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Posts posted by (PSN)LoneWolf_001

  1. Sniper rifles are particularly weak in this game. It's pretty sad really, even with max mods, I can't picture using any of them for long survival matches. So I thought, "what's missing?"

    Corrupt MODs for sniper rifles.


    "One Chance"

    Increases your base critical chance by 100 but reduces the amount of shots per magazine to ONE. (When maxed out of course.


    Collateral Damage

    Headshots deal 100% weapon damage as Blast or Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards but reduces Status chance by 25%. (Also when maxed.)


    Quick Scope

    Rate of fire is increased 70% and reloading is instant but you can no longer aim down the sight. (this is more of a joke for anyone who ever played a sniper in a FPS)


    I'm sure some people might disagree that sniper rifles need some love, but if you could what corrupt mods would you make for them?

  2. Simply put melee statistics need an overhaul. First off melee weapons are ineffective at higher level missions. Second, the statistical variation is bland and laughable. There are no true-crit or red crit melee weapons and status effects are a joke anyhow. I propose that all melee weapon stats be revised to make melee play as viable as it is interesting. Also why not do little things like making blocking with Silva & Aegis Stamina-free or have a Status Effectiveness statistic (ie-Corrosive scaling to 100%, Fire Damage procs dealing bonus damage scaled to weapon damage, or for incapacitation procs a chance to spread to other targets). Each weapon should really feel different from each other melee weapon. Pick a stat per weapon and focus on it. Let our MODS make a real difference like they do with projectile weapons. Picture the weapon being fully Forma'ed and MOD'ed for an hour to two hour Survival when you revamp the stats. I'd like to do some melee only end game runs someday that will compare to ones done with the Soma, Synapse, and Opticore today.

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