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Posts posted by (PSN)excat_56

  1. Try to go to the dojo, and it will tell you that you need a key. Once you do that, it will put a dojo key blueprint in your foundry. Simply go to your foundry, and build the key. When it is done building, get your key from the foundry, and you can then access the dojo. 

  2. I would just like to pay $5 or $10 a month for dedicated servers. With that small premium, you would get a nominal amount of plat, and dedicated servers would greatly increase the stability of the game. 


    Cosmetics and/or anything else don't matter when the game crashes when you try and do something other than basic non endless missions. 

  3. Same happens in defense when you lose connection and reconnect, you start back at rotation A.

    On the loot, it's iffy if you keep it. We've ran A LOT of t3d and t3s over the past week, with A LOT of crashes. About 40% of the time, you would get your loot back, if we didn't lose host that is.

    Past 2 weeks have been really bad for our clan as a whole, we've lost a lot of time and loot due to crashes, and lost a lot of desire to play warframe at all. It's double rng as of late, are you going to stay connected, and if you actually do, are you going to get the part?

  4. Was the trade tried multiple ways, like giving half the plat at a time? Or did the winner even have enough credits to cover trade tax? Even if clan tax is 0%, there's still tax.

    I've done some pretty large trades and have never ran across this issue. I admit, not 1500p at one time though.

    To give away PA all you would need to do is buy $80 in psn cards and give them the codes, that would be the easiest and best way I would think. How did you try to give it to them?

    Or am I understanding you wrong? Are you saying the guy that won the 1500p and volt set was banned?

  5. To report for those of you guys that were having problems, a lot of my clan guys are starting to finally be able to log in, so hope it is clearing up for you guys too! It may be worth a shot to try it again now! 

  6. For a skin? Yea.

    That's almost $10 for a skin only applicable to a single warframe.

     If you don't like the price of the skin, take it up with DE, this isn't about the price of the skin, this is about PSN being down. 


    FYI, I bought the skin, the minute it hit the market, and I know a lot of people doing the same, and that already have. 150 isn't expensive. 

  7. Just so everyone know's that is currently having log in issues, PSN IS CONFIRMED DOWN. 




    They are currently working on getting it back up. Just so happens to be so wonderful for it to happen when we FINALLY get the Nyx Skin. Thankfully I am not effected by it right now, but a good portion of my clan is, they got booted from Warframe about 10 minutes before Blackout became active, and then were not able to log back in to PSN after doing a reboot. 

  8. For him, I would just increase your survivability (redirection, vigor, vitality) as much as you can, he's slow and going to take a bit of a beating, then remaining in repelling bastille, power strength, duration, stretch, streamline. OR for being a little more creative, you could omit power strength for over extended since you'd have repelling bastille, and omit streamline for fleeting expertise.


    You are going to be using energy pads galore, and spamming like no other, so upping your efficiency and range may work out in your favor as you can spam more and cover a larger area.  

  9. I don't like the idea of buying them with plat, because as it is, you are being rewarded for playing the game in a way. If you don't want to play the game, why should you get the special rewards? - Just the way I see it.


    I do like the idea though of the ducat rewards as an added bonus for missions. For endless missions it ducat reward to scale based upon minutes. I understand most people want to farm for stuff they need, not just ducats parts, and that leaves you with the issue of getting the stuff you needed, but then you have nothing to trade for ducats. That would be a welcomed change, and a fair one in my opinion. 

  10. I run 3 builds with nova - I'll share my builds with you, you can try them for yourself if you want. 1 forma Nova Prime - 3 Madurai (V) - 1 Vazarin (D)


    All using maxed Energy Siphon, but you can exchange it for Corrosive Project at no loss:


    General Purpose Build:

    Config A


    Maxed Mods:

    Intensify (V slot)



    Quick Thinking (D slot)


    Transient Fortitude (R7 in V slot)

    R9 P. Flow

    R8 Narrow Minded


    161% Duration, 130% efficiency, 46% range, %170 strength - I use this build for just messing around, not doing anything endless to massive scaling


    Endless/Large Scaling missions

    Config B


    Maxed mods:




    Quick Thinking (in D slot)

    Rage (in V slot)

    Intensify (in V slot)


    Primed Continuity (R9 V slot)

    Prime Flow (R9)


    150% duration, 130% efficiency, 100% range, 130% strength




    Fast nova

    Config C


    Maxed Mods:



    Quick Thinking (D slot)




    Primed Continuity (R9 V slot)

     optional: intensify (varying ranks depending on situation and need of the speed nova - in V slot)


    Duration 150% - efficiency 130% - range 190% - stength 39% (varying)



    (The following statements are in my PERSONAL opinion)


    People build Nova focused on + duration and + strength TOO much. In actuality (and personal opinion) too much duration is a VERY bad thing on Nova. Priming 80% a tile set does nothing in MOST all situations (except maybe for the raid, but a raid nova is a totally different build than any of those 3). What a huge duration Nova does is slow down and ruin the flow of a survival (and your life support), makes a defense take for friggen ever because you have to hunt enemies down in their spawn, or flat out does nothing at all to help. 


    Too much strength does a lot of the same as too much duration. It slows your enemies down way too much, and in most cases, just isn't needed unless you are talking about a raid build, where controlling the spawn of enemies is an actual benefit. 


    The decrease of range in most cases most people will hardly ever notice. You seldom find people that actually use wormhole other than to troll, and at base, wormhole's distance tends to be slighty too much, so cutting the range with narrow minded is a good thing, and it gives more duration than continuity does. I use transient fortitude to actually cut some off the duration from narrow minded and it gives more power strength than intensify does, and even cutting it back, more duration than primed continuity. This will decrease the effective range of null star, but honestly, i only use null star when i'm going melee anyway, so range isn't that important. It doesn't have good range to begin with. 


    I personally like these 3 builds, and you may notice something strange in my builds, as my stronger and higher duration build is actually my general build. To explain my logic in that, I use that build for running with randoms, as you never know what kind of a crap storm you will end up in. If I end up doing a 30 or 40+ min survival, and my team just goes down from doing something stupid, i like to have that added duration and slowness as a cushion for reviving. There are always health pads if you end up getting hit too much, and as long as you are keeping your energy up, should never be a problem, which is why I run redirection, as shields constantly regen.  When I'm running with my clan mates, and we all know what is going on, we don't have a need for that added duration and slowness, it is just irritating. So I change it out for added survivalibity, because that tends to be the issue as we tend to frequent 1+ hr t4 survivals, or wave 40+ t4d's. 


    As Agent_CHAR said, speed nova is a trickey thing, and a bad speed nova will be the demise of a team. Spamming the speed is a bad thing, too little is a bad thing. I tend to only use speed nova when I am doing a sechura run, get up high, spam my torid, and watch all the little creepy crawly bastards blow up in fast forward. 


    Sorry about the novel - if you can't tell, I'm a huge Nova fan. One of my first frames, and I used her a lot, and still do, because good Nova's are just hard to come by.


    --End of novel-- Good luck with your build. 

  11. sry to admit this too, but some people who join the clan end up leaving within 1 week to some other clan or end up making their own clan


    their only incentive to join mines was because they wanted to stock up on all the new research weapons in the labs before abandoning ship


    the social dynamic of clans is basically unrestricted free agency in sports



    similar to how WF sellers just fall victim to heavy discounts set by the buyer, clan leaders fall victim to flaky clan members who taper off to their own whim

    Thankfully, I haven't had that experience. Since January, I've only had to replace 4 members. Other than that, i actually keep a waiting list.

    Maybe you should try to figure out why you have such a high turn over. There's generally reason's people don't stick around.

  12. You're using a reactor, right? The differences between slow and speed nova shouldn't be so great that the forma use for one should hurt the ability for the other to even be used.  Hell, I'm pretty sure mine has no forma and works for both.



    Exactly. Unless he just got a really dumb build from Warframe Builder, which there are plenty of them out there....

  13. The problem is that sooner or later, players don't focus on gameplay that much and all they want to do is to complete everything there is and be done with it. This leads players to find the most efficient way of playing, boring and dull grind, never ending chore that fills the bars as fast as possible.


    Warframe would need a complete progression overhaul to get rid of this issue, until that is done, every fix is going to be a bandaid.



    Couldn't be explained any better! +1


    It is bad when you can do go a 20w tower defense and max a weapon out, but if you were to go and clear all the nodes on a planet, buy the time you were done with it, your weapon still wouldn't be maxed out. 

  14. Thanks. Slow nova it is.

    Why not both, it's only a difference in 1, maybe 2 mods depending on your build, and you simply replace those 1/2 mods, with 1 mod. 


    I have both Nova builds, polarities no issue. All slots with maxed out mods. 


    (E.X. Leave your build the same between the 2, just remove your + power strength mod(s), for the 1 - power strength mod, and you are set. Then, if you have an open mod slot still, you can use a low ranked intensify to slightly alter the speed, I generally run a r1 intensify on my speed nova build, to help slow them down just a touch so things don't get "too" quick.)

  15. i tried this earlier in the AM took me and 7 other randoms an hour to get done with 4 of the tower things to explode Vay Hek was getting pissed over it then poof one of the guys said everyone frooze up and was kicked from the game.. i dont know if this normally happens but i am curious just how hard is the raid all the way through as its my first time doing it and i was able to kill the level 70 enemies with ease using my Soma Prime with the mods i had on it thanks to warframe builder but other then that i would be shot by 2-3 enemies and die in 2-3 seconds does this normally happen in the raid as well? i was a rhino prime lvl 30 my rank is 8... i am also curious what do you get from completing it?



    That is the first stage, which takes about 10 minutes to do all 4 of them. The second stage is the puzzle and hijack stage, which combined takes about 15-25 minutes to do, depending on if you have any wipes during the puzzle. Third stage is against Vey Hek, which takes about 5 minutes, sometimes 10, depending on how your team is built. Overall, 40 minutes or less and the whole raid can be easily done. 


    Also, as far is Loki goes, we run 2 perma-invis Loki's for our raid group. They handle all hacking, they are final warframes for the puzzle, they activate hijack floor triggers, and vey hek door triggers. From my experience in the raid, a loki that isn't invis, isn't playing their part. Everyone has different experiences though. 

  16. Ive also tried other squishier frames like Ash and Banshee, but i got very annoyed of their squishyness, i think i got too used with Frost's style.




    Ash....squishy? Really? Try moving a little bit. It sounds like you are wanting a bullet sponge, which if that is the case, go get Valk and live in hysteria. By the sounds of it, and the way you described your experience with Frost, you are used to having a globe around you, and probably not moving much. 


    Ash is by far more than capable of not going down and dealing a crap load of damage, along with Volt (prime), Chroma....well, actually almost all the frames are durable if you aren't standing around getting shot. Ember and Excal (non re-worked Excal) are the bottom, and they only get better from there. 


    Also, sounds like you may not have been playing for very long as well, if that is your limited experiences with frames. You will be limited by your mods capability more than the frame depending on how you have upgraded your mods so far. 

  17. I don't think people should worry about it. If someone thinks it's fun to sit there and do nothing pretty much, then so be it. Who am I to say how someone should enjoy the game.

    I do have an issue with it being one of the most rewarding ways to get some resources, xp, etc. Overall, unless you are doing something of this fashion, the game just isn't rewarding for your time. If they gave people reasons to do other nodes, it may not be an issue at all.

    You can adapt a Mesa and Greedy Mag to do almost anything depending on the supporting cast.

  18. I imagine we will find out once Volt Prime PA is taken down. 


    If their time line still stands, we will have a week before the new PA, and at that time they will announce what changes, if any, will be made. My guess would be Mag as well though. As far as weapons, no clue. 

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