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Posts posted by Maugre

  1. 2 minutes ago, Privus said:

    How about we just get a genetic code per scan of a feral kavat? Since they only seem to spawn 1 per mission, if they aren't killed already by the ridiculous amount of Napalms and Hyekka masters in Derelict all of a sudden. I was killing more Grineer units then Infested.

    That might be a bit much. I was finding 2-4 packs of 3 Kavats per exterminate mission. With that said, that's a LOT of Kavats scanned to only have 6 total DNA after quite a few runs, so it definitely needs to be increased.

  2. Kavats are invisible, jump around constantly, fighting both the infested and grineer/corpus that show up in the mission, and only spawn in small numbers.

    With how much of a pain it is to scan them, they should have a much higher chance to drop their DNA. I was all hyped up to dip my feet into breeding for the first time, but with this low rate, I'm more likely to just not bother at all.

  3. Just now, Xardis said:

    Wow, so mych hype. Its sooooo nice to not feel it. My hype died around u16, never been able to hype for this game anymore. I still play it, I still enjoy it, but I realised that changes will come when they come and its useless to create so much stress by overhypeing yourself.

    If you aren't hyping over Warframe stuff, you're playing Warframe wrong.

  4. Bullet points can give the eye something a lot more pleasing than a massive run-on sentence.

    As for the actual concept, it seems like everyone these days wants some sort of werewolf or transforming warframe, so I can't honestly say there's anything particularly new here; the powers actually sound a bit worse (with the exception of the 3rd, which seems to work fine) than one would expect from a new frame.

  5. 1 minute ago, Popstupid said:

    As for the third, maybe she should get a boost to armor and health while doing this since crawling is usually super slow and how about when enemies come near, the tail smacks them and ragdolls them across the room. Also, why would your allies take cover behind this  when they can just hide behind some random object, give a benefit to actually use this as a cover instead of say, a box.


    The ragdoll effect (or a stun) was something I intended, but I guess I forgot to put it in. As for the crawling speed, it's not "hold ctrl to crawl" speed, nor would she be vulnerable during the effect; A protective power would be pointless if you killed yourself while using it. And to cover the box thing, the benefit would be the same as Frost's shield, being that you could place it anywhere. Though I do like the idea of including extra toxin damage to allies within the circle.

  6. Just now, Rekkou said:

    Actually, Naga is strictly male, Naga as female is an incorrect depiction. People probably mistook Lamia as Naga because of the similar half human half snake trait. But they are completely different and came from different myths.

    Well, learn something new every day. (that makes even less sense on how they reproduce, though...)

    But Lamia, Lamia was the word I was thinking of when I was writing this up. For some reason it slipped my mind, so I went with Naga. This gives me a bit of a dilemma, though; Lamia would be more correct, but Naga seems to flow off the tongue better.


  7. 1 minute ago, Richtor2415 said:

    Pretty chill. I like how it's semi-venom, but doesn't actually have  any poison powers like Saryn. Good job.

    Really my only concern, though, is the fact that Naga is a girl..

    Now, people; don't think I'm sexist. All I'm saying is, we have Saryn for poison, and Naga would be snake/poison passives- so, why not have a warframe with poison-based powers that is a girl, and a warframe with poison-based passives that is a boy? I think it'd just make a bit more sense.

    I can feel why you'd like a male frame. And who knows, if it ever comes down to it, it wouldn't be the first time DE changed a concept's gender.

    With that said, Naga tend to be depicted as female, and some of the decorations would look out of place ("too sexy"?) on a male, which is why I went with it. 

  8. Hello there, fellow Tenno. Earlier today, a friend and I thought "hey, there should be a snake warframe", and so here I am with my ideas. Take note that this isn't a completed idea; I'm in a way throwing it out there and asking for ideas. Don't know if I'll follow through with it completely, but hey, an idea unshared is an idea wasted. With that said, let's get to what I have so far.


    Design (incomplete):






    Alternate helmets would include a "Gorgon" and a "Medusa" helmet, both of which I have ideas for, but... nothing solid yet.


    Stats at level 30:

    Armor: 75

    Health: 350

    Shield: 150

    Energy: 150




    Naga has a passive immunity to toxin damage, while boosting her own.



    *Insert first power here*




    Naga targets an enemy and wraps herself around it, dealing constant impact damage for the duration. Can be activated again to inflict a venomous bite on the target, and releasing it. A bitten target will be affected by low slash damage, a high toxin proc, and survivors will slowly be driven mad from the poison, flailing in pain until the poison subsides.

    Good for holding tough targets for allies, dealing with them over time, or getting a strong target out of the way for an ally.




    Naga crawls along the floor, extending her jagged tail to it's fullest, protecting those within while harming and blocking those outside.

    Similar to Frost's Snow Globe in a way, though acts more like cover than a shield, and keeps enemies out rather than their bullets.

    Think of it as an angry sandbag wall.




    A massive astral serpent erupts from Naga, crashing through enemies to deal large amounts of impact damage.

    Meant as a last resort, this power only lasts for 5 seconds without mods. The Leviathan will target enemies nearest to Naga.



    Alrighty. Now that this exists, I can watch it and edit it later if I get more inspiration!

    Or, you could take inspiration from it, which is also good!

  9. An angelic warframe doesn't sound like a bad idea, but this seems a bit too strong. It's 1st and 2nd powers are basically a modified Oberon 2nd and nerfed Oberon 4th. Not to mention, this is pretty disorganized and cluttered.

    It has potential, of course, but right now I don't think this will get much ground.

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