Taker from being taxied even without reaching max rank with Solaris United ?
  13. I just went in an Extermination to open a Relic in Steel Path and joined a group of 2 players, and to my surprise one of them looked surprisingly less used to Warframe gameplay it seemed. So after we completed that mission, I went to check the profile of that player, the result was a bit shocking to me, he was at Mastery Rank 2 with MK1 weapons. Sure players that challenge themselves by staying at low MR exists, and MK1 weapons are more than usable on the Steel Path now that the Incarnon Genesis exist. But that players also had a whooping 5h of total game time. So yeah no that was a completely new account. Wondering how it was possible for someone that new to be able to join a SP relic mission, I asked other players about it, and huh... I learned that Void Fissures in Steel Path are not locked to player who did not unlocked the Steel Path, by doing a premade group. And as far as I know, everything else related to the Steel Path is locked to players that did not meet the requierement. So why do Void Fissures being exempt from that ?
  14. Don't do the Lone Story, just stop it. It's a pure waste of time if your only goal is to fight Kullervo. Instead do the Duviri Experience and go talk to the Warden to trigger the fight as an optional mission. Just forget about it being a main mission, it's a random chance to have it.
  15. What I want with the Companion rework, would mainly be to have the pets staying close to us, in regular gameplay (aka not endless) it's mostly their poor AI that make them die by being stuck between enemies far from you. And for Sentinels to have the Reawaken augment for Djinn to be inverted with Regen/ Primed Regen, and maybe with some better values ? Basically Reawaken would become an instant revive with X charges available, while Regen would be an infinite revive on cooldown, and Primed Regen with an even lower cooldown. Those would be the very basic changes I really, really want to see. Other than that maybe some balance on the Companions abilities ? To have all of them being appealing to use.
  16. A thing to consider is that any Gun with a secondary alt fire cannot have an Incarnon Genesis, because the same input is used for the Incarnon transformation and the alt fire. So any Grineer/ Corpus/ Infested weapon that has one, are relevant to be updated with an Nemesis form. My guess to why the Gorgon was selected to be Incarned and not to made it into a Kuva is probably to not have a 4th Gorgon (there is already the Wraith and the Prisma as upgrade) and to have not have to code and animate the weapon in a Kuva Lich hands.
  17. So far I missed no Nightwave and I was thinking the same. For the unfortunate people that did not get to rank 30 on every single Nightwave to date, there is kinda no solution for them to acquire these augments. The 1st NW we got was in February 2019, it's been 4 years since Wild Frenzy, Burst Mass and Napalm Grenades was released. And a newer player would not be able to get these mods, Napalm Grenades being almost mandatory for a Penta build makesit rough. The Gorgons are getting an Incarnon Genesis soon enough, and there was a previous WN augment for it, a fun one too. And there are a lot of other augments from previous NW that are either so good to be mandatory for these weapon or just fun to use, while being unavailable to most players. I'm going to be hyperbolic, but these Nightwave Augments feels like they are the new Primed Chamber, if you were not there at the time you could get these, your only choice is to find players that managed to get these mods and are willing to trade it to you. And thanks god Primed Chamber was made available to everyone through Baro. There is nothing to argue that all the previous augments really needs to be added back in the game either with the NW shop, or through Baro like with Primed Chamber.
  18. So you could switch quickly between a config A for Grineer, config B for Corpus, config C for Infested, config D for Corrupted, config D for the weekly Archon hunt without Faction mod and a config E for the Circuit without Faction mod too because it has Dax and Thraxx ? Even if it was faster, the fact that you'd need that much config and switch them constantly is what I have issue with the whole Faction mods, and what other people has too from what I read. It's tedious to have that much configs and switch them when we're already in a time where we have more than the 4 regular factions to fight as regular enemies. I like that idea of removing Faction mods while buffing the Duration Mods, to make the double the status DoT, I don't think anyone use these mods other than with Primer builds.
  19. With how the patchnote was written, it really made it looks like Adaptation would give the damage reduction to Iron Skin. Seeing that you do get it proc but without any effect is really sad. I hope it's not working as intended and that all Overguard should get the Adaptation damage reduction. It would be really nice to hear DE about that interractipn.
  20. I don't like the Faction mods either as it's a pain to level and use overall, so I never bother with it. And I double down on that point, we're in a time were we're barely doing missions with only Grineer, only Corpus, only Infested or only Corrupted. We have the Narmer faction, Sentients are more present than ever with mutiples missions, We have Dax and Thraxx as common enemies in the Circuit (before the Thraxx was only an Elite mobs in a very selected missions). We have a lot of multi faction modes that are somewhat core to the game loop we do. And imo multi faction modes are fun, for the diversity in enemy type. So are Faction mods still relevant ? To me not really, I understand that they have a place to be used, but is it really worth when so many people seems to not want to use them and when it's not affecting a lot of common enemies ?
  21. Tbf I would prefer if they buff the base duration instead of having an augment for that. What I'd love to see as an augment, is to transform the effect of crystalizing the enemies to crystalizing your (and your teammate's) weapons for some Multishot buff (and maybe some more effects). We have almost no Multishop buffs from Frames, except with Octavia, and it could fit Citrine (shards covering the guns to make shrapnels).
  22. 24% divided through the 8 pellets from the base multishot, that's where you get 3%.
  23. Nekros is more reliable than Khora with how easy he is to mod (you want 167% power strength, Equilibrium and the rest is up to you) and play, his 2 remove armor so you only need some decent weapons to kill the Overguarded enemies. While Khora is really strong but needs some more specific builds, you also want a Stats stick melee to enhace her 1. But she should drop more ressources than Nekros as the bonus chance procs on kill, Nekros chance is after the kill and 1 at the time. So it's up to you, either you want some easy and less restrictive farm with Nekros, or you get a slightly better farm but more restrictive play with Khora. Anyway if you want the best farm you should be in a group with the 2 Frames.
  24. Galvanized Acceleration exists. And it does both, so all the regular mods should be the same. Since they introduce that mod, they should have done it, but now more than ever with the Incarnon Genesis it's something that needs to be done. Isn't the Furis a large cone beam ? Like the Athodai secondary shot, or the Klamora Prism ? I'm not sure the Athodai is even affected by Ruinous Extension.
  25. So with this week of Incarnon Genesis, we got 2 new weapons that can switch between a Projectile shot and a Beam shot : the Atomos and the Torid. Before that, there were few other weapons that had this property (the Basmu and in a sense the Panthera/ Prime, dunno if there are more weapon like that). In essence, both the Projectile Flight Speed mods (Terminal Velocity, Fatal Acceleration and Lethal Momentum) and the Beam Length mods (Sinister Reach and Ruinous Extension) do the same thing : increasing the range from where you can shot. So why do we need 2 differents mods for that ? For the weapons named above, using one of these 2 Exilus mods make it so only half of the weapon benefit it, and that is, if they can even equip these mods. The Basmu cannot equip Sinister Reach even if it's secondary shot is a Beam, the Atomos with its Incarnon Genesis, from what I understood, cannot equip Lethal Momentum. Furthermore, there is 1 mod that exists and that have both Projectile Flight Speed and Beam Length on it ! Behold : Galvanized Acceleration. That mod exists, it already does both effect at once, but it's only available for Shotguns. So can we have all Projectile Flight Speed/ Beam Length mods do both effect ?
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