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Posts posted by (PSN)LoneWolf_001

  1. With railjack, it's not just resources that make it an island. Actively gimping Archwing instead of building around it or separating warframe powers out from the game mode drive the different parts further from eachother. The enemies and mechanics should have been built around what already existed (warframes and archwings) instead of trying to adjust those mechanics for the specific (railjack) mode. I'm not sure if I'm expressing this coherently but that's the best I can do...

  2. Nyx lacks survivability and/or mobility. Without a more reasonable health pool or armor you have to depend on an unreliable CC OR sacrifice mobility and a steady energy drain and a mod slot via an Augment to practically use her power 4. Why not add a health-damage link to her mind control target? Why are Mind Control and Chaos so weak and redundant? Couldn't they be combined to make room for an ability that matters, maybe centering the Chaos on that one Mind Controlled target? The power 4 Augment feels forced if you want to use it at all, it should be a base function of that ability. 

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  3. I've actually had fun playing a balanced Baruuk build. I would like his abilities to have some group synergy without Augments (none yet). Maybe dodging bullets with power 1 could passivly increase the movement speed of nearby warframes, not a crazy volt sprint but just a little push...His power 2 sleep could grant energy orbs via executes, that is to say other means of dispatching sleeping hostiles does nothing...power three is pretty decent, maybe equipping a throwing weapon secondary could prevent the loss of charges...I'm happy with 4 but it'd be nice if it charged faster.

  4. I love a concentrated arrow combat build. If I had an "I wish" for this Augment, it'd be for some Range and Efficiency to be built into the power 4 with that mod specifically. Finding a balance to make it really effective is arguably difficult as it's not a standard min-max situation. 

  5. Yeah, it's the only good one. The Itzal doesn't work right, fighters and crewships ignore the invisability and the new power one is just stupid (I don't even care to elaborate why something that flies doesn't need a ripline or that slinging enemies off a map is a bad idea)...

  6. There's a kind of problem with trying to force a particular gameplay style or combating "the most effective" way of doing things. It seems like there were alot of good fun ideas but not really strategic breakdown of how things should have played out.

    Crewships- These are the Heavy Gunners of space battle and the primary focus of the Railjack via the Slingshot or Forward Artillery. Archwing should avoid these and do minimal damage to these in terms of a functional DPS support role. As a side note, the Forward Artillery needs a damage buff and maybe a charge rate and ammo pool buff.

    Fighters- These are light attack craft, fast and agile but are generally just mosquito swarms or cannon fodder. These craft should be weak to Archwings and Arch-weapons. As easy-to-kill enemies, these can be the focus of turret gunners and Archwing pilots, moreover they should deal reduced damage to Archwings to allow for a functional role for the craft (otherwise, why ever use them except to Amesha-slow or dart to a crewship). Archwings need much more survivability vs Fighters and slightly more vs "medium" cruisers.

    Medium Cruisers- These are a middle ground, capable of being damaged by Archwings but better for Turret Gunners in terms of taking damage. These should deal more damage to the Railjack but be fair game for either Tenno-craft types to target effectively.

    Building around these three in terms of who's-responsible-for-this-role adds layers to the gameplay and doesn't force anyone to sit on a generally ineffective Turret the whole match or sit back with a fire extinguisher...

    Railjack weapons are just sad. The only effective turret is the Cryophon and it actually operates about how I'd expect it to, close range, hard hitter, great for the Pilot seat. It didn't need a nerf. However, the Photor needs stacking damage over time, The Apoc has terrible travel time, and the Carcinex (butchered the spelling I'm sure) is okay...All of them could use a higher damage output.

  7. I love this game mode. However, it's glitchy, I lose rewards regularly due to blue screens, game breaking glitches (like being unable to seal certain breaches or crewships not spawning), or just players rushing in to find a Blueprint or Shedu part and quitting if it's not what they wanted. The special loot, Shedu parts, Quellor BP, and Pennant BP should be "hidden" loot until the end of the game or made into a mission completion reward. Avionics is a problem because you put all the eggs in one basket, a Vidar Reactor. Avionics should have been tied to all 5 upgrades: Reactor, Engines, Shields, and X2 Turrets with a potential roll of up to 20. The reactor bonus (base stats) should have had minor ship HP/regen, Armor, or Damage bonuses as its House based bonus, thereby giving players actual choices in their build.

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  8. I have tons of the common 4 resources in Railjack. The issue I have is that my pool of resources is stuck at the dojo while the total stored on the Railjack is a mere 200 in queue for use which has to be found first. It's a hassle and only becomes a problem if you have a "newer" team. Also, the titanium grind is real. at some 15K titanium per part and only  double digits for node drops, it's the only resource I'm actually ever short on. Also, titanium farming requires you to go out and space mine after a mission, it's not practical or fun to aquire as you have to stop combat to...well, mine. I have a real job, I play Warframe to be somewhere else when the work is done, find a better way, better drop rates, more storage, etc for this stuff. 

  9. One for All- Augment for Garuda's Bloodletting Ability. Energy gains from Bloodletting are shared to team members within range of the Blood Altars. Simple, not as direct as Trinity's energy vamp, has limited range, and required Garuda to sacrifice health. A balanced energy feed.

  10. I love Nyx's design and the concept but the real problem I have is with her survivability vs mobility. She's too squishy, her abilities are ignored by critical units (CC isn't a survivability solution anymore), she has 1 real offensive ability, and the safety bubble doesn't cut it. The loss of mobility, the per damage drain, needing an augment so you don't have to just sit there meditating. If it has a multiple source energy drain (per second and per damage) then why not have full speed as the baseline, get a new augment altogether. Chaos and MC seem redundant, why not have the Mind Controlled target operate as is but have an AoE around the target, effectively combining the two. *grumbles at the Saryn nerf inbound* Yup, why improve forgotten Frames when there are highly efficent ones to break down.

  11. I've had two Vidar Reactors from rewards in the Veil since the update. Both were below the 50 Avionics mark. I've spent hours upon hours grinding this all out only to be held back by a lack of a Vidar Reactor (M3) and the other holy grail, Void Hole. That being said, Why are avionics not tied to Mark-level parts across the board? Instead of 100 points locked behind one part, why not have it spread out, 20 points to each part (reactor, engines, shields, pilot turrets, and side turrets). Maybe add a hull regen stat to replace the core stat of avionics on reactors?

  12. This could be fixed by letting us choose the color. I thing quite a few things could be fixed via a custom color menu for Railjack: Stealth Red visuals when the targeting diamonds are also red and the Veil background is mostly red, The Above Particle Ram Orange blinding turret gunners, or even selecting new indicator colors for the targeting diamonds would all benefit from some modification.

    • Like 1
  13. Like the Nekros above, Atlas can spawn permanent rock-minions between missions. Killing all the Fighters too quickly seems to stop Crewships from spawning in. Bluescreens are common and can still deprive you of mission rewards. Exiting the Reactor console on Crewships seems to auto-hack it without costing a cipher.

  14. I've had the black screen several times durung Railjack missions, mostly when transferring from point to point. If it happens in the Slingshot, I can simply exit the Slingshot to remove the blackscreen effect. If it happens outside the ship, I can use the omni tool (sometimes), teleport back, and it goes away. Sometimes it goes away on its own after a few seconds or a minute. However, most of the time, it just stays black and I can't do anything of significance to try and fix it.

  15. I'd imagine it would be a flat cap at 90% which would be close to the shields breaking anyway. Warframe abilities that have 95% reduction should overwrite it. Think of it like armor for your shields only that gets stronger the less shields you have. Valid points, I hadn't thought of it as an additive or multiplicative point of reductions.

  16. I would like to see a small modification Rivens in relation to Disposition relative to Riven Mastery Rank limits. Base statistic modifiers tied to the Statistic being altered by the Riven, in example: 20% base crit chance + 150% crit chance multiplier. Now, that sounds outrageous I'm sure but it's tempered with the relative range offered by Disposition vs Mastery Rank. Disposition offers a regularly changing range for the base stats, example: each Disposition could offer a base Stat modifier range of 20% of the max value offered. If crit base stat change were 25% max then Disposition ranges might be 1:0-5%, 2:6-10%, 3-11-15%, 4:16-20%, 5:21-25%. Now, on to Mastery influence, generally speaking, gaining Mastery Rank should be rewarding, New rank, new weapons, etc making you feel more powerful. If you tie in Mastery to this concept, you can control and reward end game players by giving them the higher end range for each Disposition tier, making it rewarding to go back and use the Seer or the Kracken because the base stat change will make it truely viable for endgame. And riven Mastery Rank limits will mean something, a MR 27 will want MR 27 Rivens for maximum benefit. Just a thought, it may need clairification.

  17. Maybe Rivens should add a degree of Base Stats to low tier or "bad" weapons. Something like Kracken: [20% base crit chance+150% crit chance] as a single stat on a Riven. Yes, the numbers are hypothetical so it's not a point of arguement, just an example.

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  18. Thank you for the feedback.

    I don't think Prime Mods would be the end all be all because of how the damage would be distributed. Think of Serration 220% Damage bonus being spread over the 8 slots, that Prime Mod with a rank 10 might be a little over the average of 27.5% bonus damage, where an elemental mod would give you say 25% bonus damage but also the 90% elemental damage. Sure someone is going to find that min-maxing cookie cutter build, but I think the potential for more variety on the whole would be better. That being said, no one's perfect, just a suggestion and surprisingly good feedback, thanks again.

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