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Posts posted by Crackpunch

  1. More accurately: they borrowed an "engine" (I don't even know what type of engine it is) and attempted to adapt a game to work on it.  You can see how well that's working so far.  #betaframe


    They made the engine themselves. It's the Evolution Engine.

  2. Well, the logic behind it is that easy... as far as the modeling for it, we all saw how simple water went terribly on outer terminus, lol


    Also, you're calling a function, which presumably has more than 4 lines to it >.>

    I did mention that in my post. Also, give DE some credit, they made this game after all.


    I posted the above because I'm bored and want to prove I actually know what you're talking about.


    if(arrowExplodes == true)


        bowLight = "on";




    It's about that easy, considering what we already have in place. Sure you have to write the ChangeBowLights method, but if we can have lights for charging melee weapons, we can easily have lights for the bow.


    I imagine people with inadequate computers would have their graphics turned down, so this code may never be executed for them anyway.

  4. If they were to implement an indication based on whether or not your next shot will blow, it'll need to constantly do maths every time you draw your arrow. This can negatively impact performance.


    Do you realise how little processing power that will take? One little calculation.

    A CPU is generally rated on its calculation speed. I.e 3GHz means 3 billion calculations per second. You don't think there's a process to spare, in that one second?

  5. To avoid confusion or pointless arguing, by recoil I am referring to the reticule climbing, not to increased spread.


    So you're disregarding actual recoil and calling what is know as muzzle climb 'recoil'?

  6. she has a line during mobile defense missions: "Upload me..." You don't get to upload human being very often unless that's a sleng(innuendo?) for something.


    Well the thingy you carry around and put into the computer is probably some sort of remote hacking device that lets her hack from a safe location.

  7. What? No it doesn't. How do you even calculate this.


    Seriously, people on these forums are math-impaired. And I thought I was bad at it.


    I guess they're assuming if you double the number of shots, you double your crit rate, as you have twice as many chances to crit.

  8. It might have some sort of auto targetting ability. Mine works fine 95% of the time, but occasionally it targets an enemy to my left or right, rather than my intended target.

  9. Hey guys, this is my first post here.


    I recently picked up the metal auger mod and I was wondering, how does it work?


    A: Does it make contact with an enemy and continue for the distance indicated on the mod?


    B: Does it make contact with an enemy, penetrate, then continue to penetrate enemies, until it hits something thicker than its penetration value?


    C: Does it penetrate the first enemy, subtracting the thickness of the enemy from the mod value, then continue to strike other enemies, until its penetration value has been reduced to 0?


    I hope this image helps clarify what I mean:



    If it works like B or C, I will definitely be using a forma on my gorgon to properly accomodate the mod.


    Any help would be appreciated, cheers.

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