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About Retrikaethan

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  1. well that's news to me, i must have missed that period of time or something. that's a genuinely idiotic reason to say someone is unworthy of having bought something. it's not something you earned and i can't turn it off even if i want to... i think... i have not used the forums seriously in quite some time buuuut i also don't really care enough to find out. eh, the +++ ones are kinda #*!%ed seeing as they're -75% iirc which is a lot no matter how big your numbers. granted, if you're only doing sub-level 100 content you can use basically anything. yeah, i'm not sure when this was but i spent most of my earlier days using firearms for damage and melee as mobility and then not much after the mobility rework. didn't really get into melee properly until well after they did the combos rework. honestly that'd be a pretty sweet mechanic.
  2. SO! i have thoughts on this. currently, fire, corrosive, and viral are all seemingly in a good place and should be considered the standard of power other status effects should be brought up to and in the case of slash, brought down to. ~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ **ELEMENTALS!** ~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ **first, GAS.** holy S#&$ gas has never been good despite its mechanic being unique among the status effects. the only change i would make is that gas should completely ignore or otherwise bypass armor in addition to shields, both the raw damage and the status effect. suddenly, it goes from crap to genuinely amazing. this is also the only damage/status type (aside from void?) that should fully ignore armor. (seriously, it just makes sense, what good is armor without a respirator in the face of toxic gases?) obviously enemies with some kind of respirator or lack of need to breathe like the grineer hazmatsuited stug user whose name currently escape me should be exempt from this bypass. (do sentients need to breathe? i feel like they don't need to breathe. probably exempt them too) **second, magnetic.** bane of all tenno and corpus. almost entirely useless against grineer and infested. honestly it's fine that it's basically useless against infested, at most it should disable their abilities like it does for players, but for grineer it should have varying effects dependent on their armor. for ferrite (aka iron) it should reduce their movement speed due to the plates magnetizing, and alloy should receive a shock that locks up their weapons and forces them to reload (cuz electromagic force aka EMF passing through wires produces electric current aka zappies and bullets do not mix well with electricity). additionally, and it's less important, but i would also suggest nerfing the amount of energy it depletes on players, maybe like 10% of max energy per proc while disabling abilities(possibly also reserving said energy for a longer secondary duration thus reducing your max energy until the proc depletes)? or simply disabling energy regen/orbs/abilities on a longer base duration while active. idk, latter half is mostly salt at feeling the need to constantly have the anti-magnetic arcane on everything forever because i personally absolutely ***HATE*** getting magnet procced on everyone except garuda. *cough*. **third, toxin.** kinda weird. similarly to gas, should ignore armor but only for the proc like slash currently does but unlike slash currently does, only the highest toxin proc should be dealing DOT damage while further procs increase the proc frequency (something like double at 10 stacks?) and the DOT duration being defined by how much damage the initial hit did relative to the proc it created (ie, less armor/resistance confers higher duration while more armor/resistance confers less duration). toxic stuff is all inherently dangerous no matter how much of it gets in you, how much simply defines how long it's going to #*!% up your life relative to how dangerous the material is. **fourth, cold.** cold is... well, cold. it's a very strong action speed reduction debuff. the only change i would suggest is adding a freeze effect on full cold stacks (with reduced effect on bosses/assassins and the like) to make it a little more desirable as an anti-crowd effect. **fifth! electric** is also in a decent spot, despite falling behind the prime three. it's a very powerful singletarget CC status effect but that is where it ends (electric proccing frames/abilities excepted). i would suggest amplifying electric status procs' innate arcing effect to function more like the amprex/atomos do and have the range of the arcing be determined by the number of electric procs on the target spreading the shock. specifically, one target should chain up to 3 other individual targets at a moderate distance (again similar to amprex/atomos) and only those targets while the same group of electric procs are in effect so to get proper aoe CC from shock you need to proc a lot of individual targets or use aoe weapons/abilities. **sixth, BLAST!** i love blast, but i also hate blast. both cold and heat have better procs as crowd control (cuz enemy accuracy reduces dependent on your movement speed anyway, iirc) and heat is far more functional and damaging. SO! with my love for explosions in mind and taking this specific suggestion with a pinch of salt, any weapon with blast damage should roll their status chance as a possibility for the projectile to explode in a small aoe (or in the case of explosive/aoe weapons, increase their area of effect) even when they do not directly hit an enemy. so, shoot a wall with a shotgun? 6% or whatever of the pellets explode in an aoe dealing that projectile's blast damage in the aoe potentially hitting multiple targets you otherwise might not have hit. add this on top of its current aoe knockdown CC and accuracy reduction and blast becomes more in line with the aforementioned prime three since you could turn any weapon into an aoe weapon should you wish to (incidentally mods like thunderbolt and concealed explosives should simply be 100% chance while adding their current fixed explosive damage to whatever explosive damage the weapon in question has while baseline status chance should increase the aoe of such explosions rather than determine their existence). and no, i didn't forget it; **seventh: radiation** is a wildcard that would be mechanically great to use both against players and enemies if player and enemy damage were more in line with each other. as is, it's basically just confusion-lite on enemies and instant TPK on/from inattentive players. this will be the case until that specific balance/powercreep issue is addressed but that is an entire other can of worms for MANY reasons that would justify its own post. any suggestion i could make for this would be a total rework cuz the current mechanic is fine assuming enemy and player damager are roughly equal. probably some kind of %hp dot cuz radiation does not play nice with the living at all. ~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ **PHYSICAL!** ~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ as for the three physical status effects, i believe all three should be equally viable in some fashion on their own. slash first and foremost needs to be nerfed, if not outright reworked. if you try to cut an enemy through their armor, you're not going to suddenly cause them to hemorrhage their entire body of blood as it currently does. you have to get through armor first before you can make something bleed (internal bleeding from extreme concussive damage excepted but that also usually liquefies your brain). while there are obviously many ways that this could be done, i personally think all three should be the most mechanically complex of the status effects and additionally synergistic with each other both to make weapons with all three types significantly more viable (like most melee weapons) as status weapons but also to make the effects more thematically consistent. first and foremost, their baseline effects on their own should be mostly the same however, they should have added twists to each (and in the case of impact, straight buffs). **slash** itself should be nerfed and mildly reworked. first would be removing its innate armor ignoring property and redistributing that effect across all three status effects. slash specifically should otherwise remain mostly the same but with some backend constraints. specifically, adding a cap to total bleed damage as a percent of maximum enemy hp (so a single large hit could hit the cap in one proc, but a low damage high fire rate would need many procs to hit the cap). i would tie this amount to be the inverse of the mercy threshold (ie, 25% hp left = can mercy, therefore bleed procs can only deal at most 25% of a single enemy's total hp). additionally, slash procs should refresh the duration of the other two procs when proccing after hitting the proc damage cap (cuz you can't recover very well when you're missing a lot of blood). slash procs themselves should fall off as they currently do. as for **puncture,** it currently reduces enemy damage dealt (which is fine, you ever been stabbed? it #*!%ing hurts, yo), but with this proposed change should also create weakpoints that all three status types would interact with differently. subsequent puncture procs there should have punchthrough/followthrough on the enemy struck and make the hole larger (and thus easier to hit), impact procs should deal upfront armor-ignoring but non-proccing slash damage based on the number of puncture procs as well as the impact damage of the hit (cuz getting holes you have in you punched really #*!%ing hurts especially when there's shredded metal stuck in there). slash procs on these puncture holes should ignore armor for the purposes of the dot (but not the hit) as they currently would (still only up to the current mercy cap). last but not least, **impact.** currently impact is weak enough that it could take all of the power that was removed from slash in this suggestion and still be a little insufficient. so i would suggest that, in addition to increasing the threshold for mercy and thus the amount of damage slash procs can do, impact should have varying effects depending on the body part hit when proccing. hitting an enemy in the head should concuss them (cuz BRAINS DO NOT LIKE RAPID INSTANTANEOUS MOTION ~~KO~~ OK?) and thus confuse them for a short duration (similar to radiation but with a smaller subset of targets and based on their POV like potentially confusing an ally for a tenno cuz they're close together and you can't see good) while at max stacks it should cause the enemy to be temporarily blinded and thus fire/wander in random directions while being susceptible to allied fire/abilities. hitting an enemy in the chest with impact procs should count towards the total impact procs of all other bodyparts when they are subsequently struck (cuz recovering from anything is hard when your chest is getting pummeled) while not being able to be overwritten by proccing a different bodypart (chest blows still can), only falling off when the duration of the proc does. hitting an enemy in the arm should interrupt reloads, reduce ranged accuracy, and at max stacks disarm ranged weapons, and finally hitting them in the legs should trip them, interrupt ability casting (ie, the grineer gunner aoe slam), and while at max stacks it should knock them down. ~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ **PHYSICAL DAMAGE MODS!** ~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ with this change should also come a change to the physical damage increasing mods. currently, they only act on their physical damage type, ie a 100% increase on impact on a weapon with 10 impact, 50 puncture, and 100 slash will only give you +10 impact whereas an elemental mod of the same power would give you +160 damage of that element. this is particularly infuriating when learning that proc effects do not take these specific increases to damage into effect but rather only affect the likelihood of that proc showing up (though this really only affects slash in the first place). SO! with that said, they should all be mildly reworked and introduce a new set of mods. the current ones should work as elemental mods do, adding a percent of base damage to the final blow. this would take up the same power space as elemental mods and equalize the two sets of status effects a bit better. as for the new mods i would suggest, there should be three and so one for each physical damage type. specifically, it should convert a percent of the base damage of the other two types into the one it is aligned to and add a VERY SMALL percent(5-10%) of total damage to the base damage as that type of physical damage. so in other words, a mod might read something like "converts 50% of base slash and puncture damage into base impact damage. adds [5-10%] of base damage as base impact damage." this way, the slot can be justified with the power it brings (seriously, 5-10% base damage increase is pretty #*!%ing huge as a multiplicative modifier considering there are already several others after this point in the calculations) without adding much to power creep (which something like even a 30% increase at that level absolutely would, kuva/tenet weapons as a solid example of this). incidentally this array of rework could also allow for the expanding of available elements to kuva/tenet weapons since they *should* be made to be in line with each other with such a change and thus not have any problem children like corrosive, viral, or slash currently are in the context of kuva/tenet weapons' extra damage. ~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ **TL;DR** ~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ basically buff most elemental status effects (not fire corrosive or viral) and further differentiate them from each other mechanically (ie gas buffed to fully ignore armor on non-hazmatsuit enemies, toxin burst dot, magnetic doing CC dependent on grineer ferrite or alloy armor/infested abilities, changing electric to arc lightning more like amprex/atomos, and blast making weapons blast procs explosive on environment hit as suggested above), nerf slash, buff impact, give puncture some love and tie all three together to make it desirable to have two or three primary physical damage types on a weapon (rather than the current slash or bust). in addition to the physical procs rework, change physical damage mods to be in line with (and thus competitive with) elemental mods. radiation remains a problem child. slow %hp dot? idk. so, uh, thoughts? this kinda got away from me in length so hopefully that TL;DR is sufficient to talk about without being a long read. specifics are placeholder, the intent is to present ideas to differentiate the elemental status effects from each other better and to tie the physical status effects together while letting them still shine individually so as to make physical weapons desirable beyond slashslahslash.
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