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Posts posted by (PSN)excat_56

  1. I hardly, if ever, use the utility mods. What made you decide to go with the current way the Exilus slot is, vs doing an augment slot like what asked about in the Community Hot Topic? Would it be possible for us in the future to get a dedicated augment slot? For me, and many of the people I play with, it would be much more valuable than the Exilus slot. 


    Also, is there any way to instill the kind of AI the Bailiff had during the event into our specters? That would be a huge improvement. He was aggressive and valuable, even if being squishy.  



    Thanks and have a great dev stream and week/weekend. 

  2. Why didn't you use the "/ unstuck" command?


    It very seldom won't fit any problems I am having. About the only issues I've experienced it won't fix is GUI issues or when you get stuck in bladestorm (which hasn't happened in a while). 

  3. We understand that was part of the update. What is being brought up is the ability for any moderator to kick/ban the Warlord or Alliance leader from the respected chat.

    As it is with Alliance, anyone that has Moderator access to their clan is a moderator by default if that clan has that access.

    When it comes to alliances, there needs to be a way to further restrict/hone who is a moderator. Just because you trust a warlord to be a moderator in your alliance, doesn't mean you trust every moderator that warlord has as a moderator for their personal clan. There is no way separate the two with current settings.

    Example. I am part of Ryan's alliance. I am a moderator for him. By default, every person in my clan then has moderator access in alliance. I personally agreed to help Ryan in keeping up with the alliance, not my guys. My mods are for our clan chat, not alliance, and you should be able to set that accordingly.

    It's a matter of time until someone that disagrees with a Warlord or Alliance leader ends up banning them from their own chat. I say that, because it has already happened (alliance leader being kicked from alliance chat).

    On a side note, there needs to be an Alliance log, that shows who does what, to prevent abuse of the system, and making any potential abuse easy to spot.

  4. My friends have encountered the same bug yesterday.Even before the update,I sometimes started getting no hud when doing raids.



    Hmmm, that is interesting. Thankfully mine didn't start until after the update. I wonder if it is different issues possibly, or if the update just made it effect more people or happen more frequently. 

  5. Welcome to Warframe.

    DE has already said they have no current plans on doing another transfer. Best advice would be to chose the platform you want to play on right now and stick with it. As it was, you were only able to transfer from PC to console, not the other way around. Maybe someday Sony and Microsoft will open their gates again, but until then this is what we have to work with.

    Happy 'framing.

  6. First thing I'd do is make sure your ps4 hard drive isn't full before you start it back up. Then, if it does freeze again, pause it for a while. They may have a lot of traffic on the your psn server right now. Give it 5 minutes or so and start it back and walk away from it, let it do its thing. Come back in 20 or 30 and see if it made any progress. Staring at it will only frustrate you even more! Went through it with the last update.

  7. After update today, when spawning into missions, my clan mates and I would randomly lose our HUD. We never lost them all at the same time, just 1 person would randomly be effected by it when it happens . It was always from spawn, nor a rand I'm loss during mission. We tried cycling the HUD on and off in the options to no avail. We would lose everything from mini map, player info, and gun sights.

    Thank you

  8.                                              After Dark Action is looking for new recruits. Who are we looking for?                      



    Dedicated Warframe players with a genuine interest in playing Warframe. We are a tight knit group of friends, we are event orientated, and we are looking into adding a few more people. We are a shadow clan (max of 30), so we stay very close with our members. We are looking for people that fit in with us, fun to hang out with and talk to, and people that enjoy playing a TEAM orientated playstyle. As most Warframe players know that have been around a while, Warframe has its up and down times that moves with the update cycles. We as a clan tend to play a lot of games together, NOT just Warframe. So we are looking for people that enjoy a lot of the same things we do, so our clan continues to stay together even during the down times of Warframe.


                 Our base requirements:


                ·   21+ yrs old

                ·    MR10+

                ·    have a mic (and use it, and ******know where your mute button for your mic is!!!!!!******)

                ·    be respectful, helpful, and participate

                ·    no spamming invites or spamming in general in clan or alliance chat, send messages,  and ASK for help

                     (voice chat parties not rated by ESRB, if you know what that mean, you'll fit in)


                 What do we have to offer?


                    ·   Experienced Leadership

                    ·   Full research 

                    ·   All colors researched.

                    ·   A wide diversity of people

                     ·   A pretty cool dojo.

                     ·   Low trade tax (stays at 5% as long as members are actively making trades)

                     ·   Access to the After Dark Action PSN discussion board and community page

                      ·   Hours upon hours of useless conversations that tend to offend at least one person (in other words, we sit in a                                                    voice chat room and crack on each other and have fun all night)

                     ·   A true friendship mentality from clan members, we genuinely care about each other in between ragging on each                                           other.

                            (We might have an emblem someday, but honestly, we could care less about it.)





    Clan Ranks:


    The Prime Warlord: excat_56(21)

    Prime Overlord: Janemba88(21) ; Cadmus509509(21) ; M-E-K-1(15)

    Umbra: tron177(21) ; SilverKarasu(20) ; McWeaksaucey(16)



    Non Leader Ranks:

    Prime Minion

    Minion (after you show up for a little bit)

    Initiate (starting rank for AT LEAST st week)

    Vacation/Notified extended absence


    Note: Given the name of our clan, we all mostly play evenings to late nights, we are working adults. I play from 5/6pm to anywhere from 11pm-2am CST (central stand time USA). Clan members get on mostly around the same time as I do and stay on much later than I do, but we ALWAYS have alliance members on.


    We have 15 core members that have been together 1+ year, and another 6 members that I see staying just as long. We have very low turnover once we find people that are looking for what we have to offer. 

    Send me PSN friend request and reply to the thread! When you send the friend request, PLEASE put in ADA or After Dark Action in the friend request message! I get a lot of spam friend requests, and no one wants to tell me who they are, so they get denied ! THANK YOU!!

  9. I would like to join your clan and tbh it seems the best I've looked at, I'm 19 mature English and I'm not here for the dojo because I'm just not haha I'm kinda new but I do have like 13 hours on Warframe but yeah let me know if you want me in or not. Thanks dude!


    Friend request accepted this morning. When you see me on, hit me up and we'll talk. 

  10. After these days of play, I want to add some more feedback about Frost's snow Globe.

    I want to start a new thread because this is a specific problem that has crucial side effects.


    The most important skill - snow globe still can be a trouble, you can not destroy it.

    You'd better not place globe at bad position otherwise you have to cast 4 more to overwrite it.

    The fancy new function - "push frozen enemies back and shatter them" is so sweet.


    However you have to worry about every cast of globe... if its location is good?

    Will it block allies' shot?

    How many globes did I create?

    How many globes are still "ALIVE"?

    How many more cast should I do to overwrite the bad one?

    In the end, the good chance to push and shatter enemies is probably not at good position.

    Too much to concern...

    So I think we don't think about new function to "destroy" globes...



    I can only think of 1 way to eliminate all these side effects once and for all:

    Globe does NOT block friendly fire at all.



    Points like these were made in the first Frost rework mega thread after DE gave the first details of the rework, and the 4 globe system with no duration. It was pretty mixed, but a lot of people disliked it because we were able to foresee a lot of these issues you brought up, because a lot of us use Frost for more than just defense missions, and these issues were glaringly obvious. Sure, these changes make next to no negative effect for a defense mission, but one of the points of the rework was to make Frost more than just "the defense guy". 


    Trolls will be trolls - and players doing stupid things with little regard to everyone else happens pretty much every pub mission you go in. Just another reason why a lot of experienced players like myself stay away from pubs. It's either solo or with friends. I'd rather enjoy playing with the time I do get, than be frustrated by the stupid decisions of people that have no forethought or regard to their team mates. 


    I agree, the best and easiest fix would be for the globe to not stop friendly fire at all. +1

  11. Since we don't have it yet on PS4, it sounds like the mods you put in the "utility" slot, COST you mod points, correct? 


    My friends and I were talking about it during the dev stream, we expected it to be something like that, which in turn, is just another way to extend any type of grind. All frames will become a 4 or 5 forma build + whatever it costs you to get the slot. 


    Also, personal gripe from what I've seen of it, the "utility" mods are mostly crap to begin with...the only way I see it being worth it would be to allow us to put Augment mods in it, which after the Community Hot Topic poll we had about 2 months ago, I was really hoping for with the large turn out of people supporting Augment slots. As is, I never run any of those "utility" mods, and with stamina going away, it gives me even less of a reason to ever want to run them. 


    TL:DR DE gave us a slot to put a mod that is locked behind a grind wall of forma. Joy... 

  12. Are you running a wired connection? If not, I highly recommend moving to a wired connection. 


    Have your tried clearing you cache on your ps4? If not, fully shut down the ps4, unplug the power cord for a few minutes (they say only 30-45 seconds is required, but I tend to wait a few minutes), and during this time, it's a good chance to do a full shut down of the rest of your network. Then bring them online in the order of modem-router-then ps4. 


    You could always reinitialize/revert your ps4 back to factory to give that a shot, but you will loose all your data unless you back it up prior. 


    Also, if you are running a cable internet connection, are you running a docis 3.0 modem? If not, it may be time to just upgrade your network components - modem and router. 

  13. No, you got it wrong.


    What you want to say is

    "reward only those who were there and F*** everyone else"

    What op is saying

    "reward everyone who wants to play this game".



    No, I said what I wanted to say, right there in black and white, pretty hard to miss unless you just can't read. Thanks for trying to tell me what I want to say though, but you failed. 


    Also, why would I have that standpoint? I didn't start until after Nova P was released. Sure, I'd want my shot at those rewards if DE ever decided to make them available again, because there's plenty of them. Like I posted previously though, I'm still MR19 without them, and they still in no way keep me from doing any content in the game I wish. I'm not locked out of a single bit of content because I don't have Arcane helms, the Latron Wraith, an aura that was mistakenly gotten, or any other reward I missed. If DE decides they want to release previous event rewards, awesome, but darn sure don't take it away from the people who were there to get it. If I never get it, who cares, because there will be new rewards to new events that I will get, because I will be here for them. 


    I'm a little old school though. I realize life isn't fair, and you can't have everything everyone else has, no matter how hard you cry about it. That's why I get up everyday and put my boots on and go to work. 

  14. It's is more than likely left over plat from your starter plat (the free plat they gave you when you first started playing). That plat is not tradeable, you can only use it for marketplace/in game purchases. 

  15. Yep


    I remember trying to farm for the Nyx Nemesis skin. Oh wait.



    How is a SKIN required to play the game? Does it give you xp? Nope. Is it required to play Nyx? Nope. Is it require to progress in any way, shape, or form in the game? Nope. Everything in the game that fits the criteria, you can obtain with zero investment other than time. For that matter, you can still acquire all cosmetics in game except for the Prime Accessories for free if you put time into the game. 


    How is paying for a limited release cosmetic any different than any other F2P game? You want your pretty stuff, well, pay for it then. Spend your time in trade chat (which is the free means of getting plat) or give DE some $$ for some plat. Don't like it? Go pay $60 for the newest title and then $20-$40 for every DLC, OR keep enjoying a free game, with free dlc, and no subscription fee's, and quit complaining about the way a FREE game make's their money. I'm sure you work for free, right? 

  16. First reason is the size the update would be. A lot of people have limited amount of data, and as it is with the frequency of updates we get, they average 3 gig +.


    Second would be timing. PC hasn't even gotten U17 yet. We generally have a 1 month to 6 week wait AFTER pc gets the update before we get it. Reason is, they have to work all the kinks out by hot patching pc until everything is stable, then they start port it for consoles, finish the build, send it for cert, yadda yadda yadda. So....for us to wait for U17, you are asking for us to wait pretty much until mid to late Sept. for our next update. - No thanks. 

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