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Posts posted by Bloop

  1. Entropy doesn't matter on Kestrel, because It only builds up Entropy when you are in melee mode, and melee mode for thrown weapons is awful. Every time you go to throw in melee mode, it has to half-complete an attack animation first, and their damage for actual meleeing is abysmal.

    It does, as a good utility you can switch to melee, explode you life strike attack and get the proc at a certain level by killing a whole crowd.
  2. Volt Prime Carrier.

    1) He carries bombs, accompanied by at least an EV Trinity and or has a good supply of Energy Restores at hand. Reliable carrier and transporter later on.

    2) Electric Shield, can technically protect himself from ranged attacks and scorpion hooks on Stage 2-1, Stage 2-2 Overload augment + Vampire Leech equals infinite Volt carry capability for Power Core. Just don't be a dum dum and keep pushing it regardless if the rail's electrified or not.

    3) Electric Shield, Shock, Speed. For when the Fomorian is trying to home in on your squad, his Speed and power augments can make killing and transporting bombs easier while also keeping a good momentum and time. And also Shock Trooper + Electric Shield for hefty damage buff, been using it with Kohm and it murders Vay Hek quicker than my mates' Quanta Vandals and or Vaykor Heks w/o shield.

    But alas this requires extensive use of Warframe knowledge and proper Volt usage. So the keyword is "Usable if properly played."

    Don't show them the power ;-;

    Jokes apart, basically that.

    Note: Overload augment is Capacitance. Also shocking speed can help too.

  3. Any of them is good for both Raid and high Void.

    Loki: Disarm and invisibility, mostly Disarm in Raid.

    Nyx: Chaos, pure crowd control. With her augment her 2 also becomes a beast.

    Valkyr: Well, not fitting that much for a quick Raid but in both she can become a beast in melee, but as you don't like melee let's forget about her a bit.

    Vauban: Pure CC as Nyx, but in different ways, use him along with a Loki and you have the whole map under control.

    Trinity: Team support.

    Zephyr: CC with her 4th, even thought not as good as Nyx or Vauban.

    Ember: Using her augment on WoF you can basically stun every enemy while running, basically you are a mobile CC.

    Volt: a Max range Volt can provide some good temporal CC, not to mention his shields as a panic button and his speed.

  4. I tend to do long runs with my friends, we keep communicated through skype and this is our usual combo:

    2 man squad: For defense he uses a Frost and I take my lovely Nova or Volt (most versatile Warframe around x3, he does not need a buff nor rework nor shieet, he is good as it is).

    For survival, we simply take what we love to use (he uses a Valkyr and I use my Nova or Mesa/Volt).

    As for a 3 men squad, we can yolo a little more usually (no frost for defense as I bring my volt and they take their thingies, same for survivals).

  5. The butthurt is real here. Peacemaker is still fine, no matter what you say, and as some have said above, you just have no idea how to mod her properly. Using a frame focusing on JUST 1 ability is kind of stupid, you may want to learn playing her some day.

    About that 5 forma build mentioned, would maybe show it to me? I am pretty interested.

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