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Posts posted by LuLu_HoHo

  1. I can't say I'm overjoyed with this news... At all!! 

    First off, this is great for new players, people that were not here during this primes first pass. Also, this will drive the prices on this gear down by quite a bit, again a very good thing for new players!

    Now... my issue with this "new addition" to baro's wares is WHERE ARE THE NEW STUFF? Every time we have baro paying us a visit(since his "rework") he always has something NEW. Is it useful? Not always, but it is NEW!

    I am a veteran player DE, I have been enjoying WF from more than 2 years now... I already OWN all this prime gear! This new isn't new at all!!

    And here is my issue with it... Now we will be seeing valted relics instead of brand new mods, or weapons, or cosmetics... Baro's visit just won't mean anything to me :(

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  2. It's reassuring to see a good explanation about this role thing... Although some of this changes worry me a bit. One of the best things regarding Phage is it's ammo efficiency, and long sessions of firing your beams around, this is a needed feature for a weapon with such a singular mechanics attached with its wide/narrow spread, this change on economy will hurt her a lot, I fear it will make it just as bad as the convectrix... Is my understanding accurate? Or am I reading way to much and mistaken here? Also, convectrix its self is SOMEHOW getting a even worse ammo economy if I got it all right...

  3. I'm not asking about the price of rivens, but rather the estatistical data regarding the possible stats themselves!

    I see around people "greading" rivens, based on how high are the %s on each stats... How do we know how high can a stat be? 

    I also see people posting what looks like a SS of an app with the riven pick and a grade based on A+ to C- on its stats... What is the name of this app?

  4. A bit old anwers... But here we go! lol

    I got a CC/CD riven for mine and it was a very good 1k investment, this thing with a normal 5 forma CRIT build(Serration/SplitChamber/HeavyCal/PointStrike/VitalSense/2xDualStatElement/Riven).This build allowed me to bring my Ignis to a long Orokin survivor, we left at 40min and the Ignis was still keeping up!

    If you can afford a riven for it, the CRIT build is AWESOME! If you are not willing to go this extra mile I would highly suggest just using the default status build with focus on fire rate!

  5. Looking forward to know... I'm a few days away from the 650d reward,and wondering if we are going to catch a new weapon or if they will break the cycle and give us a new primed mod.

    In regards to the very long goals that the log in system provides... I agree with people about it been to much... 700 days of commitment to a game, this S#&$ is indeed insane!!!


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