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Everything posted by Alastair-Ulven

  1. Second note. It seems after more testing that this can be inconsistent. As it seems that Dread Mirror will work on certain enemies with Overguard and not others. For example Thrax can be leaped at, as well as the new Dax enemies in Duviri and Undercroft. I think I have also seen it work on Nox but I can't say 100% for certain. As I might have just broke Nox's overguard just before. Either way it 100% doesn't work on Eximus units. Which needs to be fixed. As there is no reason for it to not work when everything else does.
  2. As these two said it can be a bit inconsistent. I think I also noticed it working on Nox. Along with a few other powers that normally don't. It is almost like they have a weaker form of Overguard. Which is strange since the Ancient Healer doesn't use it either. As when the healer buffs enemies with Overguard I swear it doesn't work. EDIT: Honestly I have noticed that Thrax and Dax enemies seem a bit buggy with Overguard. As I can cast EV from Trinity on them or other abilities and they will act like they are being CCed sometimes. And even more rare they seem to even be CCed. Though even then they will like 50% of the time break out if you hit them especially if you cause an second CC effect like an Impact Proc. When this happens they will just kinda... glide around in the CC animation. I noticed this the most with Yareli as when throwing Sea Snares they will get picked up and lifted and just float above the ground still attacking with no animation. In fact it looks like it is just skipping the animation. Making them WAY more deadly than they should be as they hit you with multiple attacks with no warning.
  3. Bumping this post since I can see it wasn't fixed in the latest patch. This is clearly a bug and should be looked into. My best guess for the reason this is occuring is because Dread Mirror doesn't technically have a set damage number attached to it. As it is instead set at an unmodable 10% of the targets maximum health. Which causes the game to think it is CC only due to how it is applied. This is the only reason I could think of for why other similar abilities work and Dread Mirror doesn't. That being that it doesn't technically have a "damage value" but instead inflicts some effect on hit that causes the 10% health loss. Kinda like Trinity's Energy Vampire but while EV can be modded for more damage Dread Mirror can't. Causing the game to get confused. This would suggest that if Dread Mirror was given a very small amount of base damage even if only 1 point. Then the game would be able to recognize that it isn't CC. Either that or move the order of operation so to speak around so that the damage comes first (in the code) then the knockdown. Either way really hope this can get fixed or just noticed more. Since this is a major issue for Garuda's kit. Especially against the infested due to Ancient Healers providing Overguard.
  4. I mean that is the way that every other ability like this works. Zephyr Airburst does damage, but overguarded enemies ignore the pull in. Titania's Tribute you spawn the buff and do damage but they don't get knocked down/away. Inaros's Scarab Swarm when you discharge the armour inflicts the damage and debuff on the enemy but doesn't CC. In fact if you break overguard while they are still CCed then they instantly get CCed. I think it is only Dread Mirror that has this thing where the entire leap doesn't work. I did post a bug report about it. Since I think it is a bug honestly. EDIT: This is the link here. Hopefully if enough people notice it then it can be fixed. As currently it seems to be treated like Mind Control on Nyx where you just can't target them at all.
  5. Build and game settings: Happens regardless of build on Garuda, and will happen on any game settings. What kind of squad: Happens regardless of being in a squad or solo. And regardless of host or client. How can this bug be reproduced: Attempt to use Garuda's 1 AKA Dread Mirror (the leaping stab not the blood ball throw) on an Eximus or any enemy that still has Overguard active. Expected Outcome: Garuda leaps at the Overguarded enemy (normally an Eximus), performing the full animation, dealing the damage and gaining her Dread Mirror shield as well as the blood ball. But the knockdown and other CC effects are ignored. Reasons why I think the bug occurs: Originally I believed this bug occured due to Dread Mirror's leaping stab inflicting the knockdown/stagger before it deals damage. But after some testing I don't believe this is the case as it seems to deal the damage and knockdown either at the same time or the damage is dealt first. Meaning that Dread Mirror's targeted leap must be flagged as a pure CC ability like Mind Control somewhere in the code. Reasons I consider it to be a bug: This behaviour is different from how other similar abilities, such as Titania's Tribute works. (As it also is a single target power that causes damage and a knockdown while providing a buff to the Warframe using it.) As well as Inaros's Scarab Swarm ability when you "discharge to blast enemies with a scarab swarm", which also works as expected dealing the damage but not CCing the enemy. In fact with Inaros's Scarab Swarm if you cast it on a Overguarded enemy and then strip it's Overguard before the duration of the effect expires it will go right into being CCed. Leaving Dread Mirror as the odd one out that doesn't behave like any other ability that has both a damage and CC component.
  6. Sorry for the post necro, but this needs to be seen more. It is SO frustrating. I think the reason it is blocked is because it does the knockdown/stagger first then does the damage. Meaning it is classed as "CC" meaning it can't be targetted at them. Which is just really annoying as if this is the case, that means if it instead did damage first then knockdowned/staggered them it would work fine as they would just ignore the knockdown/stagger. Though the annoying thing is that I am pretty sure at least some bosses are already immune to the knockdown/stagger. And it can target them just fine. I just want to be able to stab their glowy faces as they have the most health in the room. And that is the point with Dread Mirror to target the enemy with the most health.
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