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Posts posted by Bloop

  1. "Damage 3.0"?

    Might you show us the source where you got these?

    I can just think of, that Sentients will get a sort of new insert of data (codex and such), for their own invurnabilities, resistance, and weaknesses, but not another damage type or whole overhaul of the current system.

    Watch previous devstreams, they have mentioned it several times if my mind is not trolling me again.


    I dont quite get all the rage tbh, ofc they are not the best mods to get, but they are not bad either, i think on some builds that i can actually swap some damage mods for these ones. I wonder how many of the people complaining knows how these bane mods works or at least bothered to try the damage numbers.


    For the people that doesnt know, the damage faction mods apply to all the damage of the weapon. To take the normal mod that is 30%, it will be a factor of 1.3 after all the damage calculations, over the serration, heavy caliber, split chamber and elemental mods and 120% events mods for slash, puncture and impact. So if you do the math there are several weapons where using these ones get better damage values against those factions.


    I'm not sure about this at all as I tend not to care of the maths, but if this is true then it is worth using them.

  2. So, today we have been given to mods specific to factions that were primed. There are walls of salt all over the place, but this is not a topic just to go full retard about wether these mods are useless and the trader trolled us today or not.

    Considering damage 3.0 is coming soon, wouldn't these mods make sense? I mean, we would have more mod slots where these mods could fit in, it is more damage as well. What do you think?

  3. 1. Nyx, with her Pacifying Bolts augment things are so fun, not to mention her Chaos, just amazing.


    2. Excalibur, versatile enough, CC, damage, a bit of a tank (but mostly for melee).


    3. Chroma, the tank himself, and those incredible crit hits you can achieve from his damage boost.


    4. Nova, a perfect glass cannon, CC and a nuke with her Antimatter Drop.


    5. Limbo, well, what can I say about a broken Warframe? Being able to make your damage dealers immortal and untouchable is just... incredible, but it kills the fun also. There should be a small tweak, let's say if you are in the rift (as a damage dealer such as Excalibur or Ember) you can only destroy those enemies that are like you in the rift, it would make things fair enough I guess.

  4. I'm all up for one of these, maybe pure toxin damage and... Maybe this could work:


    Toxin Damage: 205

    Critical Chance: 35% (87.5% of Critical shots with just a Point Strike)

    Critical Multiplier 2x

    Status Chance: 25%

    Charge Rate: 0.6

    Reload: 0.8


    This might be crazy, tho I would love opinions.


    This would work as any other bow in the game, though, I would love some mechanic such as the Paracyst's alt. fire or the Harpak's, shooting an alternative harpoon which could be connected to your quiver.


    It would be lovely to have an elemental variant of bows, as for now we only have different variants of physical damages and then there's the Daikyu with that status chance and low critical chance...

  5. Joins the 2nd December. Logins into the forum. Complains about Corpus. Leaves.

    Good game man, now give something that could make them ''better'', if they are annoying, they are either doing their job well or... I'll better stop here.

    Also, nullifiers are meant to NULLIFY your powers, not that it is clearly explained in their description, am I wrong?

    And this part ''because you have to be on the move, so they cant hit you, is really annoying and it really pisses me off. Maybe throwing melee is the cure? I am forging it right F****ng now! Sapping osprey is the worst. if you dont notice it, you just get killed in 3 hits.'', this part clearly killed me. If you don't like corpus don't play against Corpus, simple as that, they are pretty easy to deal with.

    And ''Corpus are... stupid'', really? Just because they attack massively they are stupid? Please, just PLEASE.

    I wonder if someone might lock this topic...

  6. It is true that Excalibur has potential damage on his 4th, but if you are playing him and get bored I honestly think you are playing him the wrong way. Imo he's the perfect melee warframe, with his 1st he can jump from one enemy to another AND if you have his augment this ability will increase the combo counter by 4 (or 5, not sure at all), which is awesome; his second is a good panic button which also opens enemies for a finisher, this is my favourite withput doubt as I like using melee with life strike, you simply take a selfie and blind everyone :P

    His third, well, considering it suffers from damage falloff I prefer to use it with its augment if possible, to increase my melee damage for a while. And his fourth... well, we all should agree that sword is a monster if focused on it, I cannot deny it can be boring, but I think Excalibur is made to focus on all his abilities (like Volt, Oberon, Rhino, etc.) rather than in a single ability.

    I'll leave my build down here anyway:

    QT, Vitality, Armored Agility, Rage, Primed Continuity, Surging Dash, Stretch, Primed Flow -Exilus: Rush.

  7. The Boltor and Soma aren't even end-all-be-all like people think they are. I use Dread, Vaykor Hek, Synoid Simulor, Tonkor (tonkor is probably top 3), Sancti Tigris, LatronP/LatronW or even a Vectis Prime and they all work fine in T4. The game is only as fun as you make it.

    This this and this all day.

    Also, Soma requires to land headshots in order to play it properly.

    Furthermore, as people stated there are plenty of weapons that can be tied, if not better than those two (I consider the Braton Prime a clear example of this as how it can destroy enemies).

    I wonder if you bother to max any weapon in the game and see all its potential, if not, then you would be surprised.

    Ps: I main a Braton player btw, but Ive always been a Soma lover because of headshots, and I honestly don't see those two weapons you mentioned as "endgame viable". Also, Latron does not need any kind of buff (status + CRAZY crit multiplier), same for Vasto, it is really fast and hybrid viable, as well as deals high damage.

  8. I think games are meant for your free time and not for when you have other responsibilities.

    Oh really, Sherlock?

    How did you figure out that? You must be such a genius!

    The fact that even in your free time people depend on you should clarify it all!

    Assuming I have responsibilities to still do when I am playing only makes you wrong.

  9. It should not be removed, if it was then we would have more and more people leeching in maps, especially into the void.

    At least this system gives some punishment, but there are still people doing nothing yet moving the minimum in order to still get the rewards.

    As for your case, I really know the feeling. I cannot do endless missions because every 5-10 minutes I am called to do this and that (pain in the arse).

  10. "Meaning it feels as if there is a time limit on when you can even get the frame (15 days to wade through an 18 reward pool, iirc)."

    Ive been told that Nezha's parts will remain in every 15-day rotation. I might be wrong anyhow.

  11. You can ignore power strength on Nyx too or even Nova.


    This, though in Nova's case it affects the way she could play.

    Anyhow Loki gets affected in how hard his Radial Disarm hits, if I'm not wrong if you build for power strenght you can deal radial disarms of +1k damage (someone confirm this, I cannot remember the exact value but I think it was 500 base damage).

  12. I'm probably on the opposite end of the spectrum here, but these kinds of topics honestly .... disappoint me.

    Everyone seems to hate this 'offer' mentality. The only decent argument I've seen so far in the thread is 'well you should have a price in mind you are looking to sell it for.'

    That's fair, except that you ALSO have a price in mind you are willing to buy it for.

    I personally say, whether buying OR selling, for the other person to offer. I give the buyer or seller the chance to tell me how much they are looking to make, or how much they are willing to spend. If they don't have an idea, or ask me to offer, I throw my number out there. Often times I'm selling a mod I know has decent value, and I might sell it for 5, 10, 15. It may be worth 15 or 20 but that doesn't mean it's worth that much to me when I have 7 of them. 'Offer' mentality gives everyone a chance to get their targeted price out into the conversation before anyone has a chance to get their feelings hurt.

    The hate on the offer mentality is mainly due to its' use for scamming. That, or when someone has offered, at some point some time, the person on the other end was a complete !. The 'go kill yourself' kind of person followed by the prompt ignore. Those people are the worst. So I kind of get where the conditioning comes from. But I haven't seen one of those people in a long time.

    And I know I'm going to get a bit of hate for this, but honestly there is NO such thing as scamming (short of swapping parts for less valuable ones but similar in appearance). If you agree to a trade, that means the price you are paying is what you are willing to pay. Is Target scamming you for a game you decide to purchase and then realize Wal-mart sells the same game 20 dollars cheaper? No. It means you failed to do your homework, and even despite that, at the time of sale, you were willing to pay what you believed to be a fair exchange. Therefore there was no scam. Scamming due to lack of knowledge is a myth. It is the reality we live in. And it is the cost of ignorance. Those who actively SEEK that ignorance in people, now, they are not the good kind of people. But no one forces you to hit accept, except yourself.

    But that rant aside, the people who 'hate' hearing 'offer' need to put their ego aside and realize that by someone asking you to offer, they give YOU the power of the trade. And however it goes from there, they gave you the choice.

    Just my 2 plats,


    Shots fired. How right you are.

    The pure truth said, there is no possible scam in this trading system.

  13. *cough* mesa *cough*

    Much press4towin mentality huh? Mesa hasn't been ruined.

    As for Loki, I doubt theybwould change something in him as hos abilities synergize pretty well and in terms of damage he doesn't deal any, unless you build for a power strenght build to kill low level enemies with your disarm.

  14. Ash/Prime: solo melee and normally quick runs.

    Excalibur: Solo melee in high levels (no EB).

    Mesa: Interceptions, ranged combat (always as tank, not with peacemakers).

    Nova/Prime: I only play her when I feel like playing...

    Volt/Prime: Ranged Combat, a balanced build with capacitance for long runs and sometimes I bring him to a defense in case our Frost commites mistakes (afk, etc).

  15. What is a tomato?

    I can guess a potato is a reactor....but i cant think of anything that looks like a tomato.

    I am soo newbish

    Maybe an Exilus Adapter? Idk either tbh.

    Anyways, Chroma fits for several types of missions. As some players have said above, Vex Armor is not "ehh", IMHO Vex Armor is what makes Chroma shine. Also note that you can build for Vex Armor and some efficiency (full duration too) and you don't punish Effigy as it is not affected by range.

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