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Everything posted by Xarantur

  1. i've been using the Syam duviri nikana a lot lately clearing the steel path and i've noticed the heavy attack wave gets stopped by doorways and also certain hallways like where you rescue people for vox solaris rep. because when i step outside said doorway i can get the heavy attack wave of fine but not otherwise. what usually happens i heavy attack and then the wave jumps into the roof and then sometimes back down ahead and entirely missing an enemy directly in front of me. seems to be happening on certain inclines too, where the attack goes forward and then lands after a brief period completely not registering the enemy in proximity to the wave. The second bug is that i noticed the sound for when you do a front finisher with the Syam the volume is somewhere around 80-95% less so it just a little "tink" sound and not much else the back finisher and others animations have proper sound levels
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