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Posts posted by (PSN)LoneWolf_001

  1. He's had a lot of attention and just fell short...it'll be awhile.

    I'd say one of the big DPS issues here is that Photon Stike has something like half the range of his CC and Tesla Coils with Augment (The augment scales much better too). Switching TC's and PS's Range would balance things out, as TC would hit harder but have a shorter range while PS would have an appropreate range and be effective and potentially effecient. 

    Drones or Sentinels have also been suggested before and I love the ideas, I think DE took them and applied them to the upcoming Tactical Warframe...

    Overdrive needs some love for sure, weak single target buffs just don't really cut it. I agree it should have been more aura-like or Wisp-pod regional buff-like.

  2. I actually like the notion of using sniper mods on this sentinel weapon. Good idea.

    I think DE was afraid of it being too much of an Opticor (meaning too good) and just dropped the ball entirely. It needs a good look at for rebalancing, maybe halving that reload speed...

  3. Primed Chamber just emptied out my Prime Part collection so I could get one for me and one for a friend.

    Why not do something like that for excess resources, selling tradable Amalgum Mods or Prime Mods for millions of a random resource. If it's tradable, new players can still buy it of get one from clan mates or simply wait until they have enough of that resource to aquire it. Either way it gets resources flowing and potentially plat moving as well.

  4. 19 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    no, that's incorrect. maximum Efficiency lets you get minimum Drain cost even with 40% Duration.
    see also, courtesy of the Wiki.

    Charts!!!! I love statistics! Seriously, anyone who pulls out these gets my attention!

    That being said, duration does contribute to drain-over-time differently than the initial cost, however, efficiency also contributes to this.

  5. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Xeyen said:

    There should be a setting under "controls" (not under "customize key binds") in options that allows you to toggle the "Context action includes reload" option, that should fix your problem.

    You just made my day! The small details you miss...well, I missed anyway.

  6. I keep reload and context action on different buttons to prevent accidents in mission, such as hitting the beams in an Orokin Void Defense when you actually want to reload. That being said, the context button remains bound to reload anyway. So, if I open a door with the context, it will start a reload animation as well, which makes you vulnerable as the door (two-key/two-person activation doors) opens.

    I'm not sure if this is intentional but binding these two actions should be optional. I'd prefer to keep them separate if possible.

    Further note: reload can be separate, however, context is still bound to reload. Context or action button is the issue.

  7. I'd imagine there are plenty of ways to make this Augment "better." I love the passive damage lock idea! However...Ocucor! Hopefully DE doesn't touch this finite detail but reloading with Garuda's Augment allows you to keep the auto-seeking tendrils. It's a lot of fun!

    • Like 1
  8. Finding a team that's willing to farm with you can speed that up. Archwings help with post mission cleanup. I've got a massive amount of everything but Titanium, which in spite of being the most common resource, is also the one required the most by every part you build. There's no easy answer because this was intentionally designed for long term play so one and done isn't a thing here. The exception to this is repair drones...which are on console on the market until the next update, after which they will have something like a .02% drop rate as a mission reward from the Veil...

  9. I get the issue here. I usually get % off coupons after I've already spent my plat or Resource boosters in the middle of the week. I think the timing could be better for the player but it's just RNG... I mean, it's like getting a small gift from someone and going hey this is inconveiniant for me right now, how about a better one on my time?

    That being said a patten of when certain items could show up could be nice.

  10. Why not have an "advanced" toggle for statistics? New players may want a generic description but advanced players want to see the stats so they can Mod their weapons and warframes better. As is is, I have to add a mod, highlight the ability, observe, etc. I'd like a pop-up ability menu for when I'm actually changing the stats.

    Moreover, some abilities have stat-caps, like Equinox' Pacify&Provoke, her Power Strength Buff has a cap at about 230% Ability Strength. Indicating where those max caps are without having to go to a wiki would be very helpful and that could be a scrollover option, because I want to know it but don't need to see it all the time.

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  11. "It's been a looooong time, Tenno..." but still no Void Hole Avionic. It's frustrating. There's not much you can do about RNG except keep rolling the dice and hoping for some luck. Note: some people are just unlucky, like this guy! I still enjoy the game.

  12. 15 hours ago, --Brandt-- said:

    Nope there shouldn't be. Posting stuff, logging out for a week and coming back to plat would be horrible.

    That's how it was in WoW. I would post stuff for sale, ignore the game for 3 weeks and have enough gold to get another month of play time. That's not playing the game, it's just getting rewarded for not playing.

    If the only reason you're logging into Warframe is to sell items in chat (vs selling them in an AH and just checking in once a week) that's kind of sad. I like trading with players in person but the conveniance of an Auction House would be a boon to any grown-up human being with a job. If DE wants to promote face to face over an Auction House system, why not have a platinum tax on AH sold items vs just credits for face to face?

    I log into the game to "play" it, not go back to work trying to make virtual currency. It's sad you can spend more time trying to sell an item than it takes to get the item as is.

    Pro-Auction House!

  13. People seem to dislike Concentrated Arrow. However, with a crit/viral/Hunter's Mun build you can clear out rooms almost instantly, even at high levels (or on Railjack) so long as you can get the headshots off. You can get crits in the millions of damage, and forced slash procs on anything hit by the explosion. It is a skill based build (no headshots and it's worthless) so it can be frustrating and finding a balance between the range, power, and efficiency you need can be tedious. Glass cannon!

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