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Posts posted by Juuyon

  1. As has been mentioned, one has to go through for it to trigger. Even if host migration didn't screw you out of your reward at the moment, this is an annoying system, since it tends to strand one player with the other players staying behind. The wave should just register as complete with the portal spawning, end of issue.

  2. 1 minute ago, Sqecmi said:

    well, tried to nuke elite 20+?

    No, since I (like the majority of Warframe players I'd suppose) don't care about doing more than the 8 waves necessary for rotation C in a gamemode that's not really that fun – plus really unreliable due to bugs at the moment. The common 8-wave public games are crowded with Banshees and Saryns right now is what I'm getting at.

    At wave 20+, I doubt energy would be the major breaking point in a nuke strat, with kill speed becoming more of an issue. But obviously you're more knowledgeable than me in regards to that scenario. :)

  3. So I wanted to farm some Cosmic Specter BPs on Naga, Sedna really quick. Imagine my dismay when I noticed the node was occupied by Corpus. Well, I figured it should still be doable, but as it turns out despite the tiles being populated with Corpus units the Wardens are still Grineer. Since there's also two Corpus units in the room this automatically alerts them and all four of them run to trigger the execution. Guess I'll just add this to the list of things I dislike about occupied nodes – but I guess this should be something that's fixable?

  4. Oookay, here I go.

    I don't like Fissures 2.0. They're not a fun mechanic and full of teamplay (or rather public play) problems. All a fissure now really means is an additional set of pickups of which individual players have to pick up 10 before the mission ends. The corruption of enemies feels pointless and doesn't change the mission or its difficulty at all. This is reinforced by the fact that "corruption" is now simply a buff on old enemies that gives them an additional glow - that's about as boring as it gets.

    I just played a public Sabotage mission with a Lith fissure twice. In both instances we had players who didn't manage to collect 10 reactants before the end of the mission. You are forced to start the reactor process or otherwise no additional enemies will spawn. Public games always tend to favor reinserting the fire cell, so you end up with a timed mission. Even I had trouble collecting 10 reactants before the mission ended. In the first game one player didn't make it, in the second two didn't make it (prompting mid-mission leaves) – this ruined the experience for me as I got to pick from fewer choices for my relic and for them because they just wasted their time. After the second time, I couldn't be bothered to try again because it simply felt frustrating.

    Fissures 1.0 on the other hand were a nice and short mini-objective within a mission that guaranteed the whole team got something if you completed it. It was fair and an actual addition to the mission type and also easy enough to accomplish with a public party.

    The entire purpose of the fissure system was to make Prime farming work with public parties, reducing the need for "LFG". With Fissures 2.0 this falls flat on its face.

    While Fissures 1.0 had its problems (mostly punishing new players who are now unable to regularly participate in Prime farming with groups of friends or other experienced players unless they farm Relics hard - but that is still true with Fissures 2.0) it was still a fun mechanic and the option to pick the best of four lessened the sting of RNG. This main benefit is now wasted by individually gating access to the relic through boring and pointless pickups.


    So much for the criticism part, now to be constructive:

    Mix the two. Fissure events act like an alert on a node that requires a matching relic to access (negating the possibility of players joining without a relic). Irregular fissures spawn during the entire mission adding additional Corrupted enemies of a higher level (e.g. double the normal level), making these missions harder. Once you have completed the main mission objective the main fissure ("Nexus"?) spawns and is pointed out by a map marker. This then works like a Fissure 1.0. After it is closed fissure spawning stops.

    The "corruption" buff for players can be retained, but make it occur more often and/or allow players to extend the buff by picking up additional reactants (or probably a new kind of pickup if you plan on keeping those for closing the main fissure).

    Also please unify the traces gain, maybe even to a fixed number (i.e. 25). I regularly play with a fixed group and at least to us the random distribution feels pretty unfair.


    That's it. Top of my head.

  5. 4 hours ago, Katinka said:

    Sooo...  We automatically get it as soon as the reset happens or what?  As a European player who sometimes plays until half an hour to an hour after reset I'd rather not get my Daily Tribute until I next log in because I don't want to be getting a 3 hour Affinity booster and have to let it go to waste.

    This. This so very much. Please undo this change as soon as possible, DE. Logging out and back in is barely any hassle to begin with.

  6. As Neah recognized, I'm at base efficiency (100%). Also as stated in my OP, I *did* activate my Focus form - energy regeneration kicked in, efficiency didn't (both skills were unlocked and selected). Trin's ult cost 100 energy regardless of whether I activated it before or after my Focus ability.

  7. I unlocked Systemic Override from the Zenurik tree and experimented a bit. While I do get the energy restoration from Energy Overflow after activating my Focus Ability, the energy efficiency of Warframe abilities remains unchanged throughout the mission (tested this with a Trin with 100% Efficiency). Is this a bug? It seems other abilities (like armor buff from Unairu) seem to be working (even though only on a small scale). Or does "efficiency" not refer to Power Efficiency at all (which would be weird, given how the skill tree is focussed on energy management).

  8. Hopefully even Erpo returned to its former glory.

    Glory? ... are you serious? o.O Everyone I knew agreed that the Erpo Interception was the dullest and most mindnumbing, soulcrushing mission in the entire game. It was *that* horrible. It's the reason the Fluctus is one of two weapons I'm still missing - horrible drop rate combined with the old gameplay. At least now it's down to just horrible drop rate. :P


    Do a few runs on the Mobile Defense or other Archwing missions, and with a few mods in, the Uranus Interception becomes quite manageable. Erpo hardly gave any affinity to begin with, so I mostly just started leveling on Uranus anyway. Bring one decent weapon and you'll be mostly fine.

  9. Moving access to the Simulacrum to the Liset would be a start, making it a lot easier to access your Arsenal between sessions.


    I never got the purpose of the Simaris room being in relays anyways. Move access to scan rewards to a separate syndicate terminal (maybe share the conclave one), move the Simulacrum to the ship, and move the Mastery tests to the Oracle in the Dojo (finally giving that room some purpose). If changing scanning targets is too much trouble to manage from the ship, then the Simaris room can stay in the relays for that purpose. Otherwise I don't need to have him floating in my face all the time.

  10. Had no login issues since U16 so far at all. Logged in about 15 minutes ago, tried to pick up a finished Forma from the Foundry - didn't work. Was invited to the current Cephalon Suda defense by clanmates - got stuck on loading and was thrown to the login screen (with plain space background). Tried to log back in - "Login failed". Retried several times, no change. Tried to login on the homepage - "There was an unexpected error with your request, please try again.". Retried, managed on the second try. Tried to reset password, got error message again.


    I somehow doubt this is on my end.


    Edit: Just tried again, finally got back in. Let's hope it stays stable.

  11. When I started playing I noticed the Nart-Deer Gene Masking Kit and thought it looked quite cool. What I never realized was that these were only temporary offers (especially since I never associated the Nart-Deer Kit with holidays), so I put the purchase off until a.) I actually had a Kubrow, and b.) I could afford it.


    I was quite disappointed to see them gone, especially since they contain some vital colors that aren't available in any other kit. It's one of the things I'd actually be willing to spend cash on, and I don't know if I can wait (and hope) for them to return next holiday season - might not be playing the game anymore by then, who knows.


    So, long story short: There is a severe lack of Kubrow cosmetic options, taking away some of the better ones isn't profitable for anyone involved. Please bring them back?

  12. So as the devstream from a few weeks ago suggested, DE themselves don't consider the current rotation system optimal.


    Here's my suggestion: Change the rotations to AAABBCABCABC...


    This removes the additional repeating A rotation, compensated by an additional A and B rotation at the start. C rotation would happen at wave/minute 30, 45, 60, etc.


    This would incentive longer plays, as C rotation happens more often in the late game, while reducing/extending the 20min single-C farms.



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