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Posts posted by spacerocks

  1. Personally, I really wish that the arcanes that are being offered for the Scarlet Spear event were not maxed out. I have a lot of arcanes, and I would have liked to just buy the remaining amount I needed. Also, matchmaking would be really welcome for this event. Just a node for "Space team" and "ground team" would be good, and it would auto assign you to a floatilla

    I was informed that they are only shown as full arcanes, but you do actually buy them one at a time. Thats fair

  2. As we all know by now, the introductory song is something everyone has heard. I personally love it! I was hoping this can be added into our ships Somachords? Also, the ability for others to hear the music we are playing in our ship would be great as well

  3. Wow, interesting changes. However, I feel that spores MUST have to ability to propagate to other enemies within its effective range. I feel its something that should remain as core to the warframe. Personally, I think it should remain as a Viral damage type, but that's not a big issue for me. I really like the idea of recasting popping all active spores.

    As for the infinite scaling and infinite duration, that is scary, especially since we're dealing with corrosive damage, and I don't have much great feedback on that. If you manage your spores well enough now, they already do have pseudo infinite duration. I'm trying to pull a "lore" reason out of my head for why spores should have the damage increased before or after they spread to a new host. If its before, then I think the spore's damage should be considered as if each spore is attempting to optimize killing that target, and have a damage scaling similar to how Hydroid's undertow works. If its after, its kinda like how the spore is optimizing itself to kill the lifeforms in the surrounding area after each kill. It all depends on how you want to look at it

    All in all, looking forward to it

  4. 7 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

    You've raised some interesting points, and in the interest of being able to find this thread when I'm lucid enough to engage in meaningful discussion, I'll leave this comment at that for the most part.

    On the subject of tone clash between gameplay and story, solving that can be as deceptively simple and yet maddeningly hard to execute as not employing quite so many shonen anime tropes and giving us more meaningful character development, shaping the Operator into a character which makes more sense in the context of the setting. The upcoming Apostasy quest seems poised to at least make an attempt at that, particularly if there is actual apostasy involved, but of course we can't know for certain until it drops.

    I actually had to look up the word Apostasy, as i had no idea what it means. It means to renounce a belief, which i found very interesting as I do not know who will be doing the renouncing. Will it be us, Ballas, Lotus, or Margulis? Or more importantly, what is being renounced? I'm hoping we get some insight into our "past", like when we supposedly killed the Orokin. I would kill to be able to go back into our memories and relive the "Old War" and experience the true motivations as to why the tenno rebelled.

  5. You bring up some interesting things, things I too have been thinking over, but I cant fully put it into words. My approach to Warframe has and will always be "let it ride". I like this game a lot, and I'm willing to watch and see what DE is going to do simply because I enjoy the universe they've created. Are the Z-kids the "real" powerhouse? Probably not. I image the operator's power to be more wild and uncontrollable. To me, theyre like a light bulb, spreading its light everywhere. Our frames act as a lens and mirror, in order to direct, focus, and amplify the power radiated in a specific direction. This is semi demonstrated with how our amps work. At the moment, we still dont actually know what the warframes are or why Helminth is in the ship (personally, I think he's the one to actually craft the frames and maintain them, but I would love to see more lore on that room) OR what Stalker is. There are too many unknown variables and too much gameplay to be explained and linked into the story to really come to any conclusion on these thoughts.

    What has been confusing me the most however, is how do the citizens of Osteron already know the tenno's greatest secret? Like, isn't this supposed to be super double secret information, and yet here they know we are really small children?

  6. Im not sure what the stats are, but basically you get:

    Vargeet II Jai: 2 vargeet links and 1 Jai link

    Vargeet Jai II: 1 vargeet links and 2 Jai link

    If im not mistaken, Vargeet links give you extra critical chance and lowers your status. Jai gives you extra speed and lowers damage.

    So the difference between the two is that Vargeet II Jai more critical chance and lower status chance whereas Vargeet Jai II gives more speed and lower damage.

  7. 39 minutes ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

    Is it possible that these spawn if you do the higher level bounties before doing the incursions?

    Well, managed to spawn a rotation C reward, I did have to be in the highest level mission to do so however. Ill experiment with other levels, kinda bummed i cant just enter free roam and spawn one tho

  8. Just now, InDueTime-EN- said:

    Hmm.. You're right, this is weird. Is it possible that if you follow and do the missions consecutively you get rewards like : A,A,B,C? Can someone test this?

    Ive been trying that, but i have not had it be successful. I think that the rotation C rewards should also reward you with 600 rep, but ive only found 200 close to the gates and 400s far out

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