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  1. So with all the somachord additions, most recent being the prime themes, I have now an ever growing desire for an option for a new sound option. To replace in mission BGM with whatever we set our somachord to. Imagine doing netracells or an archon hunt while banging out to Gauss Prime's "Redline" theme, or Octavia Prime's theme that seems eerily familiar to the BGM of Halo CE.
  2. Except it's even better than I predicted. It's on *any* ability cast...
  3. Something that I've been thinking about as an interesting augment for Lavos. Catalyzing Coat Casting catalyze with an elemental infusion grants your weapons x% elemental damage for x seconds matching the infused element. (Only one instance may be active at a time, new applications override old buffs) Thoughts?
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