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Posts posted by (PSN)excat_56

  1. I like the premise, but this would easily be one of the easiest to abuse game modes. All you have to do once you know the maps is go in with a team of loki's, infinite loot, and hardly ever have to kill anything. or 2 nova's and just keep the map locked down in their spawn.


    It would be the same as syndicate mission medallion hunting. It would become more tedious and boring to do it after a while, as you already know where all the spawn points are, and you really don't have to do anything but run to each (and hope you can actually see them)

  2. As the title states I want to know the opinions on if anyone thinks the Prime version of the Vectis wasn't really thought to be used for "MUCH" use in the late or even mid game. I think the Devs are slowly trying to introduce more players to conclave because before the release of the Vectis Prime the regular Vectis was not available as a weapon of choice in the Conclave load out. Maybe thinking if players didn't see much use for it in regular play they would notice it's usefulness in Conclave. And looking at the stats of the Vectis Prime compared to the regular Vectis since there are no mods similar to Primed Chamber the Vectis Prime's added shot and higher base damage would make it the better weapon of choice in Conclave. This is only my opinion but I just thought id shed some light on the possibility that they may be trying to get more players in with conclave. And as a dedicated Conclave player myself I'm all for it but I would like to see both Players (Regular Late-Gamers/Conclavers) and Dev responses on this topic. Thanks guys and hope we can get a disscussion going on this



    I think you are looking into it too far. I don't play conclave much, if ever really, but the few times I've played it, all the newly released frames and weapons were added to the list. I would bet they are balancing the new weapons before they put them into the game in the first place, which is what makes sense from a business and work productivity stand point. Why have to mess with a weapon or frame later when you can do it when you make it? 

  3. Thanks.  This link leads me right back here lol.  At least I know I'm in the right place.  Hopefully someone can help when they look at this.


    Note to Warframe staff: issue not fixed. Please help!



    hmm, sorry about the crappy link. 


    Best way I can tell you would then be go to warframe.com   then at the top right of the screen, you'll see community, put your mouse over it, and it will drop down. Second option will be support.


    Make sure you are signed in before selecting support. I tried to sign out and go to the support page, but upon signing back it, it will redirect you the warframe homepage again. 


    (I really need to find the direct link to support, lol) 

  4. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/420549-after-dark-action-18mature-players-only-is-recruiting/


    Check out who we are, and what we are about. If you are interested, please follow the instructions in the recruitment thread. 


    Also, to leave your current clan, press options on your controller, go to communication, clan, then on the left side of the screen you will see the clan roster. Find your name in the roster, then select your name, and there will be an option to "leave clan".


    Also, as a heads up, other clans can not send you clan invites while you are a member of another clan. 


    Good luck in your search for a new clan! 

  5. If you gave rare loot and stuff on an "elite" planet, you would have too many restrictions.... and IMO it would divide the community.


    I.e. If you acquired a rare mod, you wouldnt be able to trade/sell it.. cause not all the players would be able to get it and the plat price would skyrocket.


    While there are things that need to be fixed in WF, i think the game overall is solid; there's regular games out there that have more bugs than this, and are mostly a finished product.



    I would argue this point with event weapons and event mods. As is, if you don't have some of the event mods, you will be a long ways behind when it comes to weapon builds. That is a huge dividing factor when your boltor prime, paris prime, soma prime, etc.... is putting out 60-120% more damage. 


    Those said event mods go from anywhere from 500p-1400p on ps4. 

  6. I wouldn't mind something like this, but I would caution calling anything "elite" as that just drives a dividing wedge between the community. 


    I would think MR locking it would suffice, like a MR lock of 14 or 15. This would also give players a reason to grind out MR. I've played with some less than "elite" MR 18's, but those are far less common than the one's that know what they are doing. I have yet to have a bad experience though with any MR 19's. 


    If they did do something like this, I'd like to see a lot of new mechanics introduced. As it is, going to Ceres can be challenging as it is, it just takes waiting for 40 minutes to get that way. I would want the challenge to be more mental and tough than just pure scaling difficulty. 

  7. Does this mod really exist? Needing it as rifles are my favourite and can't seem to get it to drop.

    What should I sacrifice to RNGesus to improve my odds?



    It is actually quite common for a sought-after rare, do you still need it? I have an extra I can give :)

    G3 drops the entire multishot set (Barrel diffusion,Spit Chamber, Hells chamber)



    If you can't get a hold of Shemxy, I have quite a few spare as well. Shoot me an in game pm or psn. 

  8. Whoa, chill. This was copied and pasted from yesterday. I will edit it out.



    Chill? About what? You being called out on acting like an a*hole to support (since it's obvious you thought you were talking to support?)


    Quite acting like an a*hole that thinks because they claim "I won't be playing your game for a while" it means something. Save yourself the empty threats. EVERYONE deals with crashes and bugs, deal with it. Yeah, crashes suck, bugs suck, they are frustrating, and can cause you to loose some loot. No need to take it out on other's though.  

  9. This isn't support, this is a forum, and if it was, screaming out "This...is....bull***t" to support isn't going to get you far. They have to deal with enough A******s everyday, why add to the list? They didn't directly cause your game to crash, so why be an &#! to them? 


    Here's the link for support :



    Up at the top of the page: submit a request

  10. I happen to like Greedy Pull, but I don't live on Draco either. Never done a farming run at Draco. 


    I like Greedy Pull for excavations and defenses. It comes in handy after you've been there a while, when things start to get hard. You can start pulling the energy to you mid fight, to help out with the energy shortage you are more than likely going to be facing. I much prefer to pull energy to us in the middle of wave 37 on t3d than risk running around. 


    I haven't played with a single person yet that says they actually want the Greedy Mag nerf actually. I also don't play with people that live on Draco either, we play the damn game. I think DE is making a cheap and quick fix to a problem they are scared to address, poor level design and crap loot and drop tables. 


    It sucks the people that use something how it is intended to be used get punished for a small vocal minority of cry babies. 


    It's simple, if you don't like GMag, don't 'effing use her. If you don't want GMag in your party, make a new party. If you don't want to be bored sitting on Draco doing whatever it is you do there, don't go to Draco. Enough of this sissy cry baby "nerf this" crap. 

  11. ^title

    It already burns energy like a madman, making it only useful for surviving a second or two of damage when low on HP until u recover or run, now, you just get stun locked in your place while watching your energy go and yourself following it shortly

    Fully support this! Funny that the stagger is about the exact same as the rate of fire as a bombard. About the time you get blind sided by them and come out of stagger, it's just in time to be instantly hit again, and again. Or, a heavy gunner finishes his reload in about the same amount of time you are staggered. You may be able to move a step ot two, but not much. One of the many things in game that make you want to throw your hands up and go "Really?! What's even the point?!"

  12. Personal opinion only here. 


    He is decent and fun for mid game, but poor for late game. Late game it seems like everything out scales him faster than most any other frame. For mid game though, he can be used as a jack of all trades. He can help defend, help with cc, heal, and deal damage, all of those fall off rather quickly though. Also, his healing works, but is definitely outclassed by trinity. 


    I personally would pick Limbo over Oberon every time if I had to choose between the two. While Limbo may be a niche frame to some, he is very good in most any situation given the right person playing him. He just takes a while to figure out how to use in different situations. 

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