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Posts posted by (PSN)excat_56

  1. If you are on tonight my clan mates and I can run you through it. I haven't been on yet this morning to see if we have anyone on right now. Shoot me a friend request on psn and if you don't have it done by tonight when the main group of my guys are on, we'll get you ran through it. 


    We wouldn't need anything in return, so you can keep your parts. 



    psn: excat_56

  2. Lead by example. If you won't donate it, don't ask others to. Your description is pretty vague in what you are asking for.

    Recruit wisely and don't be afraid to kick people, IF they actually deserve it. Keeping bad apples around will spoil the whole batch.

  3. With as large as the community is, would it be impossibru to maybe get someone so capable to write an App for the forums?



    That is one of the few things Destiny did right from the start! I love their app. Granted we don't need as much function that the Destiny app has, but having access to the forum, news articles, codex (including drop locations, and have it platform specific), and warframe alerts (platform specific too!) could all be integrated and would be really cool. Would be really nice to get it all from DE in one app instead of having to have several different apps. 


    I would probably even pay $0.99-$2.99 for an app like that.

  4. I want to ask no i dont know or anything like that why are we having to wait a month after pc for the update???



    I don't know if you are new to warframe or not, but every update happens this way.


    They release for pc first, then while they are working on porting the update over for ps4, they release patches for the pc version to work on whatever the update break/stability. As they get issues resolved, they then integrate the patches/fixes over into the ps4 version. So when we get an update, we'll get the content and patches for U16-16.3 (just to give an example).


    They can drop updates and patches at will for pc, as they don't have to go through a cert process, and it's free (relative) for them to do. Consoles on the other hand have to go through Microsoft and Sony for approval which can take weeks, depending on if it passes cert or needs refinement, and they also have to pay for each individual update to be able to hit our consoles. So, packing as much as they can helps them out financially, and it's honestly not that long of a wait. I would rather the bugs be worked out before they hit us anyway. 

  5. excat, thanks for showing me around the dojo. I seem to have misplaced my car keys. If you would check between the cushions in the dojo sofa, I'd appreciate it. Any platinum you may find is mine too.



    You can get them back in a few weeks when you can let yourself in the front door ;)

  6. Hello!


    I am a mature (old) player from the UK. I've just discovered the game so am rather new to it all. This post was linked to me by one of your alliance members and having read thought it I thought I'd apply to join.


    Thanks for reading,





    Hey, glad to see you made your way over here! He's got a pretty good group of guys over here.  Hopefully on one of my late nights I'll catch you on in alliance chat and we can catch a few games! 

  7. I would support this! One of the worst parts of the game, she takes up so much space on your screen (it looks like she takes up more screen space on ps4 compared to pc), if it was an option, I'd instantly turn her off *giggle*. Seriously though, if she pops up when you are trying to hack, you may as well use a cypher, because you are going to fail before she gets off the screen and it takes up 1/4 of the hacking console....which makes a hack nearly impossible. Very horrible screen position for her, that's for sure.  

    OR they could just give us an option to chance the opacity so we can make her barely visible ???


    I'd much rather just have audio only option and small-ish subtitles only though. 

  8. I see "casual and mature", and that's me. I'm definitely older, I'm not sure about mature. When I say "older" I don't mean I'm in college. It means I have full grown kids and I've been playing video games since my dad brought home "Pong". I'm looking for a good fit. I don't take it too seriously. I have fun, like to banter, but I like to help with goals and appreciate help. I believe that a clan should interview me, but I'm interviewing you too. So there it is; I'm open for auditions.



    You sound like the kind of guy we're looking for. Little about my clan. After Dark Action, currently sitting with a full roster of 10 members, BUT we're going to be expanding as soon as update 16 drops and we get the research going so we can offer the newest research as quickly as possible. 


    Our entire clan is MR8+, all with mics, and all mature age wise (18+) at least, we all have mics, have all research done, and we all like to have a good time. Some of us have kids young and old, wives (not more than 1 wife...1 woman to keep happy is more than enough), in college, all the above. We have a diverse group of guys I'm proud of. Always willing to help out, no matter what. I recruited the group I have for a reason, as our goal once we expand is to invite all MR into the clan, and we would then have the core group to help out any new players we may get.

    As far as an interview, the only thing I care about is personality fit and that you're active. Every member that I've gotten I've invited into a chat, and bs'ed with to some degree for a while, and played with as well. I want the people in our clan to be like a family, and keep a vested interested in each other. So that means people have to get along.  I can generally tell if you'll get along with the majority of us pretty quickly. Being realistic, sure we are all easy to get along with, but there are just some personalities that just aren't going to get along, and we understand that. Some of us can come off a bit harsh or abrasive if you don't know us, but most of us have been playing together long enough now we know each other pretty well and give each other a lot of hell for the fun of it. We are all on a first name basis with each other for the most part. 


    As far as game skill, I don't get too worried about that. If you play with us long enough, we'll drag you around to enough stuff to hone your skills the natural way....dying a lot! HA! 

    U16 should be out within a few weeks, and we'll be immediately going up in clan size. So, if you'd be interested in meeting up and playing/bs'ing and we think we'd be a good fit for each other, we'd definitely have a place for you once the update is here. If you don't want to wait it out, hey that's cool, I understand, but keep me in mind if you ever find yourself looking again. 


    Hit me up on psn - excat_56   if I don't hear from you, good luck and hope you find what you're looking for! 

  9. Thanks!



    No problem. I hope I'm wrong and we get it even quicker. But 3 weeks is better than 4! 




    To add in for reference as well, this is also replied to directly by DE]Megan today in regards to the next update:



  10. All i can say it can happen anytime/anywhere even by just sitting on the liset then attempting to go on an alert so it might be a dif bug since ur gettin an error code too but maybe itll be of some help to DE on fixing this problem whos been goin on close to a month now... :/



    I'm thankful it hasn't gotten to that severity yet for me. 

    I played for several hours yesterday without a single incident. I'm going to go back to the same tileset this evening for another o-cell run, and see if it recreates. If it does, I'll open a different thread and start trying different things to see if I can pinpoint it. The two times it happened to me, was on the same tileset, same team, and same host. So, I'll report back if I can figure anything out. 

  11. I like where you are coming from with this! Something along those lines could definitely be really cool. 1-3 are awesome, but 4 seems maybe questionable. 


    Definitely like the idea of getting more unique experiences due to the frame. I wish the tile sets would also help push more unique experiences as well. 

  12. Just an update, we are currently full, but to those of you that have expressed interest, we are going to expand after we get update 16. The reason is we want offer all the new members full research, and the research requirements will be smaller, so we will have them done as soon as the update hits, just pending the research time. 

    For anyone else that is interested, please shoot me a message on here, or a PM via PSN or forum PM. Upon expansion, we will be opening up recruitment to ALL ranks, as I feel that we currently have a great core membership that will be able to and will be willing to help anyone out, no matter their experience. 

  13. After your color research is completed on your current color. Go to dojo and try to select a new color. You'll get an error message that says "you can't research more than one color at a time". After you get the error, exit the dojo, close warframe application, then reopen. Go back to dojo and select new color. Should work when you go back.

    It seems like an inventory bug. I have almost all color research done in my dojo, and I've had to do that process to start every color since the first one completed. It's a pain, but it works and keeps you going on the color research.

  14. Hey, welcome to the world of Warframe (pun intended!). Best advice I can give you is to join a clan. You have already given yourself a great head start by doing your research and learning about the game, that right there will take you very far in this game. 


    Save your newbie plat! As tempting as it will be, don't spend it yet. Best thing to use it on is warframe and weapon slots and maybe one weapon, but wait until you've played a few weeks so you'll get a better feeling for the weapons you like, what a reactor and catalyst are for, etc. It will help you not waste your first plat! Wish someone would have told me that when I started! Also, if you are a PS Plus member, you get a little extra plat for free from the PS store. Check out the ps store for the ps plus deal. (Sorry if you don't get it in UK, but it is worth checking out). 


    Understanding the damage and element mechanics is very important. What type of damage for which faction of enemies, along with elements. They each have their pros and cons for each different faction, and even different enemy types within each faction. 

    I'd gladly welcome you in my clan, but sadly we are full and don't have the same hours that you would have, but I have put links in the post to other clans in my alliance I am apart of that do have many UK members, and a mature group, and would be active at the same time as you! I'm just up way past my bedtime tonight (wife is going to kill me, lol), but glad I was able to catch your post. 


    Also, don't judge the community from the region chat. Majority of people that play this game are not the kinds of players you will come across in region chat, I promise you that. That may sound weird, but if you spend any time reading region chat, you will understand what I mean.


    Best of luck, and once again, welcome to Warframe! 





  15. Just to add another note. We did a 3rd run, same team, different location. Elara, Jupiter. 40 minutes, no issues.


    Maybe this could be tileset related? Maybe when people have these issues, we should start reporting where (tileset) you are having the issues, if a defense or survival the time or wave # you had the issue. It may help narrow down the issue to help the dev's out a bit more. 

  16. Just want to add in I experienced this for the first time today. 40 min into a survival o cell run. I was not messing with chat or anything of the like. Just randomly dropped me straight to psn menu. I DID get an error message and submitted it to sony. It gave me the option. Along with submitting a video recording with it, which i did. I went to save the video after and the video was not there after submitting, and was not able to record the error number. :-(

    This is my first time ever getting this bug. Hope it does not continue. Already cost me a lot of xp and 10+ o cells.





    After finding the error log in the ps4 system, I found it gave me this error code:


    CE-34878-0  Time 12:24:42am 4/12/15    Application: CUSA00080  System Software: 2.50

  17. From my understand reading about it, you use them to level their self up. Just like using duplicate mods, but you can only use duplicate Arcane Enhancements to level it up. So if you have 15, you can apply all 15 of them to one Syndana. I don't know how many it takes to level up each level, but that is my understanding of how it works. You can also only use 1 type of enhancement per eligible piece, so you can only have 2 enhancements equipped at a time if you are wearing both pieces, and each have a different enhancement. 


    If I am wrong, some please correct me, as I would like to know definitively as well before we get it on PS4. 

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