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Posts posted by Maugre

  1. I don't see how buying platinum would fix the terrifying state the relays are in due to such a massive security flaw, or how it would help the trees whose roots are in far-too-cramped of conditions.


    That is, unless it would fund the construction of more reliable planters, or security forces guarding the root portals at all times...

    But in that case, we could just pool our resources together for the planters, and spare a few of the relay personnel that just hang out at the statue holding their hands in the waterfall like idiots and give them something important to do.



    As for space magic, I reject the notion that there is an all-powerful force controlling any and all things that have yet to be answered. Space magic is a myth!

  2. Hello, friends. I come to you today with an incredibly incredible question...


    One with significantly significant significance...


    Important importance, even!



    This question is...


    Why are the trees in the relay in such small planters?



    I have a theory on this, and if correct, is both impressive and potentially devastating to the trees in question.


    I believe that the roots of these trees are midway through miniature torsion beam portals that lead to other areas, where their roots could grow freely without a care in the system. It's the only thing that makes sense. Even if for some reason the trees could grow with just ridiculously small roots, they wouldn't be able to stand upright without supports holding them up.


    Additionally, if the portals ever lost power for whatever reason, the roots would be immediately severed, nearly killing the trees in the process, and definitely toppling them over! Plus, replacing all those trees any time there's a power out would get costly.



    Now, that's not the only concern. If this theory is correct, it also poses a threat to the security of the relays. If enemies were to discover the existence and location of the root side of the portals, they could bypass outer defenses and file in quickly, storming almost every room of the relay before we even knew what was happening.



    I tried asking Server at the relays about this multiple times, but never got a response... Coincidence? Or perhaps a plot against the citizens (and trees) of the relays?

  3. While this particular idea doesn't really work too well, I do think we could, even lore-wise, ally with Alad to the benefit of both of us. For him, he would be allied and gain the protection of the Tenno, and gain his all-too-precious profit from ours. For us, we would have a Corpus genius with more knowledge on the warframes AND infested than most people alive, giving us the power to further increase the Tenno arsenal and potentially cleanse more infested areas and people.

  4. I think I'd like to see him deploy a support drone, with the ability to swap functionality using something similar to Ivara's Quiver. I'm thinking of the different Osprey models would be good examples. Minor shield buff, Mine Layer, Leech (power recharge?), Stasis (Slow field?)


    No idea how it would be balanced but something that gives different options on the move, not just protecting a static location.

    I like this idea. It would help take some aggro off of the squishframe, too, which is one of the main reasons I don't use Vauban.

  5. The stealth of 3 would only be something someone used if it came with other stealth-related abilities, too. Otherwise, you may as well just use Loki's invisibility and skip all the hassle of potentially being seen altogether.


    Exactly. They're annoying, rude, and they make the Operation 50 bazillion times worst than not being able to get the mods. They make it harder by just being disrespectful to other players because they just gotta farm those mods, other players be damned.


    Supposedly this is gunna get fixed in a hotfix.

    "Fixed". Sounds more broken to me. God help the poor souls who'll spam defense and interception nodes just to get the same trash mod repeatedly.

  7. Now that I've lured you in with the silly talkshow-sounding title, here's my suggestion:


    Rather than getting mail from the Stalker every time you get a mark (because I know I e-mail the people I intend to hunt down and kill, because I'm intimidating like that), I think it would be neat if, once marked, your lights flicker, and the radio turns on, perhaps with some smoke pouring from it.


    The radio would turn on, with the simple message "Your actions have consequences" stated, before the ship flickering back to normal lighting.


    Of course, this wouldn't need to disable any ship functions, so people who don't really care what the Stalker has to say can just sort of ignore it. On the other hand, it would give the Stalker much more intimidation towards those poor, terrified newbies who have no idea who he is.

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