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  1. Huge huge huge thanks to you guys for reverting the changes to Mirage. You've done right by Mirage mains! And while I can now celebrate this incredible outcome for my favourite frame, I'd also like to chip in and mention that the subsumed version is still a bit too low. It is definitely in the right direction, but considering how Roar can affect the squad natively, as well as provide a stronger buff via double-dipping and covering other damage sources, I do feel it is fair to bring it up closer to Roar. It makes sense it should be a bit weaker as there is the flexibility of running DR, but realistically no one at high levels will use it. On that note, maybe you can take a look at Chroma too and give the frame a similar treatment. Overall, super happy with the changes regarding Mirage, but subsumed Eclipse could be a bit better. Thanks again.
  2. Definitely. In endless SP or the Circuit, Arbitrations and Archon Hunts even, enemies deal heavy damage especially if you're surrounded. Combine that with Mirage's small health and shield values (which are usually best left alone to make space for damage and KPM boosting mods) and it pays to not get hit, by killing enemies faster than they can kill you. As janky as it was, some players who've played with Mirage or Eclipse extensively would play tactically with the lighting system, i.e. fight in brighter areas going so far as to even memorise the optimal sweetspots across Warframe's randomly generated, but set tiles. I realise not everybody does this, but I hope it shows a very possible example that the old Eclipse lighting, despite being fundamentally unreliable, could still be made decently consistent in an actual in-game scenario. What troubles me the most is how it affects Mirage more than most. I absolutely adore the frame (my favourite out of the 55 warframes we currently have) and Mirage has been my problem-solver warframe for many problems that need solving. I've always been entertained by the weapons platform playstyle, which can be skyrocketed all the way to level cap with some tweaking. Even when not running endgame content, it feels great to use alongside other weapons that are unique and fun to shoot, but fall short in late game. Eclipse has helped these lesser-used weapons find a better place, and even though the playstyle is 'simple', is why Mirage will always be fresh to me as there will always be new weapons to try out. My voice in this entire discourse comes directly from a place of love and appreciation for Mirage, and while I understand there needs to be some changes regarding the subsumed version of Eclipse, changing it natively on Mirage will do worse than what might be seen as "simply less damage". It hurts scalability, survivability, and frame identity. Still, I'll always be thankful for what Warframe has offered all these years, and I hope that we can all unite under a good resolution to this.
  3. I've also made another thread about this topic, in support of keeping the calculations the same with Eclipse natively on Mirage. It is incredibly sad to see your favourite frame suffer because of a reason that isn't tied to the frame itself, but more because of the Helminth subsume system. It is true that it would be very strong on other frames if left unchanged, and that is fine and understandable if the subsumable version of Eclipse is revised. However, Mirage's weapons platform playstyle and squishiness mean that the frame needs a good offense for a good defense, and making the native ability additive will inhibit Mirage's scalability. Yes, we are getting a toggle at full values, but at higher levels, 90% damage reduction (and even at the current 95%) will still hit very hard, and if you can only choose one over the other you'll be losing out on the damage that might make the difference as the more enemies are dead, the less you're being shot or clawed at. I have rarely felt so strongly about a change since I've started playing this game. It hits especially close because of how unwarranted the damage calculation change was. I was expecting a rebalance but more so along the lines of reducing the ability strength multiplier, as opposed to making Eclipse additive. It shows that many Tenno are upset or feel very passionately about the proposed tweaks, and I hope despite the personal investments we can all provide some constructive feedback and a call to action for DE.
  4. Hey DE. Hey all. Wanted to start off by thanking the devs for an amazing game that has surpassed a whopping 10 years, to which I can confidently say I've been around for almost 9! I'm a long-time player here who usually doesn't post stuff on the forums in regards to feedback, but if there was anything to bring up it would be the changes coming with Dante Unbound, specifically for Eclipse on Mirage natively. While I understand the need to adjust the numbers and even damage calculation of Eclipse as a subsume ability, changing the way it is calculated on Mirage will severely diminish the damage potential and, following that, Mirage's uniqueness as an amazing weapons platform. I can only presume such focus on Eclipse is because of its popularity (especially as a subsumable ability), which overshadows a closer look at Prism and Sleight of Hand, both of which are in more need of changes, but that's another story. There have been many changes in the past, many of which I've felt and understood the reasoning. Helminth abilities being diminished, Emergence Dissipate, Wukong clones using ammo, Bramma cluster revisions, Archon damage attenuation, the list goes on, but when it comes to Eclipse on Mirage, there are better ways than changing it from multiplicative to additive when the game already has so many sources of it (such as Arcanes, Base damage mods, many other Warframe abilities, etc.). I wholeheartedly understand the needed changes for its subsumable version especially as it is now a toggle, but natively Eclipse should not be changed. Adding a cap makes sense, but changing the way how the ability is calculated reminds me a lot of what happened with Chroma, where a once popular frame has now become rarely seen. Again, the original design intention behind the Vex Armor change is understandable as the ability was made recastable, but even at lower lighting levels, Mirage's current Eclipse buff would be outperforming the upcoming revised Eclipse at full strength. Mirage is not the most popular frame, let alone in the top 10 according to the 2023 stats, mostly I assume because of the low survivability which makes sense given that with Mirage, the best offense is a good defense. Mirage needs to stay on the offensive backed up by incredible weapons buffing abilities, and making these changes to Eclipse will become more of an inhibition. Yes, you could toggle the shadow buff instead, but that means giving away a good damage amp which, when playing on higher difficulties, means you won't be able to sustain having all these enemies alive surrounding you, even at 90% damage reduction. I love Warframe and have been playing it almost daily since 2015. It is a game I've always come back to, and while there have been changes that have affected me for better or for worse, I've usually seen the logic and thought process behind it. I may not agree with some, but I accept it. The changes to Eclipse on Mirage however seem draconian, and I see that many players, at least in the Eclipse feedback thread, feel that Eclipse should be a toggle (which it thankfully will be!), nerfed on subsume (and understandably so), but with stats left unchanged on Mirage. I appreciate the effort and hard work and know it is not easy to maintain Warframe's balancing, but it would mean a lot to this Mirage main (and I'm sure many others) if DE took a second pass over it. Thanks for reading!
  5. Toggle. No nerfs or adjustments on Mirage, but adjust stats for Helminth if need be. If not, then keep it the same but have the buffs never decrease, only increase.
  6. It's just a new palette. You can chat-link it by typing [Sanctum] in the game chat for a better look.
  7. Looking forward to playing the new update! But: I wanted to enquire about the availability of the Pack Only items in the new Sanctum Supporter Pack, and while on that subject, those from past Supporter Packs like the Tenet Ambassador Skin. Will they be available at a later date? The Sanctum Color Picker for example, is only available through the Supporter Pack, but if even the Tenet Ambassador Skin from 2021 is still not obtainable, better wording/visibility for these real-life currency pack items would be appreciated.
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