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Posts posted by SmilingMad

  1. I have a bit of a suggestion in regards to Gauss having very little tools to support his team with, outside of dealing damage and mild CC with his 3.
    Mach Rush could produce a windtunnel that speeds up frames moving inside it (maybe also bulletjump to account for aerial movement) akin to Titania's passive ability to create bulletjump-enhancing dust patches. This would both give Gauss slightly more function in a team, while also avoiding potential problems with Gauss players running off and being unable to keep up without the right frame. 
    The downside is that this cannibalizes on Volt's teamwide Speed-buff niche, as well as it not being an optional boost that can be turned off (outside of actively avoiding the windtunnels but that is massively inconvenient). Maybe worth considering as an augment instead.

  2. His survivability comes now in the form of a passive 3x free revives plus a bonus effect, armor gained by absorbing damage with his 3, and healing up damage with his 2. In addition he is capable of dealing more damage than his previous incarnation thanks to his buffed staff and the ability to create a clone.

  3. Most people go for the Zenistar, although it is not actually a conventional melee weapon. Its charged attack allows it to toss its disc as a lingering AoE, useful for chip damage and proccing status (blast can stunlock!). I personally prefer the Zenith, because its gimmick of seeing and shooting through objects is a lot of fun, and its decently strong to boot. 

  4. As of 24.4.0, the energy pillars left by Revenant's Thralls when they die are capable of converting other enemies to thralls by hitting them. However, enemies converted this way will not leave behind energy pillars themselves when they expire. This bug was discovered and reproduced within the Simulacrum, with no testing performed outside of it.

  5. Replicated the issue, tileset doesn't appear to matter. Zenith works fine in the Simulacrum for some reason, but outside of that its punchthrough appears to be limited to 1-2 meters. Adding punchthrough mods does not restore infinite punchthrough. Not yet tested with other guns with large amounts of punchthrough.

  6. Considering how much work went into some of these concepts, I highly doubt this one will actually get a look. This  scribble will have to do, I'd have drawn it on my laptop but my tablet is using a Wacom driver.


    Brief description: An infested hammer designed after the Hema. Hitting enemies will slowly cause its innards to swell, eventually popping open the front face to expose them. The guts deal less damage but performing a charge attack makes them explode, releasing a swarm of infested organisms that damage enemies over time as well as a temporary damage bonus to the hammer itself.


  7. 1 hour ago, Elenoe said:

    ok, let me rephrase: it's sad DE didn't care to bring any winter event. Most of games have one.

    There's Tennobaum and this I guess. They did bring something, just maybe not as expansive as you might've wanted. They did bring a gunspear tho, so in my eyes it's kind of compensated for.

    In my opinion, the tactical alert is fun, and I think that I might want to try out conclave more as a result. Snowballs are difficult to hit though, which makes me feel like they're a poor weapon for this kind of gameplay.

  8. 9 hours ago, Fast_98 said:

    My problem with it is that it feel so slow. Like im a demigod killing robot but I have the weakest shooting arm I've ever seen and the aim of a child. I honestly would make maps even more tight and increase our pitching speed.

    I personally find the snowballs rather clumsy too. Since it's just a tactical alert I don't see the point in changing the maps for it though.

  9. Just now, Dani751 said:

    Is there any chance that Zephyr will be able to fly (after rework that comes Soon) and im mean fly like Titania and not just flop around like fish

    This strikes me as unlikely. Titania's flight also comes with her model shrinking, which allows her to move through most tilesets without issue. This might actually be the only reason why she gets to fly in any case. Without it flight would be closer to a pinball minigame than anything. 

    I don't think she needs flight in any case, it feels like every time someone suggests it its just for the sake of giving it to her than anything else. Her movement and mobility is fine right now.

    Speaking of Zephyr, how far has work on the deluxe skin progressed, and what skins or items will ship alongside it?

  10. The Zarr is very fun, and I must say I really like the choice of giving it a shotgun mode. It's not particularly potent compared to true shotties, and it consumes launcher ammo, and of course it has a massive range limitation, but it works very well for situations where the cannon mode is just too dangerous. Also, props to the soundies, this thing sounds really nice.

    A quality of life change could be made regarding the mode switching. I've had moments where I was reloading, tried to switch to the shotgun mode and blew myself up because you can only switch after the animation is completed. Beyond that, maybe a smidge of punchthrough for the shotgun, but I'm iffy on that. Would be nice for dealing with groups at close range, but I don't think that's the purpose of the shotgun mode anyway. Not sure.

  11. I've been thinking about some sort of 'Survival'-esque mode focusing more on surviving the enemies themselves rather than a timer ticking down, sending waves upon waves of enemies at you. I feel like that the challenge should come from wave 'modifiers' and the units that this particular wave contains. For Grineer, for example, you could have a wave of fire-based units (Flameblades, Scorches, Napalms, Hyekka Masters), or melee-only units. For Corpus, you could have proxy or crewman-only waves, MOA waves, Attack Drone storms, whatever. Wave modifiers could include things like fast-moving units, health drain (uncertain about this one), energy drain, power potency reduction, excessive eximi, and probably a whole lot more. I'd also love it if miniboss-enemies could be added in certain waves (each 5th wave), like Hyenas, Raptors, or Venkra'Tel/Sprag Clones.

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