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Posts posted by (PSN)excat_56

  1. Oh waow console players DO NOT get discounts? That is indeed pure bullsh!t...



    This is also why the trade market on consoles is messed up. People try to base trade prices off of the PC price list, which is a higher "cost" for console players. Judging from the posts I've seen across the board since I've been a member, PC players tend to hold out on their plat purchases until they get some sort of discount, then make larger purchases. So that means on average, the $ to plat is much higher than we get on console, yet the under educated traders still want to try and say "that's what it's going for a pc!" "check wftrading"... That is an issue in and of itself though. 


    I'm fine with prices the way they are, personally. I just wish there was consistency between it all. 

  2. Difference to most F2P Games is you can get everythign that is relevant in the Game. And no 15$ for a frame is not really that much. Some F2P games charge you mor ethen 30$ for a Weapon, Car or whatever and you can't obtain it in the Game so you have to pay or won't get it.



    ^ This + the more plat you buy, the cheaper it is. So the price per plat goes down as your buy the more expensive packs. 


    Also, I recommend to other console players, just buy the Prime Access. Save yourself the nickel and dime-ing. Our best pricing for plat is by far Prime Access since we don't get the log in discounts PC players get. Save your money, buy the PA one time, and you don't really ever "need" to buy anymore. You can easily survive off trade tab after that. Also, you help DE out a lot more that way. 


    Also, I'm perfectly happy with the price of plat. If it were too cheap, trading would be even more stupid. 

    I think it's fair. Since you don't have to buy every frame its not an issue. Also its better to buy the bulk ones, so like $40 batch. Also look for Discounts like 75% off Plat and discount on purchases with plat.



    Console player's don't get discounts. 

  3. They will submit it when it's ready next week. By the sounds of it, they were still working on what they were going to be able to include into the update for us. It doesn't matter when they submit it either, because we are at the mercy of Sony's cert process, and it passing cert. I would think we are at least 10-17 days from update. 


    Sony has surprised us before and it was less than a week, but it doesn't seem to be the norm. Just be pleasantly surprised if that does happen. :-) 

    Tomorrow is Sunday...


    Depends on where you live ;-) 

  4. Go to the main warframe page www.warframe.com, and under the community drop down on the top right, there will be support. Fill out a support ticket, and they will get you fixed up. They stay pretty busy, so it may take them a little time, but they will get you taken care of. 


    Welcome to Warframe, btw. Nice to see new PS4 players. 

  5. All Archwings (AW) need to have a built-in, huge, vacuum like passive. Trying to pick up items in AW can be a real hassle.


    When players go down, please up a green glowing orb around them. With something like a 5m radius.  The orb would be a visual effect only, but allow us to revive them by pressing the revive button any where in that orb.


    These changes would greatly increase the quality of life (QoL) in AW, so you can res and collect people without being negatively effected by high speed movement in AW.



    There already is a vacuum passive, but it is only active when you aren't moving I believe, and with a small-ish radius. If you are stationary, you'll see things slowly move towards you. It is rather slow though. Comes in handy when running Itzal and you are invisible, but other than that, if you are stationary for any length of time, you are dead, so it can be pointless. 


    I think the archwing revive system needs a total overhaul. Along with the mini-map while in archwing. The map is absolutely zero help most of the time when trying to find where someone goes down at, especially if you are close to them. We need on screen indicators like directional arrows or something, bigger hit boxes for reviving, longer bleed out timer...... 

  6. Okay okay, before you post "inb4 lock" or "thread #826523 about the first-person bug" or something like that, this is not one of those threads.






    I'm sure everybody here knows that glitch, that super disorientating and super awesome glitch. I'm not going to explain it in detail, because it's pretty dang well-known here.

    Everybody also knows how randomly it appears; it's hard to replicate what happened to get that glitch again, and even if you manage to, that bloody head bobbing around would make you motion sick.








    You do know there was a glitch that actually puts you in first person right? besides the devs have already stated that they will never make it a thing.



    Read much? 

  7. Well, some of them are good like Jat Kittag and AkMagnus, but on-paper DPS is much more different in playtesting, simply because of the fact many things resist them. 


    I do use Boar Prime and AkMagnus, but they both don't live up to expectation.


    If I could change it, I'd make Impact proc more useful, since Blast proc takes down the whole squad while Impact only get one. I'd think that impact knock-down will increase get-up time for enemies (they get up slower) and will ragdoll them into another enemies.


    And I'd remove the Cloned Flesh resistance. Just because it'd make it less suck. I'd also add in an advantage over Alloy Armor.



    I think what the Jat Kittag has going for it is it has good damage for being a melee weapon. It is a top performer in a sea of under performing weapons. Melee weapons in general have a very limited pool of what is actually useful. 


    I agree on the Boar Prime, love that shotgun, but why use it when you have the Hek and Tigris? Sure higher mag/ROF, but aside from that, it under performs. (tigris is love - tigris is life) 


    Those would actually be a great changes overall. Great idea. You could run Impact/Viral/Radiation with that kind of a setup in the Void, and you would then have a bombard wrecking machine. 

  8. I use 2 builds with her, both include Quick thinking. 


    One is a max range, medium duration +  mind freak augment and whatever I can put into efficiency. This is my most used build. I use this for Raid runs, and I am generally the bomb runner for the final stage. The cc on the puzzle stage comes in really handy, and you can cast mind control from a long ways away, giving you the chance to really help out even when stationary. 


    The other is based around rounding my build as much as I can for strength, range, duration after max efficiency. This results in an ult + short duration chaos build. Constantly casting with this build. This is for more run and gun type missions where I only need a small window of time with chaos. 


    I love Nyx, one of my favorite frames. I just wish chaos was re-castable. That would give her a lot more versatility/use in building her with longer duration builds. 

  9. Impact is really bad. The only thing that is good is the fact it knock back on procs but there is blast for that



    That's what I keep thinking too, but wondering if I'm missing something that would make it "not so bad" ? 


    Also, if you could, what would you change that would make it better? What would make you actually want to use Impact based weapons in general? 

  10. So Impact damage, the basics:


    -25% Flesh

    -25% Cloned Flesh

    +50% Shield

    +25% Proto-shield

    +25% Machinery


    I've tried to like impact damage, but I hardly ever find a reason it is necessary. The largest threat in the game is armor/hp tank enemies, which gives high priority to puncture or slash (if using 4x cp setup) weapons, and adding in toxin/viral/radiation. As is, enemy shields are very easy to punch through, and if you are slightly worried about it, you slap magnetic damage onto your favorite puncture weapon when running a corpus mission, and that takes care of that. (+75% Shield/Proto Shield)


    It seems as if Impact damage is just there. I personally like the status effect of impact the least as well. 


    Is this an issue of the game being unbalaced towards the Corpus faction as a whole? Since I've been playing, the Grineer and Infested seem like they continue to get harder,and newer more aggressive enemies, while the Corpus are just there. They deal decent damage, but when it comes down to it, your favorite puncture weapon is more than capable of dealing with these guys, even into high level content, all it takes is swapping up your elemental damage. 


    Then you start talking about the Void (where people tend to spend most of their time), and impact damage makes even less sense to use, especially if using a 4x CP team, since the largest threat is easily the heavy gunners and bombards. Then, if you are using viral damage with even a decent status weapon, you cut their health in half (shielded enemies), and then you finish them off with the raw damage. (Even taking a damage reduction using slash or puncture, they go down easily)


    (Back in the god-tier synoid gammacore days - all enemies be dammed. RIP Synoid - your former glory will never be forgotten!)


    The reason I bring this topic up, is there are a lot of cool Impact based weapons, but by in large, puncture is generally the best go to for almost any situation (minus a 4x CP team/slash). By in large, you run a pub mission, you come across puncture weapons as well. As a majority, it seems players tend to stay to the puncture based weapons, leaving the long forgotten impact weapons collecting dust. 


    Would changing up Impact damage bring new life to the lesser used Impact based weapons? What would you change about impact damage to make it more versatile? 


    Am I totally missing out on something when it comes to impact damage? If so, teach me. I want to like it. I'm sure there are people out there running them with positive effect. Guide me elders of the 'Frame if I'm missing something. 



  11. No one is doing it, for the people who tried we are all out gunned cause no one is gonna grind it and mods pretty much never drop so you can't even equip good mods.




    Thanks for speaking for me, but once again as another person tries to speak for the community, they are sadly very wrong. I would bet that DE's numbers show quite a few more than "no one" is doing the event. My entire clan is doing it, and half have already completed it. Same with my alliance. It's pretty friggen easy actually. I wanted it to be harder and have an "escalation" for a stratos emblem.  


    It seems you weren't around for the Eyes of Blight event perhaps? It was an archwing event as well.


    Save yourself the embarrassment. Speak for yourself, but NOT the community. 

  12. Yes, we play Warframe "global/international". 


    Chinese Warframe is Chinese Warframe, a totally different game so to say from the limited things I have read about it. 


    Here's the official information that has been given thus far:




    Scroll back to the first post of the thread by DE-Rebecca. She is updating it as more official statements come out. Hope that helps! 

  13. I personally like not having them. It's just that many more images you have to load every time you open a thread. It also helps keep the look of forum posts a lot more clutter free. - personal opinion only though, I know many people like them. 

  14. Investment to getting them? Being in a raid is an investment? There's a cooldown timer, not an investment.


    Also, I am convinced that 90% of the arcane enhancements are filler material to keep the rare ones from dropping much.


    Most of the old arcane helmets are pretty lame as well..


    Yep, have to agree.


    (not directly YOU crazylexi, I was just quoting you because I happen to agree with your post)


    (Trying to be VERY serious when I say this...) You realize that the extra 2-4% (or less) stat buff (or debuff) TOTALLY changes Warframe, and TOTALLY makes end game content much easier, and anything T4 magically goes from super OMG this is so hard status to cake walk thanks to having a helm with little overall effect.


    Ok...yeah, that was hard to get though with a straight face. Anyone that thinks an Arcane helm gives anymore more that just a bit of swag is a fool. If anyone thinks that tiny little stat buff (and debuff) is going to magically make them better, is kidding their self.  




    Back to pickin' daisies and chasin' butterflies.   

  15. What do you consider a suitable compensation for removing an item, that is currently unobtainable, from the people who put in effort to get it?



    Well, it only makes sense to in return reward you with something that will immediately have to be taken away, because other's players can't have it either since they never had what was taken out for exchange in the first place. In the end you'll end up with 1 argon crystal with half a timer (#satire) Sounds like OP wants a vicious cycle of, take everything from everyone that I don't have. 


    Entitled crybabies - the new trend coming to all your favorite games. 

  16. So what you are really saying is "Reward NO ONE for playing and supporting the game for a long period of time, because if I can't have it, no one can."


    I don't have A LOT of those rewards that were only obtainable by limited means before I started playing. I'm still MR19. It doesn't effect my gameplay or progression one bit. 


    No thanks. 

  17. you can have a normalised scale for warframes:


    we want this ---> stats xyz to be "average" ignoring abilities[seems to be 300 hp 300 shield 150 energy ~100 armour and ~1.1 sprint speed. This is not hard numbers, im just glancing at this http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Warframes_Comparison]

    you then build frames off that changing number based on abilities and suggested play style [support/tank/DPS/etc]


    and i agree with you, you can forma gear and stomp level 10's. But the argument often asks things to be akin, i.e ignis similar in flat damage output to atomos, or braton prime and soma prime having similar output, achieved differently.

    and i somewhat agree, weapons should be tiered [and hence mastery locked to promote progression, but thats another topic for another argument]. Weapons of similar calibre can then be normalised around a tier, fixing alot of peoples concerns as everything is made more transparent.


    an iteration of what i mean: why is the panthera worse than the mitre? it deals slightly less damage, yet is an "upgrade". The panthera should be the next tier, not a slight downgrade.[suggested fix?]

    make the weapon a  bit bigger for aesthetics, make the hit box larger, increase damage by 20points of slash and give it 35% status. Boom, "upper mid tier" fun weapon thats an upgrade from the miter without breaking the damage scale (like soma and boltor, lol)



    You have valid points, and you do bring up other issues that are part of the problem...*cough cough progression, weapon tiers**. 


    Anywho, appreciate the casual respectful banter :-) I don't want to derail the salt thread anymore, lol. No need to get the salt thread saltier. Take care! 

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