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Posts posted by (PSN)Shadovvolfe

  1. This seems...a little extreme. You don't *need* bright purity to make EB work well, but...combined with the changes to blocking EB has still fallen quite a few notches. And as others have said, from a purely logical standpoint, why wouldn't EB benefit from bright purity? It's a skana mod...and the exalted blade is a skana. There's pretty much no reason to use the prisma skana or the skana prime with Excalibur now when there are other weapons...everyone just gonna go back to their d-nikanas and scindo primes. I thought it was cool that there was a benefit from running the "poster boy" build...Excalibur with his Skana. You could have just taken off the syndicate explosions at most. Making it a total waste of a mod slot whenever your Ult is out is just bad synergy.

  2. I can confirm the elevator  bug, as well as the fact that a couple of times the bailiff will get stuck down there and the mission won't start, forcing a quit.


    However, after suspecting it a few times, I finally confirmed that in the last 10 waves the tac alert will sometimes autofail. I just confirmed it a few minutes ago and saved the vid...the mission failed when the bailiff was at full health. It might only have a few days left but it's total BS that such a long alert with such low drop rates can randomly fail for no reason, making your efforts moot.

  3. Don't be discouraged OP, it's not your fault some people can't read to save their lives.


    What you're suggesting is not a nerf at all. Blocking post U17 is useless because it won't stop you from dying. You still take damage. Deflecting that last bullet or melee swipe when you're almost out of health won't help you, especially when enemies are doing tons of damage in higher tier content. You're just dead. All it does is slow down how fast you die, like a million other abilities. And so, it's largely pointless. Blocking in and of itself pre U17 wasn't bad, the issue was that, once you ran out of stamina, not only could you not block, but you couldn't sprint or otherwise use your mobility to its fullest extent, which is an awesome way to get killed. While the numbers and whatnot are up for debate, I definitely agree that a block meter is needed. It didn't make much sense before that our super space ninjas couldn't sprint for more than a few seconds. Now that's fixed, but it's been replaced with them being able to endlessly deflect bullets, albeit ineffectively. A block is a block. As long as you can still get the hell out of dodge after your meter is depleted (instead of jogging away while waiting for your stamina to regenerate while you got riddled with bullets) I don't see the problem with returning to the old block.


    Also, it does make the auto parry Excalibur recently got with his ult entirely useless...all it does now is stop you from having to hold the block button. 

  4. Uh...no. This isn't a single player game. If you want to exploit cheap, spammy mechanics, go play one of those. This is an MP game, and the gmag+mesa practice hurts the meta. Most of us don't agree on how the change should have been done, but most people do agree it needs to be changed, and since DE is getting rid of it, clearly they do as well. End of story.

  5. There's a difference between being efficient and being cheap. The Mesa+gmag nonsense looks so much like botting in mmos it's not even funny. Hydroid and Nekros' abilities are handy for loot too, but you still have to, you know, play the game. With Mesa and gmag, they do their thing and the other two players just stand around because you can't kill anything before mesa one shots it. Standing around while other players exploit a cheap mechanic is something that needs to go away. Granted, I do think nerfing mag instead of mesa is the wrong way to go about it, but their afk farming BS hurts the meta as a whole.

  6. I just think it's disheartening that PC has gotten 2 updates and now a hotfix apparently while we've sat around with nothing for the last like month and a half. If it takes almost 2 months to port over a rework for ONE FRAME (and a couple of other small things) to  consoles, how long is it gonna take for something as extensive as U17?

  7. I can understand we're you're coming from. I don't mind that console is behind PC in theory, but it is a bit ridiculous that they got Excalibur's rework well over a month ago AND they just got U17 while we've been twiddling our thumbs with no content that whole time...PC will have had a week or two to play around with actual new stuff by the time we get...a rework for one character. Yay?


    But then, this was originally a PC game and we wouldn't have it at all if it weren't for them, so you gotta take the good with the bad I suppose.

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