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Posts posted by (PSN)Faulcon1

  1. I was able to get like 16 Omega Isotopes on Cambria, Earth Excavation in about 20 min.  Isotopes + Cryotic at the same time was great.  I brought Nekros and I'm quite certain that I created at least a couple Isotopes from Desecrate.  My recommendation:  Gather as many Isotopes as possible now when the Fomorians are at low-leveled planets.  You can take out hoards of enemies with little effort now and stock up on Isotopes to be used against the Fomorian when it's at Pluto or something.


    But either way, let's get out there and save all 7!  I wanna put the PC gamers to shame.  To anyone else out there who gets a little perturbed about being so far behind in the updates (or otherwise feeling neglected), this is a great opportunity to show DE that we may deserve better than our PC counter-parts.  Same to you, XBox1ers.  Give 'em hell.


    Also, I hope that the global health of the Fomorians is normalized by the number of players on each system that currently own an Archwing.  Otherwise, since I'm sure that the PC version has more players, it certainly provides quite a bit of bias in their favor (and it would really suck being on the XBox1).

  2. That argument is kidna invalid in WF as you can score critical deadly hit on mobs leg or shoulder armor peace and killing him that way.


    In my opinion Crit's should be able to affect AMD. To prevent dealing ridiculous damage 2 things could be changed:

    -AMD NOT affected by punchthrough, sort of like, i don't know, most bosses that use weak spot mechanic? Or simply fixing issue with punchthrough being counted as multiple hits on AMD...

    -this one is dangerous and limiting: having AMD limit on hits it can receive before going "invurnerable". It would be kind of "safeguard" against ridiculous amounts of damage it could deal and would force some Nova players to chaining AMD's (for one to affect the next incoming). Cons would be that any and all low damage dealing weapons would be useless on Nova primarly using AMD.


    Any thoughts?

    I definitely think the first is better.  In terms of the second, you're right that the damage would be limited with weaker weapons, but with the x4 multiplier, it still will deal much more damage than the same number of bullets would have and it would be dealt as a decent AoE.  I think either one could be viable but the first is certainly preferable.  It seems to me, however, that punch through and crit are rather unrelated.

    And thanks for your comment about crits as used in Warframe.  I didn't want to have to say it myself.  Body part multipliers and critical hits are independent (although they stack nicely) in Warframe.

  3. Ya know, I was thinking about combining Capture with Archwing, came to see if somebody already thought of something similar, and stumbled upon this.  It's a neat idea.  It seems like a multi-staged mission which I think DE could very easily implement and would be a very fun addition to the game.

    Since my idea is somewhat similar, I think I'll post mine here.


    Ya know how a capture target escapes?  They lock themselves behind a door.  And then what?  Do they sit there sipping tea while an angry Rhino pounds at the door?  Naturally, it seems that they would board a ship and fly out into space.  Now that Tenno have Archwings in their arsenal, the pursuit shouldn't end here!

    A really easily short clip would show the capture target shooting out the windows of the corpus ship (you know the window I'm talking about that sucks the air out) and escaping.  Then the Tenno can either equip their Archwings then or move a few more rooms and do so.  Then you can have a high speed chase through asteroids or the trench runs of the Corpus ship.

    It's essential your Part Two and Three just without the additional difficulty and without the possibility of extra rewards.  Simply another mission type to keep things interesting and give players more to do.

  4. It's true that each warframe already has 2 ability augment mods each totaling 44.  However, DE has opened a can of worms and released both sets of augment mods rather back-to-back.  This "momentum," so to speak, encourages the release of more augment mods.  However, to release a third augment mod for each warframe begs a fourth augment mod to be released as well but I'm sure many of us can see that this would be unreasonable.  This leaves DE with a couple of options.  They could release augment mods for abilities that already have an augment and force players to choose one augment per ability.  Or, they could release augment mods for companions.... and archwings, of course.


    There are 6 sentinels and 6 syndicates so that would be very easy for DE to assign an augment mod to each syndicate.  They could also add a whole new ability (precept) instead/in addition.


    There are 4 kubrow types (so far...).  If DE wanted to include kubrow augment mods, I believe that each syndicate would have to represent two different types of kubrow.  There are 6 different combinations that can be made by choosing 2 of the 4 kubrow.  This way, each syndicate could have a unique combination of 2 kubrow types' augment mods.  Of course, you could have 2 augment mods per kubrow and this would still work.


    So, DE can, with some ease, implement augment mods for each companion via the syndicates.  It's simply a matter of creating the ideas, implementing them in game (which may be difficult), and releasing them.  So, some ideas:


    Raksa kubrow: Protect restores shields to all allies within a certain radius.  Or, Protect restores shields and an equivalent amount of health.  Or, Protect can contribute to overshields!  Howl rallies allies increasing damage (or allied kubrows' damage).

    Huras kubrow:  Stalk can activate enemy radar (dog's sense of smell reveals enemy locations, basically) for the duration of invisibility.  Hunt enhances allied kubrows' instincts improving their evasiveness causing enemies' attacks to land less frequently.

    Sahasha kubrow:  Dig kubrow fetches loot from a large area and brings to master.  Defeating an enemy with Ferocity will cause the enemy to have two chances to drop loot (much like slash damage with Nekros' Desecrate).

    Sunika kubrow:  Defeating a VIP with Unleashed increases all allied kubrows' movement and attack speed by up to x% (say 50%) for the remainder of the mission (does stack additively for a total bonus of 100%; you only have at most 2 VIP per mission, afterall).  Savagery grants invincibility to kubrow during ability and x seconds afterwards (3-5 seconds?  Perhaps for half the cooldown time of Savagery).


    It seems that I became fond of one augment mod having a positive affect for allied kubrow as opposed to the warframes.  Doesn't seem like such a bad idea, though.  Although I'm having trouble changing the Sahasha kubrow's augment ideas in order to incorporate this trend.  I really like them as is.  Anyhow, I don't have time to come up with more/better ideas for the kubrow nor do I have time to come up with ideas for sentinels.  Perhaps I'll come back and add them in.

  5. I can confirm that on the PS4 update 15.5, AMD does not account for crits.  I've fallen in love with my Soma Prime but it does hardly anything for AMD.  I brought my old Boltor Prime back and AMD did loads of damage.  It seems to really discourage the use of crit-based weapons on Nova which limits which weapons can be used with Nova and still maintain this ability as a viable in-combat option.  Otherwise, we simply revert back to a time when abilities were mods and many/most abilities were omitted from player builds.


    Similarly, I've become frustrated that the shield deployed by Arctic Eximus also does not account for crit damage.  My Soma takes a long time to bring down the shield yet my Boltor has no problem.  I haven't been able to test whether or not Nyx's Absorb accounts for crits.  Since Nullifier Crewmen haven't been released yet on PS4 (they're coming tomorrow), I don't know if they're shields account for crits, either, but I certainly hope they do.


    Critical hits are an important mechanic in the game.  I believe all weapons can be divided into two categories:  viable for a crit build and not viable for a crit build.  Neglecting one category seems unwise.  If, however, DE feels that crit-based weapons perform better in general, then perhaps this is a way for DE to help balance crit vs non-crit weapons.


    Edit:  Nullifier Crewmen have been released on PS4 now and my Soma P does 132 damage to the shield with no variation meaning that no crits are taken into account.

  6. Let's re-tell the Warframe trailer with a little twist:


    Being awoken from cryostasis for an unknown period of time only to be dropped to the floor, this Tenno struggles to stand upon his/her feet.  In an unknown time, in an unknown place, with little memory, he looks up.  Despite lack of memory from the cryostasis, he suddenly remembers what fear feels like.  For before him stands hoards of Corrupted foes all under the control of the Neural Sentry.  Disoriented, weak, weaponless, and without Tenno brethren to come to his aid... he despairs.


    And thus sets the stage for a (prime?) warframe/Tenno to be in the Void, under the control of the Neural Sentry, and a valid assassin for Void missions.  Afterall, if Vor could be corrupted, why couldn't a Tenno?  There may be a possibility to incorporate it into the Derelict missions.  This idea could be taken in a couple different directions:


    1)  New warframe:  Warframe parts would drop from this assassin much like weapon parts drop from the other assassins.  Since this would be a warframe from way back when, it could open up the possibility of a Prime warframe without a non-Primed variant.  Perhaps marks are acquired from Corrupted Vor?


    2)  The assassin could be any of the existing warframes.  This way, you wouldn't know what warframe you were up against until it spawned (or maybe the taunt could reveal it, I suppose).


    The weapon load-out could either be random for every spawn or a set load-out.  If #2 is used, perhaps each warframe has a unique load-out.

    Give the assassin a Wyrm Prime!  Or the next prime sentinel... or prime kubrow (not sure how that would work).  The G3 have a sentinel so it's not a far-fetched idea for the assassin to have a companion.

    They should also activate any traps, lasers, turrets, etc in the vicinity (and be immune to the lasers?).


    Stalker gets a cool smokey effect upon entrance.  I think this assassin should drop from the ceiling.  They are a Tenno, a space ninja, too.  They should also activate Heavy Impact upon landing.  That'll add some dramatic flair to the entrance.


    They could drop Ducats upon defeat.  We're talking about the Void, afterall.

    Perhaps a random prime blueprint could drop as well.  This would either be from all Void drop tables or only from the one matching the type of mission being run at the time.


    I love the assassins because they add an unexpected twist and moment of excitement in the mission.  Plus, if it were possible for this assassin to spawn and the Stalker at the same time, I would love to see these two fight each other!  But I suppose that depends on the Neural Sentry's disposition towards the Stalker.  They could be buddy-buddy for all I know.


    It's still an idea in its infancy but I think it's a pretty neat one.  If I come up with more ideas, I'll be sure to post them.  Let me know what you think!  I'm sure DE appreciates it when the community finds all the problems with ideas and proposes solutions.  It must be a great starting point for their implementation of the ideas!

  7. I would recommend a stagger as opposed to a knockdown.  Knockdown would be a bit OP, in my opinion.


    Some thoughts:  If an enemy is Banished as opposed to being inside of Cataclysm, wouldn't it make sense if they were thrust in a direction as well?  Perhaps the enemy could be pushed away from Limbo.  It would be like Mag's Pull except a push and with less ragdoll effect.  Based on your idea, it sounds like the new ability should be an area of effect rather than targeting an individual; this would be consistent with that idea.


    If this new ability is only compatible with Cataclysm, then perhaps this new ability should be the "toggle off" effect of Cataclysm instead of a new ability (and Limbo would still need a fourth ability).  Otherwise, Cataclysm would have to be the third ability and this would have to be the fourth.  Which brings me to my next point...


    Consider making Cataclysm the third ability and this knew one the fourth.  That way, implementing some OP properties can be justified.  Personally, i like the name "Exile" as if to expel from the Rift.


    What affect might this have on allies/companions?  Purge status effects, restore health, restore shield, restore energy, use abilities w/o energy consumption (5s duration on allies only [or else Limbo could re-use it again and again]), energy restoration based on damage (Well of Life but restoring energy), etc?


    Another thing I was thinking:  If being in the Rift inherently means dishing out double damage to enemies, should it also mean receiving double damage?  While this would make Limbo a double-edged sword, it could be a very advantageous one.


    Overall, i believe that something like this MUST be implemented.  Being a master of the Rift doesn't mean being good at one-way trips into the Rift but both in and out.  Let's keep the creativity flowing with fair and balanced ideas!

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