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Posts posted by BDMblue

  1. On 2018-11-21 at 2:55 AM, Dhrekr said:

    False. MOA is equally easy - DE copied the enemy MOA animation with only few additions. Also, Zanuka is not animated with Kavat/Kubrow animations.

    Hopefully never.

    Just to remind us the ABC of the lore, Zanuka is an abomination born out of broken Warframes. I'd personally hate to have a Zanuka.

    Why do the animations it uses matter? It’s already animated ffs.

    • Like 1
  2. My solution is to increase the number of liches have them fight for power SOW stile remove stealing. Open up daily lich alerts(think shadow of war missions you stop those liches from doing something you get murmurs).

    If your in the liches territory they can spawn in like the stalker. Divide up the star map into areas controlled by each lich or uncontrolled nodes.

    change how your runes work and make it a semi hacking game you slot in what runs you think goes in the slot, it shows you what ones you have tried, a timer on you. Fail he runs. Get it right you’ll always Instantly use the right rune in that slot.


    New players won’t get #*!%ed and we create an interesting underworld to Warframe.

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  3. A lot of devs have a Twitter/ reddit account and honestly they use it mostly for none work. They go from the posts about some tv show they watch and flip to Warframe then to some other thing to kill time. Logging into the official form is only work related so less viewed by the whole team.


    its not just the devs of this game but all games. Give your employees access to a site like that and they won’t only use it for work.

  4. On 2020-06-13 at 12:55 PM, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

    I'm more interested in pet survivability than anything else.

    Because I'm sick and tired of constantly having to pick up stunlocked pets where even primed pack leader doesn't help with 3 attacks per second.

    So, is the new moa good at surviving?

    What frame do you use? Pets have basically a frame type. Basic tanky frames get pets that walk around. Frames that die easy get Sentinels. If you mix this up you get bad results. 

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  5. K so I went over the top with my names for loadouts.

    For my Nekros loadout name I put Nekros. Really think the name says master of the dead. 

    My Loki’s load out is named Loki. I think this gives the name a stealthy feel but also sounds a little dangerous.

    My Wukong’s I went a little silly and named it Wukong. It bing a Trickster monkey god I think it fits.

    For my Trinity I wanted the loadout to say healer so I named it Trinity.

    for Volt I wanted to say Lighting! So I called the loadout Volt.

    Rhino hard to kill buff frame and the primed needed a good name for this 1. Called it Rhino.

    For slots I just use any frame in its Loadout 5/8/9 I know it’s so random. It really comes together though with the meaning behind the slot.

  6. I like the infested theme they are going for, but I would make the world more dynamic. Have fights between are allied NPCs and the faction we are fighting. Like based on the map we can take or retake. Also those places made 2 ways 1 when we own it and one where we don’t. Set up guards turrets have attacks come. 

    Like in fortuna and POE we have these locations and we have 2 factions fighting for the land, but it really just feels like us vs them. Even just 7 NPC guards and a few turrets would feel a lot better.

  7. 6 hours ago, ValinorAtani said:

    Sorry but timegating is the worst you could do as developer gameplaywise. Seems that DE is out of Ideas to get something self sustainable out of the box. Instead they're going the easy and lazy way...

    That’s a great argument you changed my mind?

    honestly though they need these spawns to be a part of the event for the whole. So if it’s a piss pore idea how would you put these in the game so they last the whole event with out messing up people who play once a day for 1/2-1 hour and people who play 8?

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