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Posts posted by Northstar-

  1. Il y a 2 heures, pioa a dit :

    This update made me mad because from the very first days of my playthrough i didn't have any male frames. I didn't even craft a single male frame past 5 years.

    And now i'm forced to have this black dude with piercing and edgy scarf in my beloved harem! I can't even sell him ffs.

    At least make choosable frames in this kind of quests like umbra mag...

    God damn it! 😠



    You knew Umbra was the quest's reward.

  2. Merci, je prends note de chaque retour.

    Vous avez tout les deux raison. Cependant je pense que mon truc à moi pourrait être ce style un peu lent et centré, rigide si on veut. Mieux découpé, condensé et monté en général, je pense que ça pourrait rendre encore mieux.

    De toute manière il me reste beaucoup à essayer et encore plus à apprendre. Musique, effets, transitions, prises de vue ,etc.

    Je pense toucher un peu à tout, ça m'aidera effectivement à me préciser au fur et à mesure 😉


  3. Le 04/06/2018 à 20:11, Commander_Havoc a dit :

    I mean... the actual option looks so one gender sided anyway. Nobody would want to be a skinny boy looking like the basic protagonist of a bad 3D animated kiddy show in one of the Disney's channels! I bet that over 85% of players have a female Operator, not because of the Weeb fetishes, but because nobody wants to look at the stick-armed boy. If you consider that, even the Grineer Arid Lancer without a mask or a Corpus Crewman with a helmet shot-off can be more badass.

    Agreed. Another way I see current operator customization is so "one gender sided" is because of how feminine most appearance options look. It's my opinion.
    I change my operator's appearance and gender from time to time, when I'm tired of their look.

    But I could be a picky 6 years old and argue that (most) male frames don't look as good or are as interesting to play as female frames.

    In addition to OP's points, I'd love operators to be more expressive. Face, dialog, body language (animations, etc). More hairstyles, perhaps a more intuitive "face selection" (but it might just be me).

    Le 16/05/2018 à 20:50, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo a dit :

    9. Can we have agile / noble stance variants?

    I'm not sure if this is what you were referring about: we have 5 (I think ?) difference stances/animations corresponding to each focus school. Variants would indeed be cool, maybe not a priority.

    Le 16/05/2018 à 20:50, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo a dit :

    6. Why can't we be able to use melee weapons? We know stances and we know how to use them in our frames. Someone told me that a skinny kid could never swing the Jat Kittag but if the age option was taken into consideration, maybe they could.

    Yes ! Either this or operator having operator-specific melee weapons, that wouldn't consist in just a blade attached to the Amp, Assassin's Creed style 😉

    IIRC, our operators have been in pods for ages, which would explain their physical shape, don't quote me on that.

    Le 16/05/2018 à 21:10, CandyManCriminal a dit :

    lotta work for a minor immersion improvement

    Yes. This is true for some of this thread's suggestions. Now I'm sure DE take suggestions into consideration, but they have priorities (and a ton of work for the time being) so let's see where it goes.

  4. Merci beaucoup, je prends note ! Je me suis rendu compte un peu tard dans l'édition de la vidéo que le tout allait être très (trop) long. La prochaine sera sans doute bien plus dynamique. Le but ici était bien plus contemplatif que narratif, pas de message ni d'histoire en particulier donc. Mais ça me donne quelque chose d'autre à essayer ensuite !

    Encore merci, je retourne enregistrer 😉

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